Happy birthday? Not really.

My Lovely Bone-r

All morning, Kai could only think about getting the best present for EunJi. He really wanted to see her truly happy; and he wanted to be the reason why he was happy. 

But the million dollar question was... what could he get her? 

Right now, he was outside in the field having lunch with EunJi but the girl looked as preoccupied as he did. She didn't really ever make a big deal about birthdays.. but she wanted to invite Sehun. However, nothing stuck out on her mind. 

Would he even come? Or care? 

She was going through all the hardship like putting up with Kai, although he wasn't that bad when she got to know him but she wasn't going to say it to his face, and pretending to like Kai like that. She was hoping that one day, he'd like her. 

"Hi guys." Sehun smiled while sitting down next to the duo.

Eunji looked at him and blushed. "Hi!"

He still smiled.

"Um, want to come to my birthday party tonight?" She gushed.

"Sure!" He kept on grinning brightly. 

Kai looked at him weirdly, "What's up with you? You're too... smiley today." 

"Can't I smile?" He said defensively, taking out a bento box from his bag, filled with delicious food. He broke a pair of chopstick and dug in. 

Now Kai was shocked, he knew about his family situation and how his parents abhorred him and would never made him lunch. Ever. So he knew that something was wrong, or at least strange. "Dude," Kai muttered quietly, not wanting EunJi to notice, "I need to ask you something important. Now." 

Sehun just waved his hands nonchalantly, with food still in his mouth. "Can't it wait? I am eating." 

The older boy just rolled his eyes and dragged Sehun by his collar, far enough so Eunji couldn't hear, while she watched on the peculiar pair. 

Kai tapped his feet impatiently. "Who is it?" 

Sehun just blinked, genuinely confused. 

"The one who made you lunch." 

"Oh! That was just Hayoung." He smiled, thinking of how nice she was making him lunch when his own mother couldn't be bothered.

"Hayoung? Chanyeol's sister? Why did she make you lunch?" Kai spat out, not being bond of the Park siblings. 

"Dude, Hayoung did nothing to you!" 

Kai was wide-eyed and disgusted. "Did you- were you with her yesterday night? Did you sleep with her?"

"Yeah, I slept with her, so what?" He shouted, only to piss Kai off. He knew full well that he would never think of Hayoung that way.

"Shh, Eunji can hear you." Kai muttered bitterly, knowing full well that if she heard that Sehun slept with someone else, she'd be really hurt. That was how much EunJi liked Sehun and, Kai respected that and didn't want to hurt her. Although when she finds out that he deceived her, she's going to be furious. 

Sehun's gaze softened, he knew that Kai had a reason to hate the Park siblings but they weren't bad people; just misunderstood. "Look man, nothing happened last night okay?" Then he grinned. "You and I both know that I will be a till I am forty."

Kai chuckled. "I know man, I know." He then turned serious for a bit. "I am sorry. I have no right to tell you who you can or cannot hang out with. But... why were you with her?"

He didn't want to expose Hayoung's secret when she especially trusted him with it but he didn't want to lie either. "She was having some troubles." 

"Not surprised." 

Sehun gave him a hard look and Kai looked away sheepishly. They knew they were fine now so they went back to where they were sitting, only to find that EunJi was gone. It was clean and empty. 

"She was here right? I was not dreaming about her being here right?" Kai squeaked. 

Sehun nodded. "She's probably gone to meet her friends?" 

"Are you stupid? She has no other friends apart from us?" He hissed. He knew that EunJi must have heard them. Hell, everyone in the whole stupid field probably heard their shouting. 

Oh man, I've gotta look for her. Kai thought and sprinted off to find her. While he was running, he was mentally thinking of all the places she might have been to. She has only been here a few weeks to fully know where the hiding places were so that cancels it out. Classrooms are out of the questions, and so is the canteen. That only leaves the music room, the roof and the library. 



**** **** *** ********************************************************************************************* 

EunJi's POV (My first POV, I feel weird lol)

I felt kind of odd and empty when I left the field. 

So, Sehun has a girlfriend? That's cool. And she makes him that happy; I haven't seen him that happy, ever. So maybe the girlfriend is good for him. Kudos for making him happy.

I sighed, thrown off. Kai told me that Sehun only liked girls that were going out with someone, giving him a sense of challenge. I respected that but was she someone's previous girlfriend too? And if he is happy with her who am I to block them?

Hayoung her name was. She was lucky to be with Sehun.

I was just walking in a random direction but I seemed to have reached a wall; meaning I couldn't go on. Maybe it was time to go back? 

However, I then saw a flight of stairs, directing upwards to a possible forth floor that I didn't know this school had.  

Then again, what did I know? 

My feet dragged up the stairs in a very slow fashion when I finally reached the cheap tin door. I pulled on the plastic handle hard and absorbed the sunlight streaming from above. 

It turns out I was on the roof, which I didn't know we had until now. 

It was nice, very nice and peaceful with a bench on the middle and some random flower pots scattered around. I was somewhat calmly examining the place when I noticed a tall, blonde -most likely dyed- girl smoking, while leaning on the weak railings. 

I walked up to her slowly and quietly, not wanting to attract attention to myself and looked over the edge. It was weird as I looked over the edge; everyone looked so small and insignificant and harmless. 

We stood there silently for a couple of minutes when I started getting fidgety and she took another cigarette out, after finishing her first one. I couldn't take being quiet anymore so I turned to her with a worried expression and said, "Smoking is injurious to health." 

She just blinked at me and said, "I know." And took another drag. 

I rolled my eyes at her and took the stick of death out of her hands, threw it to the ground and stomped on it. 

Yet she got another one out and tried to lit it up again when I took it out of her hands and stomped on it. I could tell she had enough of me and she looked down at me, glaring while I tried my best not to gulp in fear. "Annoying." Then she moved away and sat on the bench, looking peaceful. 

I know I am a female and all but she was really pretty. When I meant pretty, I mean beautiful. But too bad she was wasting it away by smoking. 

Without even looking she remarked, "Are you going to keep staring at me? Cause it's kind of creepy." 

I tore my gaze off of her. "I was not staring at you." 

"And I am a lion." She deadpanned. 

"Well... you are not that far off." I smirked. 

She looked at me and kept on staring. Okay, something was wrong with her. Did I have something on my face? 

Then she did something that really surprised me. "Why are you here?" 

I just shrugged and tried to turn the question on her. "Why? You're interested in my life?" 

She just shrugged and said, "I am bored. We tend to do stupid stuff when we are bored." 

I couldn't tell her anything about my life. She was practically a stranger! So I just asked. "Why are you here?" 

She blinked slowly and monotonously said, "Life, love... stupid math teachers." 

I had to laugh at that and listening to my hideous laugh seemed to have made her laugh too. As I was about to ask her for her name, the tin door slammed open. I turned to look at the source of the noise but all I got was a pair of very strong arms wrapped around my waist. He smelled very good too; familiar. Kai. 

"Get off me Kai." 

He took his arms off my waist but he still had that weird expression on his face that was making me really uncomfortable. "I am so glad I found you. Why did you leave?" 

"It was nothing!" I smiled as wide as I could to show him that I was okay. 

I didn't think he believed me as he looked at me with a "Oh really?" face. 

"I was.... er.. I was," I was struggling to find something to say when I noticed the girl on the bench. "I was hanging out with my friend! Yeah! My friend." 

He looked confused for a bit, then he looked around until he found the blonde girl. For god knows what reason his eyes hardened and she was looking at him with a total blank face. 

I was sensing some tension here..

It was starting to get a little weird. 

"She's your friend?" He didn't even look like he believed me so I did something I thought I would  never ever do to a stranger. 

I hugged the poor girl in a friendly embrace and stated, "Yes! And she's coming to my birthday  party tonight!" 








I THOUGHT I UPDATED BUT.. NO! >< It turns out I didn't. 

Okay for the evaluation for the chapter: 

Although Sehun was happy because of Hayoung, it still doesn't mean he likes her. It just means that he likes the whole home cooked meal thing. 

And what do you think caused this much tension between Hayoung, Chanyeol and Kai? And does it have anything to do with Hayoung's nightmares? :D Something to think about. 

Also did you see how EunJi was not affected properly by what she had heard? According to Kai, she should've been crying alot when she heard that, but she didn't. 

Do you think EunJi just doesn't like Sehun much but she just think she does? Or do you think the news hasn't sinked in yet? 

And what do you think will happen to Hayoung and Eunji's possible friendship when EunJi finds out that Hayoung was the one that "slept" with Sehun? :D

I wanted to make this chapter longer but I thought I'd be mean and end it with a cliffhanger. ;) 

Have a nice day guys! <3 




















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Chapter 14: This story is good..But unfortunately you never finish it..
I hope one day
Evergreen751 #2
Oh my god I LOVE THIS STORY! I still don't know where you get your ideas (armpits??) XD And the mix of sweet, sad and comic works so well, you really relate to the characters. I love how protective Sehun is of Hayoung - he sees her as a sister, but I think he's starting to look at her in a different way... Maybe... And it's so cute how he comforted her after she tried to buy sleeping pills, you can tell how close they are and it seems like a familiar game of swapping facts. What I want to know is how she didn't know about his armpit thing, she seemed pretty shocked o.o XP And I loooove the last chapter, I wonder how Kai will take it, and whether EunJi would be more accepting if she knew the girl she just met was Sehun's 'girlfriend'... I think this could prompt Kai to tell Eunji what's between him and the Parks... TENSION! I hope we find out someday ^^

But anyway, the story is so beautiful, after thinking it would be pure fluffy comedy; it's heartwarming and emotional. You're so good at stepping into the lives of your characters ^^ They all have their own story, none of them are background characters - makes it so realistic and engaging at the same time :D Glad I could read this all through without having to wait for the cliffhangers to be resolved too ;) Amazing story!
Pinkpandainspiritexo #3
Chapter 14: please update soon~ i still kinda confused but nice story!!
Chapter 14: update soon
I just looked at the last updated date...have you really given up on this story?? That would be really sad...I hope you can continue even if it's been so long, many readers are still waiting♥
I was afraid it would be a super inappropriate story, but it's not! This is an awesome story!! Please keep updating and give us long chapters. I like this story very much, you're awesome authornim~
You have the weirdest ideas ever bro.
omfg. please. how could i have not seen this.

I think kai, channie and hayoung are all intertwined in the samething...

Eunji is starting to like kai enough where she doesnt feel completely lonely when hearing sehun news...

I think hayoung and eunji may find it awkward but honestly that was just a misunderstanding that could easily be cleared up...