chapter 06

The devil inside
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After the unpleasant meeting with Se Hun, I came back home around 7:30. Once I unlocked the door, I heard my father’s well-known laughter, in addition to two other familiar voices. 
I was an antisocial kid who didn’t appreciate having unpredicted guests after a long day at school, so after taking of my dirty sneakers, I tiptoed to the kitchen, hoping to skip the unnecessary meeting with my father’s friends or whoever they were.
However, my plan was wrecked when dad called my name, making me freeze on the spot, roll my eyes, and mutter few curses before turning around with a fake smile.

“Where were you going? Someone has been asking about you” dad said as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder, leading me to the living room. Of course I was extremely uninterested in whoever was there, not to mention that Minah was also there, but I was caught off guard when I walked in.

“Oh my god! Baek!” I yelled and run to his arms. We collided in a bone-crashing hug for few seconds. The owner of the second voice was none other that Jonghyun, his brother. I bowed politely to the older guy and grabbed Baek from his wrist, dragging him upstairs and leaving the rest of the family dumbfounded.

I shrieked in excitement and bounced as I hugged the person I missed the most. He pulled out and analyzed me from head to toe “Something is wrong with you?”. I frowned hard at his statement and checked myself “what do you mean?”
“You’ve lost weight, in less than a week; also your face is pale like you’ve seen a ghost. In addition to that, you’re tying your hair in a bun instead of letting it down like you used to, and you’re even acting all cheerful and girly. Do you mind telling me what the hell happened to you?” the eye-liner boy went all Patrick Jane on me and I had an overwhelming urge of slapping him right across the face.
“Baek, shut he up, nothing happened, I’m just happy you’re here”
“Really?” he curved his lips in a cute smile as he opened his arms.
“Yeah, really” I hugged him for the third time and we sat on my bed, “So, how’s Busan?”

He rested his head on my lap and stared up to my eyes, telling me how the gang missed me, how some snotfaces were relieved because I wasn’t around anymore...

“What about mom? Is she still with that sleaze ball?” I asked with a lethargic face, when in fact my heart was exploding. I was hoping that Baek would tell me that she got into an accident and couldn’t tell me, but he never spoke.
I looked down at him and saw him fiddling with the hem of his shirt, staring at it intensely like it was the most interesting thing in the world.

“Hey did you hear what I said?” I flicked his forehead and he scowled at me before sitting properly. He still didn’t give me an answer and tried to change the topic “How’s school?”
“You wouldn’t like it if I hid things from you, right? So stop beating around the bush and tell me what’s going on” it was the first time in a while I spoke this seriously, and it was also the first time in a while I’ve seen my friend this hesitant about something.
“He moved in with her” Baekhyun uttered flatly, eyes not daring to gaze at mine. I cocked an eyebrow, because moving in with her was nothing surprising. Well, that was what I thought until he voiced the unexpected, cautiously raising his head to look at me.

“They’re getting engaged, this Saturday” he said quickly and looked away. I deadpanned. 
The news hit me like a fast horse and the only thing I could do was voice a small ‘Oh’. The male in front of me gazed at me for a mere second before engulfing me in a warm hug, running a hand through my hair and mumbling how sorry he was, although it wasn’t his fault.
I didn’t realize my body was shaking until he hugged me tighter and dragged me closer to him until I was sitting on his lap. One single tear rolled down from the corner of my eye, followed by a hollow chuckle that vibrated in my chest, making the eye liner boy pull away and stare at me with concerned eyes.

“Yuri? Are you okay?” 
“Yeah,” I smiled, “Yeah, why wouldn’t I be? That was kind of expected, right?” 

I could see the guilt forming on Baekhyun’s face as he twisted his mouth for a mere moment before standing up “You know what? Let’s go out and buy some junk food” 

Going out with my childhood best friend was better than staying at home and talking about things (or people) I didn’t want to think of. We made up for the time we lost; we drank, ate, and got crazy in the streets.

“Want some cotton candy?” Baekhyun asked as he dragged me to this shop where they sold all types of sweets. I frowned hard “do I look like a seven-years-old prima ballerina?”
“Some things never change” he ruffled my hair and I swatted his hand away, tiptoeing so I could pinch his nose, making him yelp like a little girl.
Some girls passing by were eying him from head to toe, giggling at his cuteness, and giving me curious looks, because me and my buddy were wearing matching military jackets, looking like a couple.   

We ended up buying chocolate truffles, pink candy floss, white chocolate chips, and vanilla-flavored muffins. The thing is, Baehyun was a er for sweets, so he insisted we should sit somewhere and devour them before going back home.

“You know sugary things make you all giggly Bacon” I said as I popped a chocolate truffle in my mouth, letting it melt like a piece of heaven.
“I could say the same about you, sister. You become this semi-drunk tease who is unbelievably girly and full of charm” he wiggled his eyebrows and I playfully smacked his head.
“True” I mumbled as we finished all the sweets we bought, grinning in contentment. One of the things that Baekhyun and I shared was that saccharine would easily affect our system. 

He kneeled before me as he showed me his back “hop on my back”. I obliged without a word and he jumped a bit, making me sit comfortably.
The piggyback ride made me reminisce memories from my childhood, the ones we shared in the park nearby the neighborhood. I got suddenly homesick. I wanted to leave Seoul and comeback to my old city, beg my mother so she can accept me back in the house, and return to the life I had with Baekhyun and other persons, but no. I couldn’t because my pride and arrogance wouldn’t allow me.
Staying in Seoul meant having a fresh start, and I wouldn’t risk it by starting new fights. The only thing I would regret though would be not seeing Baekhyun on daily basis. 
The sugar played with my head, making me almost tear up. I leaned in and pecked Baekhyun’s temple, catching him off-guard.

“Dongsaeng, I guess the sugar is really getting to your brain” he chuckled and hopped once again.
“Are you alright?”
“No goddamit! You’re heavy as ” he dropped me abruptly and I landed on my , yelping.
“Baekhyun you little , you’ll regret this!” 
“Catch me if you can!” he cooed and scurried away, laughing like a lunatic. I quickly got on my feet and chased after him “Wait! You son of—” the words got caught in my mouth and I stopped dead in my tracks as my eyes landed on one of the missing spawns of Satan; Oh Sehun. 
His body was lea

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Chapter 24: it's been almost a year author-nim. Hope you'd consider to finish this soon. Hwaiting!
Cuddly12 #2
Chapter 24: Omg I want to slap that b*tch minah
Chapter 24: Is the cause of her pale-ish figure was because of bei...seolma, is she p-preg-gy? Omo!! Can't wait to read the next update!! Hope u update today.?kk
Chapter 23: I am reader too in wattpad!! I got hoooked into this storyyy sooo much~
gumho_starlight #5
Chapter 23: i would love a sequel
New reader here....
New reader here....
ggexotica #8
Chapter 23: Finaaaaaaally... thanks for your update, and sequel would be nice. Thanks: )
Why does there's a freaking at the poster? O_O
sehunniebangbang #10
Chapter 20: Aaaaaaggh update please!! Aaagghsjgszkdkllsaagsjdksl