
The Brother I Never Had

When they finally arrived, they took a room at a little motel. It was very dirty and it wasn’t the best place to stay but they would be able to stay as long as they want here. The next morning they went to search for the woman. The two brothers went to an information center where they could ask for her name. Unfortunately, once they asked, they were told that they needed at least a family name in order to make the research, which they didn’t have, so they went outside. Chang Sun was furious.


‘’How are they expecting us to know the name if that’s exactly what we’re searching for? This is ridiculous, we can’t possible knock on every door of the city and ask if someone knows her, that would take weeks! Yah… Mireu, are you listening to me?’’


Cheol Yong was looking behind his shoulder really often. Chang Sun did the same and noticed that they were followed by a bunch of people. There were probably 10 of them. When he looked more at them, he noticed they had all a moon tattooed on their right arm.


‘’Aish, I had totally forgotten they were our enemies!’’


Chang Sun stopped walking and whispered in Cheol Yong’s ear while taking out his katana.


‘’You take the 5 at your left, I’m taking care of the ones at right.’’


Once said, Chang Sun turned to face their enemies and engaged the fight. Taking advantage of the surprise, he swung his katana in one of the man’s chest. One done, four to go! One of them tried to shoot him but he avoided it by jumping in the air and turning. When his feet touched the ground again, he stretched his arms and made another turn, which had the effect to kill two more of them. Only two left! This is too easy! He smirked and looked around. Of the two left, one was coming from his left and the other one from his right, probably trying to surround him. But that wouldn’t work with him. He dropped his katana and took out two guns. He crossed his arms and, without any hesitation, shot both of them in the head. The two men fall on the ground, dead. Chang Sun, satisfied, turned around to see how Cheol Yong was doing. His brother was about to kill the last one but something wasn’t right. He had too much blood on his t-shirt for it to be their enemies’ blood only. The younger boy finally shot the last one and fell on his knees while grabbing his stomach.




Chang Sun ran next to his brother. He saw a small cut on his cheek but the worst part was the long cut crossing all his stomach. The older man didn’t think and held his brother in his arms before running to the motel. When they arrived, Chang Sun let his little brother on the bed and ran into the bathroom to search for a first aid kit. He found one and returned next to the young boy who’s t-shirt was now stained with blood. Though he was badly hurt, he still found the strength to protest.


‘’Yah, hyung! I can perfectly take care of it myself!’’


‘’Oh shut up, and just take your shirt off.’’


Cheol Yong did as he was told and sat against the wall. Chang Sun tried to disinfect the wound but the younger man whined.


‘’Ahhh, it hurts!’’


‘’Yah! Stop being a baby and let me help you or this might be your last fight!’’


After disinfecting the wound and putting a bandage around it, both of them stayed on the bed silently.


‘’Thank you, hyung.’’


‘’No problem…’’


Chang Sun stared at his little brother and noticed again the cut on his cheek. He bended to take the first aid kit back and opened the disinfectant bottle again.


‘’Yah! Why again?’’


‘’You have a cut on your face and I don’t want it to left a scar on your beautiful face.’’


Cheol Yong blushed and his heart started to beat faster. His hyung approached him with the disinfectant and their lips were only a few inch from one another. Then, without realizing what he was doing, Cheol Yong kissed his brother. It was just a small kiss at first but Chang Sun responded to it, deepening the kiss. They both closed their eyes and were completely absorbed by the other one’s lips. But, as suddenly as he had started it, Cheol Yong ended their kiss by pushing his hyung away.


‘’This isn’t right hyung!’’


‘’Mireu, it’s just love!’’


‘’This still isn’t right! You’re my brother!’’


‘’Do you know for how long I’ve been in love with you, baby? It’s been more than 10 years! That’s why I left the house at 12. Dad told me that it would fade away if I wasn’t with you, but he was wrong! I love you Mireu!’’


Chang Sun came near his brother again and saw that he was crying. He wiped away his brother’s tears and looked at him with a worried face.


‘’Hyung… I love you too, but we can’t be together! We’re brothers and this is just not right.’’


Chang Sun bit his lips. He knew he shouldn’t told Cheol Yong what he was about to tell him, but he wanted to be with him so badly, he didn’t have a choice.


‘’Baby… We’re not really brothers…’’


‘’Of course we are! We’ve been together since the longest I can remember!’’


Chang Sun sighed.


‘’I should have told you earlier, sorry…’’


‘’Told me what?’’


‘’Mireu… We’re not from the same family and you’re not my real brother.’’

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putting this on hiatus because I have an author block :S I'll come back as soon as possible, sorry for that!


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Chapter 15: it really touched my heart, amaaazing !!
Chapter 15: joonie!!!!!!!! don't go!!!!!!!
larrenlove #3
Chapter 15: TT__TT why why why joonie noooooooo come back poor mir im crying for reals now but good story. :'(
Chapter 15: Damn this made me cry so hard T___T
I cant believe Joonie died, how's Mir supposed to survive this?
Chapter 15: I really cried at this end TT
Thank you so much for this story, so fascinating & dramatic :)♥
Love it!
Chapter 15: NOOOOOOOOOOOO ;____________; WHY? ;__; this is sooo sad *cries*....
stupid dad! gosh I hate him!...
what should Mir do now? without Joonie T.T...
aigoo...this is really sad :(
anyways loved the story♥ good job :D
Chapter 15: Can't believe you killed him?!! No, no, no!!! Why did you do that!!! You broke my heart!!! Poor Mireu what is he gonna do now he's all alone! Oh! you were harsh on them! But then, Joonie saved Mir... and his dad was a freak! WTF! He was ready to use his own wife if she ha not been already dead! He's sick!
That was a really nice story to read! Thank you for these great moments!
winterflowr #8
Chapter 15: NOO!!!!

I'm sad that Joonie died--although I don't approve of him killing his dad. He should have just let the old man suffer.

The ending really fits--somehow, I feel that it had to end that way in order to stop the cycle from happening over and over again!