The Plane

Trapped on Exo Island

Alright, so this is a re-update of the chapter that was lost in all the AFF problems. I'm SO SORRY for not updating, I truly feel terrible, but I promise the next chapter will be posted soon~ Sorry again for the wait! :(


Xiumin furrowed his eyebrows with his eyes still closed, awoken from his peaceful sleep.


He slowly rubbed his eyes and raised himself up, yawning in the process. Xiumin nudged Lay, making him twist and turn when the car-like noise erupted again. Then, all members' eyes were wide open, wondering what the source of the noise was coming from.

"Let's go wake up ________," Kris finally said. As they made your way over to your hut, it seemed as if the sound has gotten closer and closer to them , resulting in their quickening pace.

"________," Tao poked your cheek. You grumbled in your sleep before rubbing your eyes and stretching.

"Yes?" you asked in a low, monotone voice, obviously still exhausted.

"There's a-" Luhan started, but was cut off by the echoing sound.


Your eyes widened once you noticed what the only thing could be. "Plane."

"Plane!" you stated, your voice getting louder and louder.

"There's a plane outside right now! Hurry!" you ushered them out of your house after jumping down yourself. You sprinted as fast as you could to the beach, grabbing the stack of firewood you collected that morning. The others slowly followed behind.

"This is good because it's nighttime. Then the fire will be easier to see," you explained as you were trying your best to start the fire. You glanced up every now and then to see if it has left yet, but it was still hovering around the same area.

Once you got the spark started, you began screaming at the top of your lungs, making Kris and Chen wince from surprise. Taking the hint, Xiumin then began hollering as well, igniting the others' shouts. Soon, the whole island was engulfed by the shrieks of the desperate people.

The aircraft danced in the air, twisting and turning. It then stopped in one spot, almost teasing them.

You heard Luhan start talking, like he was praying or something. Chen started muttering under his breath, "Please... please..."

It circled one more time, paced from front and back before zooming off in the other direction.

Everyone cried out in frustration. You, on the other hand, was used to the feeling many times before, so it did not affect you in any way, except it left utter confusion. That's not possible, the fire should have been totally visible at night... you tapped your chin in thought before sighing deeply. Maybe they really didn't see it, then...

Luhan was the one that seemed the most depressed out of all of them. He sat there against a tree stump, throwing sticks and rocks everywhere. You slightly chuckled, noticing his small pout before walking up to him and sitting next to him while the others continued to vent out their anger.

He acted like you weren't there and continued throwing everything everywhere. You poked his cheek to . He turned his head the other way. "Luuuuhaaan~!" you called for him cutely. Totally irritated, Luhan folded his arms across his chest.

"It's okay," you tried comforting him. "It happens all the time."

"Yeah but if they can't even see a huge glowing fire in the dark, then what can they see during the day?" he rolled his eyes.

"Well maybe they'll send out another pilot that isn't so clueless next time. I mean, you are idols after all, right? People are probably aching to find you. Although I've never heard of your group until a week ago, I'm pretty darn sure that you're worth a lot more than just one rescue trip," you comforted him. The expression on his face slowly softened as he planted a small kiss on your cheek. You froze.

"Thanks, ________," he pat your head twice before taking off to go with the other members back to their hut. You sat there, still in shock with what happened. You brushed your fingertips over the spot he kissed you on. His lips felt warm and nice, exactly how you thought they would feel. You replayed the moment again in your head, sending shivers down your spine.

Why do I feel so giddy? It was just a peck on the cheek... as friends. He was just thankful, that's all.... you kept on thinking, but the more you thought about it as a friendly gesture, the more you started disliking the idea. I'm probably just tired.

Luhan's POV

I automatically exhaled deeply once back in the hut, knowing I didn't have to hold my breath anymore since ________ wasn't around.

I have. Absolutely. No idea. Why I. Did. That. I guess it was just in the moment, and I was really thankful to her... but then why do I feel so flustered now??? Aish, all of this is... too confusing. I'll think about it more tomorrow.

*Next day, back to third person POV*

After the whole plane incident, you did not sleep a wink afterwards. No matter how much you tried to shake off the whole kiss, it would just come back to haunt you. I don't think I'll be able to even look at Luhan today...

And... just your luck. He was the first one up and was coming over to visit you.

He knocked on the outside of it first, despite the fact he could see you clearly through the large opening, he still wanted to let you know that he was planning on entering. You nodded once as he let himself inside.

Soon enough, silence engulfed the small room as you were fixing a few things up and he was looking around, noticing Sabin, Dooly, and your monkey, Oren. Finally, you decided to speak up.

"So... are the members still sleeping?" you asked. He shrugged.

"Last time I checked, they were. But I'm pretty sure Chen woke up, he just didn't want to get up," he responded. You nodded.



"Look we have to talk about yesterday..."

"So about yesterday..."

You both said at the same time. You stared at each other blankly before gesturing for him to speak first. He cleared his throat before he started to talk.

"So about yesterday... I'm sorry. It was in the moment, you must be so freaked out now," he apologized. You furrowed your eyebrows.

"Why are you apologizing?" you chuckled. "I-It's fine," you slightly stuttered, mentally cursing yourself for it.

"Cool... well that was it... I'll just... wake the others," he awkwardly excused himself and calmly left your presence. Once he did, you clutched your chest and let a sigh pass your lips.

Why am I so upset that he didn't really mean it??? I just wish... we could become less awkward and tense with each other...


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Chapter 17: This fic is awesome <3

Well, hope you update soon then :P
Chapter 17: Nice ending ms-busy-as-ever!! Seven freaking months girl;) anyway, awesome update xD
ItzumiAiehara #3
Chapter 17: Good solution~ the moment when Kris realised what's his feeling towards her makes me laughed, he's like 'Oh I don't like her? YEAHH YEPPIII' sort of like that...
Chapter 17: yaaaay that's good I didn't want to have to see the two of them fighting over her and OMG SO MUCH CHEEEEEESE
Chapter 16: Cute! But will Kris actually go after her? I would like to see some interactions between the two of them... Also, a love triangle Luhan-___-Kris would be nice!
Bugsbunnee #6
Chapter 16: Ahhhh!!! They're so cute! But I wish she would end up with kris since I feel sorry for him. Ur characters are funny btw. Nice update!
This sounds interesting.