Chapter 16

The devil inside
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It had been exactly a week since my mother arrived, three days since our team was qualified to the semi-finals, and few minutes since my father stepped through the door. I had to admit that seeing him was nothing of a big deal for me.

After unenthusiastic hugs and greeting, the family gathered in the TV room, and silence was the heaviest thing in the air. Luhan, being the peacemaker, tried to make conversation about work, in which he succeeded, but was cut shortly by my mother’s gleeful interrupting

“We have to organize a party, to which we invite the company’s partners, people from the neighborhood…” she said, “let’s make it a welcome party and our twenty-fifth anniversary” she sent a romantic (disgustingly teenage-like) look to my father. Mom was Mrs. Happiness Brightside of the century, always acting like the whole world was a big fluffy ball of vivid cupcakes and rainbows.

The idea seemed to get dad’s attention and he agreed immediately, assigning my mother and letting her in charge of everything. Afterwards, Luhan engaged my father in a business-centered conversation, and everything they said was blurred to me.

I was more or less interested in my parents’ comeback, knowing well that they were in Seoul just for another business matter before they went back to China.

I abandoned the living room and went upstairs to my room, thinking of things I could do for the rest of the night, when my mother suddenly knocked and walked in.

Trying politely to ask her what she was doing in my room, I couldn’t help but notice some sheets in her hand.

“Oh, well, I thought that maybe you could help me with the guests’ list”. What do I know about guests? I had no idea why she was suddenly asking me to help her but I couldn’t say no anyway, so I my laptop and started typing the names she was saying.


“Mr. Jung and his wife,” she said, “I wasn’t going to invite them because Mrs. Jung made a rude comment about my choice of earrings two years ago, but your father said that they were important clients” and huffed.

“Mrs. Park and her two sons, Park Chanyeol and Park Chansung”

“Mr. Kim and Dr. Kim Sekyung, alongside their daughters—”


Se … kyung?


“—Kim Minah and Kim Yuri” I whirled around too fast that my mother flinched and regarded me with a confused gaze. I absolutely had no idea of my family being friends with Yuri’s, a thing that turned out to be in my favor, because hell yes I was going to see the girl outside school even if she had curfew. However, the excitement died as soon as it bloomed, and it occurred to me that she wouldn’t be able to come since she is on embargo.

“Honey, are you alright?” my mother’s voice cut off my string of thoughts. I resumed typing with one thought occupying my mind.


*     *     *     *     *


On Thursday Yuri didn’t show up for lunch, that’s why I ditched the table and stalked for the homeroom, where Namji told me she’ll be.

The door was fully open, allowing me to secretly watch her while she was hunched over the table, furiously scribbling something on her book. She seemed deep in thought, a scowl marring her brows while she was nibbling on her pen cap. Her smile was victorious when she found what she was looking for, immediately writing it down before tucking an escaped tendril of hair behind her ear. The gesture was so casual, yet made my heart beat faster, as cheesy as it sounded.

Deciding to step from my surveillance tower, I walked up to her and her head snapped up the moment I pulled a chair and sat in front of her.


“Did I scare you?” she blinked twice, too fast, and then shook her head with a denying sound. The paper was full of numbers, curves, equations and formulas, almost looking like a Horror Vacui.

“What’s that?”

“Homework for math class; I’m supposed to submit it this afternoon” she replied after writing her name in the up corner of the double sheet. “Here, take a look; I’ve improved in math, though I still need help with some things”

I inspected the home test; it was indeed well done, but there was a small, almost unnoticeable writing at the end of the page that caught my attention: error syntax.

“Error syntax?” I barked a laugh. She blushed and smiled sheepishly “I tried to solve the last equation, but whenever I square the value of ‘x’, I get Syntax error, which means that I’m a jackass”

“Says who?”

“Says the mathematician who was on CCTV last night” she said and shrugged “besides, I really don’t care, I feel like I’ve done pretty well for the first time in my life” and added proudly, yawning and stretching her arms behind her head “I still need help in some things though”


“I can help”. Her eyes shone bright and her lips broke into an awed grin “Oh my god you’ll help me?” her voice was hopeful like a five-years-old kid asking if Santa was coming this year even if he did bad things. Nodding enthusiastically, I couldn’t help but mentally slap myself twice for reacting like a love-struck teenage going through puberty. Maybe the first part was true. I was her master (in a completely professional and un--like way), and lately I’ve been letting my guard all the way down, allowing her a peek through my emotions, something she shouldn’t know of, for the time being at least.


For the next half an hour I tutored the frustrating female in ‘Limits’ and ‘Trigonometry’ , in which she seemed to struggle, but she quickly wrapped her head around the two lessons, making me proud of her somehow.

“Thanks” she said and rested her head on her forearms that were already folded on the desk.

“You’re welcome” I leaned my cheek against my palm while my elbow was supported on the wooden surface, watching as her chin sank behind her forearms, her cheekbones and eyes the only things allowed to be seen. And all of a sudden, I felt a light kick in the shin.

I frowned but the frown dissipated as soon as it showed, for she giggled in the most girly way and an alluring shade of ruby dusted her cheeks. She was being playful, and it did crazy things to my insides, as corny and greasy as it sounded.

So I did just like her; I rested my chin on my forearms, and she almost flinched back. Almost. Our foreheads were only few inches away and I could hear her faint breath, and just like the other day, we played a wrestling game under the desk, or something more like footsie.

Hell, I would let my guard down anytime if it meant that I’ll witness her being all playful, all cute, adorable, beautiful, especially when she tucks her hair behind her ear. Her feminine charms were driving me to the borders of sanity.


*     *     *     *     *


The day passed by in a blur and I was on the way home, with Yuri. Unlike before, the silence was comfortable, lasting until we arrived at her place.

“So, no homework for me tonight?”

“No,” I answered “I think I’ll let you off the hook for few days”

“Why? You said that you were going to take advantage of me” she actually flushed at her own words. I held my hand back and shoved it in my pocket before it could reach out and pinch her cheeks.

“Well,” she started, pulling the straps of her backpack “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow”

“Maybe not tomorrow” I smiled mischievously and took few steps back, staring at her confused scowl.

“Hey, what do you mean?” I didn’t answer her and instead turned around and jogged hastily to the other side of the street, leaving the girl mystified at her door step.


 *     *     *     *     *


At half past ten, I gathered pebbles and stood under the window, and carefully looking around, I started throwing them at the glass, hoping that I was hitting the right window. A short, slightly chubby figure shadowed the veranda and I quickly hid behind a tree.

It appeared to be Yuri’s father, and the realization nearly caused my heart to stop. He was scanning the area with accusing eyes. Holy medusa. I was praying the lord with crossed fingers that Mr. Kim wouldn’t see me.

When he shrugged and pulled the blinds after a moment I heaved a sigh. What would I have told him if he had caught a glimpse of me? Hi, I’m the prince in shining armor, I came here to save damsel in distress from her lonely time in the tower. P.s: we’ll be back after one in the morning.


Silently, I sneaked to the backyard of the house, and right then, I knew that god must’ve loved me, because the girl was standing by the balcony, her wavy brown hair cascading down, almost reaching her waist.

One pebble. Two pebbles.

She turned around, eyes wide and expression terrified, looking like she saw the mythical sphinx.


“What are you doing here?” she hissed loudly and incredulously, bending over the balcony.

“Come down” hissed back, trying to be as discreet as possible. And a moment later I received a text: ‘Are you insane? I’m grounded and u know that.’

I typed back ‘I know, but you’re my slave, so get down, we have lots to do’ I looked up at her, trying to gauge out her reaction while she read the message

‘What abt Rob?’

‘Bring the dog’

‘Gimme two minutes’



The two minutes turned into fifteen, and fifteen became thirty. She made her appearance by eleven ten.

“What took you so long?” I asked once she stood in front of me, holding a sleeping Rob in her arms.

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Chapter 24: it's been almost a year author-nim. Hope you'd consider to finish this soon. Hwaiting!
Cuddly12 #2
Chapter 24: Omg I want to slap that b*tch minah
Chapter 24: Is the cause of her pale-ish figure was because of bei...seolma, is she p-preg-gy? Omo!! Can't wait to read the next update!! Hope u update today.?kk
Chapter 23: I am reader too in wattpad!! I got hoooked into this storyyy sooo much~
gumho_starlight #5
Chapter 23: i would love a sequel
New reader here....
New reader here....
ggexotica #8
Chapter 23: Finaaaaaaally... thanks for your update, and sequel would be nice. Thanks: )
Why does there's a freaking at the poster? O_O
sehunniebangbang #10
Chapter 20: Aaaaaaggh update please!! Aaagghsjgszkdkllsaagsjdksl