Banana milk and Cigarettes

My Lovely Bone-r

The next day, the whispers and the stares became even more suffocating than before. It might have been the fact that Sehun came home at 2 in the morning and didn't sleep much at all but, it was annoying. 

He couldn't even lift his head up as he reached his desk. He was that exhausted. 

"Sehun oppa~" A soft voice came from beside him.

He groggily turned his chair around to face a really pretty girl. Before he would've blushed from being so close to a girl, but now he was to sleepy to even care.

The girl help up a bottle of banana milk in front of him. " Urm.. You looked really tired so I thought you should have it." After saying that, she placed the bottle down and fled to her seat.

Sehun was confused. 

What just happened? He opened the lid and sniffed the bottle to see if had anything wrong with it. It smelled completely fine. He checked the date. It still had many days till it went off. He sipped a little bit and it tasted every bit like the other banana milk he drank before. 

As he was about to ask the girl- JunHee her name was- why she gave him a perfectly fine banana milk, the teacher came inside the rowdy classroom. 

"Alright class, lets do the register..." And on the teacher went. Sehun decided that he would ask her about it later, but for now he would catch up on his sleep.  



Because he sat near the back, Sehun got away with sleeping till lunch time. The school bell was what woke up Sehun after two hours of blissful sleep. He was finally energized. He was stretching his arms when he remembered the question he wanted to ask that girl from before. 

He briskly walked to her seat near the front where he saw her talking quietly to her friend and packing her bag, getting ready for lunch. 

His voice was timid as he spoke, "Excuse me..." 

The girl's eyes widened when she realized who was speaking to her. She gulped and tried to flatten out her hair. "Y-yes." 

"You know the banana milk you gave me earlier..." 'Oh god, he doesn't like banana milk.' She thought in humiliation and nodded in fear. "Was that really for... me?" 

Again, she nodded. She was waiting for him to laugh at her and embarrass her in front of the whole class but that moment never came, thankfully. Instead, all that came from him was a question, "Why?" Sehun was quite puzzled. 

"Because... because.." She started. "Because..-"

She than got interrupted by her friend who was watching from the side with frustration. "Because she thinks you are cute for god's sake!" 

"Hanna!" Junhee just took her bags and ran away in mortification. And soon after her friend followed. 

Now, Sehun was really befuddled. In his head all that was going through was 'She thinks I am cute?' He just walked out of the classroom in daze when he saw Hayoung. She looked stressed out and was visibly shaking. 

'Oh no.' Sehun thought miserably. 'Don't tell me she's going to-" She was seen walking till the end of the corridor and turned right to go up the stairs, that led to the roof. 

He was right. 

He followed quietly behind her and closed the door of the roof behind him, quietly. As soon as he walked through the door, the September wind chilled him. It was a cloudy day with no yellow nor blue in the sky. In other words: It was a dreadfully depressing day. 

Hayoung was going through her bag clumsily and looked nearly in tears; then she found a packet of cigarettes and a lighter. She breathed out an audible sigh of relief. 

She flickered on the flame and lit her stick of death. Anyone could see that she looked considerably calmer after a puff of smoke. 

"Hayoung-ah..." Her eyes enlarged as she saw him and her eyes prickled out some tears. The tears looked pure, like water. After she saw him, she completely broke down. "Hayoung... Calm. Breathe. It's okay."  

He came closer and preceded to gather her up and give her a warm hug but she struggled; her cigarette long forgotten. He patted her back and sang her her 'calming' song and her struggling also soon became long forgotten. 

When he knew she was relatively calm, he asked, "What happened? Did it... happen again?" 

She nodded and sniffled. 

"Are you okay now?" He inquired. 

He didn't get a response but he didn't mind. He just quietly patted her back and thought about what happened over the last few years and how everything fell apart. He sighed. 

"Thank you..." Hayoung smiled softly, her words full of sincerity. Sehun's lips turned up slightly and he gave her a long, lingering kiss on the forehead. 

After the incident, this was common for them. Hayoung would have a panic attack about what happened and Sehun would comfort her in any way possible. He had to because, he was the only one who could do so. Because... he was there when it happened. And he couldn't do much to stop it.




Although it doesn't seem like there's much in this chapter, there's actually a lot. 

For example, Hayoung and Sehun's attachment to each other. What made Hayoung like that? And why did Sehun feel responsible for her safety so much? 

On the other hand, why is Sehun so delusional about his looks? He is obviously so hot and he thinks he's ugly. Why is that?

I know I said I was going to introduce Eunji here but... I got distracted with Hayoung. 

She is so interesting to write. :D 

I promise Eunji will be in the next chapter or the chapter after that! ^^. 

Thanks for reading! 

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Chapter 14: This story is good..But unfortunately you never finish it..
I hope one day
Evergreen751 #2
Oh my god I LOVE THIS STORY! I still don't know where you get your ideas (armpits??) XD And the mix of sweet, sad and comic works so well, you really relate to the characters. I love how protective Sehun is of Hayoung - he sees her as a sister, but I think he's starting to look at her in a different way... Maybe... And it's so cute how he comforted her after she tried to buy sleeping pills, you can tell how close they are and it seems like a familiar game of swapping facts. What I want to know is how she didn't know about his armpit thing, she seemed pretty shocked o.o XP And I loooove the last chapter, I wonder how Kai will take it, and whether EunJi would be more accepting if she knew the girl she just met was Sehun's 'girlfriend'... I think this could prompt Kai to tell Eunji what's between him and the Parks... TENSION! I hope we find out someday ^^

But anyway, the story is so beautiful, after thinking it would be pure fluffy comedy; it's heartwarming and emotional. You're so good at stepping into the lives of your characters ^^ They all have their own story, none of them are background characters - makes it so realistic and engaging at the same time :D Glad I could read this all through without having to wait for the cliffhangers to be resolved too ;) Amazing story!
Pinkpandainspiritexo #3
Chapter 14: please update soon~ i still kinda confused but nice story!!
Chapter 14: update soon
I just looked at the last updated date...have you really given up on this story?? That would be really sad...I hope you can continue even if it's been so long, many readers are still waiting♥
I was afraid it would be a super inappropriate story, but it's not! This is an awesome story!! Please keep updating and give us long chapters. I like this story very much, you're awesome authornim~
You have the weirdest ideas ever bro.
omfg. please. how could i have not seen this.

I think kai, channie and hayoung are all intertwined in the samething...

Eunji is starting to like kai enough where she doesnt feel completely lonely when hearing sehun news...

I think hayoung and eunji may find it awkward but honestly that was just a misunderstanding that could easily be cleared up...