
The Brother I Never Had

As he was staring at his brother, Chang Sun clenched his fists. He had never felt so angry in his whole life. Angry against himself. He knew he had failed to protect Cheol Yong. He should have never leaved him with his crazy father, no matter what his parents had told him. Now Cheol Yong had become a cold heartless killer and it was all because of him.


‘’Yah, hyung? Are you listening to me?’’


Chang Sun was taken out of his thoughts by Cheol Yong’s sudden question.




‘’Aishh, I said maybe we should start searching in enemy clans. She might be a boss or something.’’


Chang Sun highly doubted this theory but they didn’t have another clue and it was better than doing nothing. Besides, killing other clan’s members wouldn’t be bad for them and it would be a good occasion to see how much Cheol Yong had change.


‘’Yeah maybe… But we’ll have to directly enter their bases. How many people can you handle at the same time?’’


‘’If they’re not from the elite, five or six.’’


Cheol Yong looked very proud of himself but Chang Sun crushed the boy’s pride and laughed.


‘’And you’re supposed to be the second best assassin of our clan? It’s not surprising that we’re still not as feared as other clan. You’re pathetic Mi…’’


The younger boy’s fist went straight to Chang Sun’s face, who fell on the ground. A fillet of blood appeared on the older man’s lower lip. He wiped it away with a smirk and he got up back on his feet. He had to admit that Cheol Yong was strong.


‘’Hitting your hyung is rude Mir. You should know that. But if you think you deserve your place as the second best, fine. We’ll see what you can do?’’




‘’We’re going to attack our worse enemy: the White Lotus.’’


By doing that, Chang Sun was not only hoping to find information on the woman: he also wanted to convince Cheol Yong to quit the clan and have a normal life.




Both men were hiding in the corner of the building. For having spying here many times, Chang Sun knew that they had guards watching over the entrance door. He also knew that the boss’s office was on the 14th floor and that it wouldn’t be easy to go there, especially if they tried to just enter and go up there. In fact, that was impossible. But Chang Sun had another plan.


‘’Ok, when I tell you, you shoot the one on the left. I’ll take care of the one on the right. After that, we’ll have to be quick so listen carefully. You see that ladder over there? We have to take it down. It goes straight to the 14th floor. That’s how the boss access is office without anybody noticing. When we’ll be on the floor, there will probably have guars there also. Kill the ones in black, I’ll kill the ones in white because they are the elite. The office is at the end of the corridor, straight ahead. You walk directly toward it and you DON’T stop. We’ll have about 2 minutes to go there and about 1 minute to question him before we have to leave. You understood everything?’’


‘’Euh, yeah. But how the hell are we suppose to take the ladder down. It’s too high to…’’


‘’I’ll take care of that too…’’


Chang Sun turned his head to look at the guards.


‘’Ready? Three, two, one… NOW!’’


The two young men ran quickly and shot the guards without hesitation. Chang Sun then run faster directly toward the wall. He literally walked on it and caught the ladder to pull it down. He gave Cheol Yong a sign to follow him and they both climbed the ladder as quickly as they could. Once on the floor, there were much more guards than expected but they would have to deal with it. As planned, Chang Sun took the white ones and Cheol Yong the black ones. They killed almost eight of them each, but they reached the office without any scratches. Chang Sun went straight toward the boss, who wasn’t even confused, while Cheol Yong was locking the door and making sure nobody was coming. The older man threatened the boss with his knife and with a loud noise, he put the woman’s picture on the desk.


‘’I’ll only ask you once; do you know her? Is she working for you?’’


The boss laughed but didn’t answer so Chang Sun pressed more the knife against the man’s throat.


‘’Answer me, NOW!’’


‘’Even if I answer you, you’ll kill me, so why would I give you what you want?’’


‘’That means you don’t know her.’’


And with that, he sliced the man’s throat.


‘’Yah, hyung, I hear footsteps coming toward here.’’


‘’It’s ok, I’m done with him, let’s go.’’


They opened the window, jumped on the roof that was under it and escaped before anyone could notice them.




They tried many other clans but none of them knew the woman. After weeks of doing this, they had to admit that they weren’t going to find her that way. They had to find another solution quickly, or Chang Sun’s father wouldn’t let them stay alive much longer…


Hey there! ^^ So I had a super great day today and I didn't have any dancing class so I decided to write because... yeah next week is pretty busy fr me T_T But I have a good new :D The whole story is now planned and I only have to write it properly :D so I won't take forever to have an idea XD because normally, after some chapters, I take 2 weeks to have ideas so yeah.... but not this time :D

Any way XD

ahmylucy: hahaha, that's really a good coincidence XD and thank you for waiting for me, thought it ook less time than I thought :3 it's good to know that people are intersted in my story ^^

GenerationX: I know right? I think Mir is not as innocent as he pretend to be 8)

punklena  : hahaha, yep 8) he's all cold and heartless now :O and thank you commenting everytime :D <3

HappyMonster: hehehe, you'll see soon 8) 

dzgiirl96: I have no idea how to say that in english but you'll understand: ben VOYONS O.O XD but you really like huh? you're not only saying that because you're my friend I hope XD


So, let me know what you thought of this chapter, neh?? :) I loveeeee it when you comment ^^ and I love all of you :D.

Until next time, have a good time :D <3

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putting this on hiatus because I have an author block :S I'll come back as soon as possible, sorry for that!


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Chapter 15: it really touched my heart, amaaazing !!
Chapter 15: joonie!!!!!!!! don't go!!!!!!!
larrenlove #3
Chapter 15: TT__TT why why why joonie noooooooo come back poor mir im crying for reals now but good story. :'(
Chapter 15: Damn this made me cry so hard T___T
I cant believe Joonie died, how's Mir supposed to survive this?
Chapter 15: I really cried at this end TT
Thank you so much for this story, so fascinating & dramatic :)♥
Love it!
Chapter 15: NOOOOOOOOOOOO ;____________; WHY? ;__; this is sooo sad *cries*....
stupid dad! gosh I hate him!...
what should Mir do now? without Joonie T.T...
aigoo...this is really sad :(
anyways loved the story♥ good job :D
Chapter 15: Can't believe you killed him?!! No, no, no!!! Why did you do that!!! You broke my heart!!! Poor Mireu what is he gonna do now he's all alone! Oh! you were harsh on them! But then, Joonie saved Mir... and his dad was a freak! WTF! He was ready to use his own wife if she ha not been already dead! He's sick!
That was a really nice story to read! Thank you for these great moments!
winterflowr #8
Chapter 15: NOO!!!!

I'm sad that Joonie died--although I don't approve of him killing his dad. He should have just let the old man suffer.

The ending really fits--somehow, I feel that it had to end that way in order to stop the cycle from happening over and over again!