So Cute!

Please....I'm So Sorry



Junhyung POV

When I went home yesterday, Dujun had waiting for me in front of the door. I was so shocked. Why he did standing in front of the door? Yoseob. It must be his work. I’ll get that boy later!

“Where are you just now huh?” he said.

“Well, I got stuck in the hospital just now” I said in nervous tone.

“Do you mind to tell me?” Dujun said

Then I told him what happened from the start to the end where I am now except about that Byunghun guy crying.

I chuckled a little bit when I thought about it. Then Dujun interrupt my thought “What’s so funny?”

“Urm...nothing” I said. Please don’t be mad. He sure frightening when he is mad. He is a good leader though.

“You are lucky that manager didn’t come to check on us tonight” he said and smiling.

“Yah! You are scaring me!” I said and give a punch on his arm.

“Oww! Yah! You are the one at fault. Who said you can ran out of the dorm whenever you want?”

“Mianhe. I just want to be alone for a while”

Suddenly Yoseob popped out of nowhere and ask about the girl.

“Yah! Who is the girl you are talking about? Is she pretty?”

“Shhh...can you slow down your voice? Other members sleep already. Don’t disturb them will you?” I said

“Arasso...but you promise me you will tell me about her!” Yoseob complained.

“That’s right. You did mention about a girl earlier. Who is she?” now Dujun asking

“Just a random girl. I think she’s pretty though” I said while imagined her face when the first time I saw her earlier.

“Woah~ Look! Someone in love here~” Yoseob said while nudging at me.

“No I’m not! Now, go to sleep will you?” I said looking frustated

“Yeah. I think we should sleep now. You want to clean up first?” Dujun said

“Yup. I want to fresh up. Besides, I promise to visit her again tomorrow” I said and went to the bathroom

“Now you are on his side huh? It’s no fun!” Yoseob whined like a little boy

“Seobbie-ah, stop it ok? I’m tired already" Dujun said

"But..." before Yoseob could finish his word, Dujun continued

"I’ll treat you something tomorrow ok?” Dujun said while yawning

“Really? You promised me. Don’t regret about it later” Then he skipped and ran to his room.

The next day, I woke up early because I want to visit that girl. Just thinking about that girl makes my heart fluttering. What’s wrong with me? Before I went to the hospital, I stop for a while in a grocery shop. What should I buy for them? I’m wondering and finally I bought some fruits. It’s good for sick people. Then, I walked past by a bakery shop. I’m thinking, should I buy them cake? That L.Joe guy had said about their birthday. They still have the day though. I bought for them anyway. Why am I doing this? They are not anyone to me. Aish...what’s happening to me?! Before I know, I had arrived in front of the door of that Mi Young girl. I’m hesitant at first but I knocked the door finally. I heard someone said “Wait!”

When he opens the door I’m acting normally “Hi!” I said and walking in.

Then I start taking out what I bought earlier. It seems that Mi Young girl didn’t wake up yet.

I begin “Hey, I bring you some food. I know that you will be hungry. Besides, I bought you and your sister... TAA-DAAA!”

He seems shock.

“Why?” then he asked.

“Well” I begins. “You told me last night that it’s supposed that you celebrated your birthday together. So, you still have the day. You can celebrate it later when she wakes up. Oh! Hey, don’t cry anymore dude. You lost your cool image already”

Then I chuckled. He’s acting like O.M.G. he better didn’t spit out about it to everyone.

“Hey, relax a bit. I’ll keep it secret.” I said with a smile

He relaxed a little bit and said “Urm...thanks” with a smile

We talked about many random things to kill time. Besides, I get to know him more. He is younger than me. He still in high school and he is in his senior year. Eventhough there are many different between us, we still have something in common though. You guess what? We have cool friends around us that will help us whenever we need. He said that they are called TeenTop and there are six of them including him just like mine. I told you we have something in common.

Suddenly our conversation stops because we heard Mi Young calling L.Joe “Oppa?”

L.Joe was so happy seeing his sister awake.

“Mi Young? Mi Young! Yah! Don’t make me worried again arasso? I thought I’m gonna die seeing you like this!” L.joe lecturing like a mom. It’s weird to see him like this.

 “Oppa” Mi Young said while motioned him to come near her.

“Yes Mi Young?” he said with full of concerned. I can see it in his eyes.

“You know I’m still sick here” she said in a low voice

“Sorry. I supposed not to yell at you. Mianhe” he said like he will burst into tears. I wonder if I get to see his crying face again today.

A smile crept on her face. “Oppa”

“Hmmm?” he still looking on the ground

“Saengil chukae~” she said in playful tone

“What?” then he blinked a few times. Still processing what his dongsaeng saying just now.

“Oh. Mi Young! You scared me! Aish this girl...” he said

Then they burst into laughter. They are cute siblings! The way they tease each other make me wants to hug them like I hug my Pikachu!

“Ehem!” I fake a cough so they would notice me.

“Hi! I’m Junhyung, nice to meet you. How are you feeling right now?”

“Hi, nice to meet you too. I’m Mi Young”she said while tried to sit but it seems like herbody aching.

“Oww” she said

“No no. Just lay down. You need more rest” I said. “By the way” I continued “Did you guys...urm...twins?”

I can’t help not to asking them. I’m just curious. They may be not a twins or maybe they are.

They glanced at each other. Then they smiled and said in unison “YUP!”

“Oh...” that’s all I can said. “Then I will go first since I have something to do. I’ll see you later. Get well soon!”

And with that I went. They need some space. I’ll visit them again sometimes. May be tomorrow? I chuckled in my thought. What a beautiful day~



Hmm...what should I cook for Mi Young? Traditional food or western food? I’ll make her western food since she loves my spaghetti. I’ll make potion many of us? Mi Young, Byunghun, Jonghyun and me! Oh, and that Se Kyung girl. I’m not that cruel. I’ll make for her also, and the maid! I love to cook! I should start it.

Now, I’m in the mode of umma. No one can disturb me. While I’m cooking I heard someone closed the door. Who is it? I saw the maid and asked her

“Hey you” I said

“Yes sir? Is it me?” she asked in wonder

“Yeah. What’s your name?” I asked politely

“Urm...Christine sir but you can call me Chris for short” she smiled

“Alright. May I ask you who went out just now?”

“Oh! That’s Miss Se Kyung. She said that she want to wonder around the town. She will not be back until night”

“I see. Thank you Chris” I smiled

“My pleasure to help you sir” and with that she continue her works.

And me? Of course stay focus with the dishes so that Mi Young will say that I’m the best! When the dishes almost finish, I thought of Jonghyun. Where is he? Is he still sleeping? Suddenly, I heard someone coughing made his way to the kitchen.

“Key” he said almost like whispering and coughs again. “What are you doing?”

“I’m cooking for Mi Young. She’s in the hospital. Do you want to come?” I asked

“No. I just want to sleep more. I feel tired. Where’s Se Kyung?” and coughs again.

“She went out just now. She said that she will not be back until night. Hey, are you alright?”

“Is that so? Yeah I’m alright. Just a little coughs. Nothing bad” and with that he made his way to his room.

What’s wrong with him? His face is pale. I’m sure he is sick. I’ll check on him later. OMG! My spaghtetti!




Hi! Nice to meet you all again~

How about this chapter? Is it too lame? Boring?

I thought that it getting boring. How about some drama after this and some evil plans?

Right now I want to show about everyone thought. That's why there is too much peron of view here

Sorry~ :P

However, can you help me?

I want a poster for my story before it comes to the end.

and lastly....thanks for spending time to read my story!

P/s: Dont forget to subscribe! ^^

-kamsahamnida- *bow* ^^

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Chapter 16: so thrilling! I can't wait until the next update.
nurultazkiaa #2
Chapter 16: OMG what will happen? update soon, please :D
Update soon, please! >.<
OMG What the heck did happen Omg<br />
updated soon ^^
HI-YEEEEOOOOMM. OHHH JUNSEUNG! I SAW JUNSEUNG! JUNSEUNG! JUNSEUNG! KYAHAHA XD when will your next update? I want some JunSeung, may I :D LOL. <br />
<br />
okaay, some words for you. You improved in writing, especially this chapter. and I love you for that. hoho. so, parli, FINISH IT UP! :)<br />
<br />
iloveyou,babe :)
@shine_star<br />
i will~ ^^<br />
<br />
@winterflowr<br />
yup he finally confesses! ^^
winterflowr #7
Jiyong you bad person!!<br />
Poor Junhyung...but Hyunseung finally confesses!
#8<br />
omg hyunseung is gay ewwwwwwwwwww<br />
hhh updated soon ^^
ohdeerluhan #9
keke...finally i havetime to read ur story...<br />
and 4 bufday wishes,kamsa hamnida!
winterflowr #10
Se Kyung is pure E-V-I-L<br />
i wonder how MiYoung is going to escape her death?<br />
Update soon!