Seyoung time.

My Lovely Bone-r

"Hayoung!" Sehun called out. The expression on her face was shock and pure terror as he came and punched the other guy in the face. He pulled her towards him and held her in a protective embrace. "If I see you anywhere near her, I will kill you." He seethed and the other guy looked ashen. 

Sehun was furious. He couldn't find any words to describe just how angry he was. How could Hayoung do this to herself? But knowing Hayoung, there has to be a reason for everything she is doing. There has to be. 

He dragged her out of the roof and closed the cheap tin door behind him and turned to face the blonde girl in anger. "What were you thinking?" 

Hayoung looked down and chewed her lips nervously. Her shoulders were shaking and she was picking her finger in angst. And on the ground there were drops of what looked like tears. 

Sehun's gaze softened towards her and he pulled her in for a hug. He could never be mad at her, no matter what. From when he first knew her, he always had a soft spot for her. Maybe it was because he thought of her as his sister, he didn't know. 

"It's okay." He murmured as he gently rubbed circle behind her back. Slowly Hayoung wrapped her arms around him too. 

They didn't know how long they stood like that for, but Lunch was certainly over by then and the start of another lesson began more than half an hour ago. 

He held her hands protectively as they climbed down the stairs. Even in silence, they were comfortable. Sehun directed her towards the gate of the school and they sneaked out without being seen by the guards. 

Once they fully got of the the school, they headed towards a place they were much accustomed to. The park by the Han river. 

It was a 15 minutes journey and not a single word was spoken throughout. Nonetheless, they didn't mind at the least. When they finally reached their destination, Sehun let go of her hands and they sat on one of the secluded benches available. 

They sat  in silence for 5 minutes before Sehun ran out of patience. "Why were you buying drugs?" 

Hayoung sighed, but she knew that she'd have to tell him. He only wanted to help. "I couldn't sleep." 

"So they were-" 

Hayoung nodded. "Sleeping pills." 

"Oh." He didn't know what to say. "Couldn't you get them prescribed from the doctor's?" 

She shook her head in misery. "They didn't work." Her eyes were misted when she looked up at him through her thick lashes. Her voice cracked in pain when she spoke. "The nightmares came back." 

Sehun knew about her dreams. Him and Chanyeol were the only two people who knew about it. However, he thought, quite ignorantly apparently, that they were gone. But they weren't. They still haunted her. He still haunted her.

He slided closer to her and put his arms around her frail shoulders. He didn't want to cause her any pain so he quickly changed the subject.

"Did you know, If you try to suppress a sneeze, you can rupture a blood vessel in your head or neck and die." Sehun stated with a straight face. 

Hayoung looked up at him to see if he was alright but she burst out in laughter. 

Sehun liked that sound. It was calming to him. "A shrimps heart is in his head. Did you know that?"

Hayoung was still chuckling when he said that and he smiled a genuine smile. 

"Well, did you know, 23% of all photocopier faults worldwide are caused by people sitting on them and photocopying their butts." She countered, somehow proud to know what fact. 

"Ah, never thought of that." Sehun replied. "Most lipstick contains fish scales." 

"Not even gonna ask how you knew that." Hayoung snickered. "Apparently, rats and horses can't vomit." 

Sehun blinked thoughtfully, "Even if you gave them the most disgusting food in the world?" 


"Okay then." He thought of a while and he grinned. "In the course of an average lifetime you will, while sleeping, eat 70 assorted insects and 10 spiders." 

Hayoung's face fell and she grimaced in disgust. "That's gross. Did you know that human birth control works on gorillas?" 

Sehun chortled. "And here I thought we were much superior to the monkey kinds." 

"Well, we were descended from them so," She pointed her finger at his face and pouted. "Don't diss your ancestors!" 

"Nah. We homo sapiens a.k.a humans originate from Africa and they were called Ardipithecus ramidus and they were definitely not gorillas, although they did resemble Chimpanzees." 

The blonde looked at him in amazement and a flicker of smile crossed her face. "How'd you know that?" 

Sehun smirked at her in arrogance. "I didn't come first in the whole year by doing nothing, you know. I actually had to study." 

She slapped his chest in fake annoyance. "You cocky bastard." 

He caught her hands in between his and he grinned at her, leaning forwards. Hayoung blinked, her breath caught. By now Sehun was centimeters away from her face and Hayoung was a nice shade of beet root red. 

"Call me that again." He whispered in a husky tone. 

Hayoung, not wanting to give up, said,in a very shaky voice, "Co-cocky bastard!" 

He leaned closer, so close that their nose was touching. But as he was about to say something to annoy her again, an old man with a beer belly shouted: "GET A ROOM! THIS IS KOREA NOT AMERICA STUPID TEENAGERS!" 



*** *** *** 


By now it was already 4 in the afternoon and school was long since over. They were still in the park, talking about random nonsense like old friends they were.

Sehun then turned to look at Hayoung with a smile. "Want to go home now?" 

She just nodded and they went to her house in silence. It was only a five minutes walk from the park to her house so Sehun didn't mind dropping her off to her door.

They reached the house; Sehun was about to say bye when a soft, feminine hand stopped his action. 

"Want to come in? Oppa's at his friend's house for the night and my dad is working overnight." She looked down in shame. What was she did asking a guy to stay over? She'd be fine. "Don't worry- I'll be fin-" 

"Sure. I'll love to come in." Sehun interrupted happily. He didn't want her to be alone, especially when she was feeling vulnerable. Chanyeol was probably helping the detectives to find that bastard and Mr Park... well, he was too busy earning money to make his two children happy. 

She just nodded and opened the door. Sehun, being such a regular guest to their home, just barged in and headed towards the refrigerator. "Welcome and eat everything you can find. It's your house anyways." Hayoung commented sarcastically. 

He took it literally and took out everything in the fridge plus some chips in the cupboard. He placed everything on the counter and took out two slices of brown bread and began to spread butter on it. Then he added two chunky slicked of cheese on either side. Then he added 4 pieces of ham on to the mix with cucumber and kimchi on top. He covered the top with another slice of bread and put it in his mouth. 

He then, finally, looked up to see Hayoung with her jaw dropped. Sehun swallowed his mouthful and placed the packed sandwich down. "Oh sorry, did you want some?" 

Hayoung shook her head and looked at the... thing on the counter in disgust. Sehun carried on eating til he finished everything: including the crisps, 2 cans of soda, the sandwich and some cake. 

He glanced at Hayoung to see that she was eating a small tub of strawberry yogurt. "What are you eating?" 

"A yogurt." She snickered. 

"No, I mean why are you eating that?" 

"Cause I want to?" 

Sehun shook his head and went to the fridge again. This time he took some ingredients out to make some ramen for Hayoung. 

Hayoung looked at him in shock. "You want more food?" 

He chuckled and flicked her forehead lightly. "No silly, it's for you." 

"I am fine." 

"Uh huh." He said, not believing her as he continued adding more ingredients in the pot full of steaming ramen. 

After finishing, he placed the pot in front of her and gestured for her to eat. She scowled but began eating nonetheless. It was so hot she burned her tongue. Sehun quickly went to get some water from the fridge and gave it to her. 

He went to her and placed the pot in between them and took a chopstick full of noodles. He then blew on it and located it in front of . "Say ahh~" He mocked. 

She frowned but ate the food anyways. "I can eat by myself!" She choked out with food in . Hayoung grimaced to have talked with full but Sehun honestly thought it was cute so he continued feeding her. 



**** *************************************************************************************************************************************

So~ This was a chapter with only Hayoung and Sehun fans. 

Sorry for the Kai and Eunji fans but there will be more of them in the next chapter. <3 

Hope you understand more of Sehun and Hayoung's relationship more now. ^^ 

If you can see, he is the most comfortable with Hayoung then anyone else. But he still thinks of her as his sister. 

What do you think Hayoung should do to tarnish the image Sehun has of her as his sister? :D 













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Chapter 14: This story is good..But unfortunately you never finish it..
I hope one day
Evergreen751 #2
Oh my god I LOVE THIS STORY! I still don't know where you get your ideas (armpits??) XD And the mix of sweet, sad and comic works so well, you really relate to the characters. I love how protective Sehun is of Hayoung - he sees her as a sister, but I think he's starting to look at her in a different way... Maybe... And it's so cute how he comforted her after she tried to buy sleeping pills, you can tell how close they are and it seems like a familiar game of swapping facts. What I want to know is how she didn't know about his armpit thing, she seemed pretty shocked o.o XP And I loooove the last chapter, I wonder how Kai will take it, and whether EunJi would be more accepting if she knew the girl she just met was Sehun's 'girlfriend'... I think this could prompt Kai to tell Eunji what's between him and the Parks... TENSION! I hope we find out someday ^^

But anyway, the story is so beautiful, after thinking it would be pure fluffy comedy; it's heartwarming and emotional. You're so good at stepping into the lives of your characters ^^ They all have their own story, none of them are background characters - makes it so realistic and engaging at the same time :D Glad I could read this all through without having to wait for the cliffhangers to be resolved too ;) Amazing story!
Pinkpandainspiritexo #3
Chapter 14: please update soon~ i still kinda confused but nice story!!
Chapter 14: update soon
I just looked at the last updated date...have you really given up on this story?? That would be really sad...I hope you can continue even if it's been so long, many readers are still waiting♥
I was afraid it would be a super inappropriate story, but it's not! This is an awesome story!! Please keep updating and give us long chapters. I like this story very much, you're awesome authornim~
You have the weirdest ideas ever bro.
omfg. please. how could i have not seen this.

I think kai, channie and hayoung are all intertwined in the samething...

Eunji is starting to like kai enough where she doesnt feel completely lonely when hearing sehun news...

I think hayoung and eunji may find it awkward but honestly that was just a misunderstanding that could easily be cleared up...