
The Brother I Never Had

‘’It was about time you come, I was starting to think you didn’t really loved him.’’


ChangSun’s eyes widen as he understood the situation. His father was about to kill Cheol Yong, it was a matter of minutes, maybe seconds. But why? That, he couldn’t understand. Before he had the chance to ask anything, the boss smirked.


‘’You must be really confused about this, aren’t you?’’


As an answer, ChangSun only frowned and gave his father a cold stare. However, that didn’t scare the man at all. In fact, he started to laugh, which made ChangSun even madder.


‘’Why the hell are you doing this? Just stop with your little game and explain, for God’s sake!’’


The man finally quit laughing and smiled to his son.


‘’The time has come for you to become the new boss, ChangSun-ah.’’


‘’What? You’re insane. I’ll never be the boss of your stupid clan. And what does it have to do with all this anyway!?’’


It was as if every time ChangSun would say something, his father would find it funny. As if he found him stupid or something. And so, again the boss laughed at his son. But after he was done, he finally explained everything.


‘’You know, I was just like you when I was your age. When your grand-father had told me he wanted me to become the new boss, I strongly refused, not interested at all in being the boss of a mafia’s clan. Then, he had taken my mom and killed her just in front of me.’’


ChangSun gulped at his father’s story. He was starting to understand more what his father truly wanted.


‘’I was so mad at him, I started beating him. I only stopped when I realized he could not survive, because he was losing too much blood. Just before dying, he told me ‘’You’ll see. Soon, you’re going to be the new boss. And just like I did with you, one day, you’re going to do the same thing with your own son.’’ After that he passed away. And you know what ChangSun? Only a month later, I was named the boss. My dad used to call it ‘’the blood call’’, saying you can’t resist it. He was right.’’


‘’But why CheolYong? Why him? And what does it have to do with the whole crappy mission you gave us?!’’


‘’I was indeed going to use your mom. But she passed away last year. From a heart attack. Don’t worry, she was sleeping when it happened and it happened quickly. The thing is, after that, I had no idea how to make you become the boss. Then, I remembered how much you loved your little brother. After you learned that he was not your real brother, you started to fell in love with him, didn’t you? I just thought it was disgusting at first, but then, after your mom’s death, I realized it would be useful. I guess you guys worked things out, haven’t you? That was the point of the mission: to permit you to become close again and to be together. That way, you would suffer more from losing him, it will make you stronger.’’


‘’If you touch him, I’ll k...’’


‘’Kill me? But that is exactly what I want ChangSun!’’


The latter was totally disgusted by his father’s insanity. Did he really believe that he would simply forgive everything and continue with the clan? It was just plain craziness.


‘’Well, I guess it’s time.’’




What happened next, none of them really understood. A gunshot was heard and a body was hit. But not the one ChangSun’s father had intended to hit.


The young man, desperate to save his boyfriend, had jump in front of Cheol Yong and the projectile had pierce his chest, damaging his lung. ChangSun fell on the floor, blood flowing from his injury.


Cheol Yong, who had tried to loosen his ties while the father and the son were arguing, threw himself over the older, yelling his name.




The latter was only half conscious, already losing his strength. The younger man looked at the boss, tears in his eyes.


‘’Look what you’ve done!’’


But the boss didn’t react. He just fell on his knees, not believing that he had just condemned his only son. A few seconds later, the old man stared back at Cheol Yong and practically begged him.


‘’Please. Kill me. I don’t deserve to live anymore.’’


But the young man had no intention to oblige to the man’s demand.


‘’You don’t have the right to die. You should live many more years and just live with what you’ve done.’’




‘’G-go to hell!’


That wasn’t Cheol Yong who had spoken. It was ChangSun. Using a knife he had stolen from one of the guards, he threw it directly into his dad’s heart, causing the man to die almost instantly.


The room would have been silent if it wasn’t for Cheol Yong’s sobs. He had taken ChangSun’s head on his knees and was crying over him. The two young men were finally alone, free from the clan, and yet, it was their last moments together. They both knew it.




‘’Shh, Joonie, don’t talk. Everything is going to be alright.’’


ChangSun smirked a bit.


‘’Isn’t it suppose to be the big brother’s job to say that?’’


Cheol Yong giggled between two sobs at his boyfriend’s remark. As he did so, ChangSun coughed blood, soaking the both of them with the red liquid. But even though it was hard, the older man whispered something to the younger.


‘’Baby, promise me something.’’




‘’Promise me you’ll never come back here ever again. And that you’ll have a happy life.’’


‘’Joonie... WE will have a happy life, together, and...’’


‘’Baby... promise me...’’


Cheol Yong looked into his boyfriend’s half lifted eyes and promised. Because lying to himself that ChangSun had a chance would just have been silly. He swore to himself that he would respect his boyfriend’s last wish and be happy. He had no idea how, but he would never stop trying.


‘’Mireu... I really love you...’’


‘’I love you too Joonie hyung...’’


For the second and last time, Cheol Yong softly pressed his lips against ChangSun’s. But the older didn’t respond. And he would never respond ever again.


Just the thought of it made Cheol Yong cry uncontrollably, not caring about who would hear him. Because the only person that mattered in his life was gone forever.




Well, this is the end my dears :) please don't murder me because 1. it was ty and 2. I killed him T_T please? :O well, don't forget to comment guys :D (wow I can't believe I won't write for this again T_T) Thanks to everyone who has followed this story since the very beginning, to everyone who arrived in the middle, to everyone who read this and to everyone who commented :) you guys are awesome :) I have many other stories going on at the same time so I'm not stopping writing ^^

I hope you liked the story ^^ I love you all, it's because of you if I was able to finish this ^^ it is actually the first time I finish a chaptered story so I'm proud :) and this is all because of you :D I love you guys and I really hope the end didn't dissapointed you <3 :') I hope to see you on another story maybe? :)

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putting this on hiatus because I have an author block :S I'll come back as soon as possible, sorry for that!


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Chapter 15: it really touched my heart, amaaazing !!
Chapter 15: joonie!!!!!!!! don't go!!!!!!!
larrenlove #3
Chapter 15: TT__TT why why why joonie noooooooo come back poor mir im crying for reals now but good story. :'(
Chapter 15: Damn this made me cry so hard T___T
I cant believe Joonie died, how's Mir supposed to survive this?
Chapter 15: I really cried at this end TT
Thank you so much for this story, so fascinating & dramatic :)♥
Love it!
Chapter 15: NOOOOOOOOOOOO ;____________; WHY? ;__; this is sooo sad *cries*....
stupid dad! gosh I hate him!...
what should Mir do now? without Joonie T.T...
aigoo...this is really sad :(
anyways loved the story♥ good job :D
Chapter 15: Can't believe you killed him?!! No, no, no!!! Why did you do that!!! You broke my heart!!! Poor Mireu what is he gonna do now he's all alone! Oh! you were harsh on them! But then, Joonie saved Mir... and his dad was a freak! WTF! He was ready to use his own wife if she ha not been already dead! He's sick!
That was a really nice story to read! Thank you for these great moments!
winterflowr #8
Chapter 15: NOO!!!!

I'm sad that Joonie died--although I don't approve of him killing his dad. He should have just let the old man suffer.

The ending really fits--somehow, I feel that it had to end that way in order to stop the cycle from happening over and over again!