
The Brother I Never Had


‘’I’m ashamed to say this, but I only started to search for you 2 years ago. I should have started before, but the man had promised me you would be alright, so I thought you were doing fine. But the more years passed and the more I was anxious. Until I couldn’t take it and I decided to take you back.’’


The two young men exchanged a gaze, which confirmed that they were thinking the same thing. The reason why they had to kill Cheol Yong’s mother was obviously because she was searching for him. Chang Sun’s father must have want to get rid of her before Cheol Yong found out that he had been kidnapped and wasn’t planning on telling them who she truly was.


But now they knew and they had no intention of accomplishing their mission. The problem was, if they didn’t kill her, they would have to flee and live hidden for the rest of their lives, knowing that at any moment, someone from the clan could come and punish them. They knew there was no way that Chang Sun’s father would forgive them. However, both of them knew they had no choice. Or maybe…


The boy was already explaining the whole situation to his mother, saying that they had to go as far as possible from Korea for their safety when Chang Sun interrupted him.


‘’Mireu… I think we should talk… in private…’’


Cheol Yong looked at his boyfriend, not really sure what the older had in mind. But as he looked straight into Chang Sun’s eyes, he realized that the man had an idea, a crazy idea but that he determined to go through it to save Cheol Yong’s and his mother’s life. And that only was enough for the boy to believe in Chang Sun. He looked back at his mom before nodding and she left the room with a smile.


‘’You have a plan, don’t you?’’


‘’Yes, but I don’t think you’ll like it…’’


‘’If you think it can work, then I’ll trust you.’’


‘’Mireu… we could never come back alive if we put my plan in action…’’


The latter shivered at the thought of what Chang Sun was implying. He could lose his life, or lose his boyfriend forever. However, if that could let them live peacefully, if that could guarantee that they would forever be happy if they succeeded, it was worth it.


‘’What’s your idea?’’


Chang Sun sighed at the confidence the younger man was showing, knowing that it was only a mask that he had learned to put after years of being in the clan.


‘’We have to kill my father.’’


‘’What..? But if we do that, then the other members will kill us afterwards!’’


‘’Aniyo. My father once told me that he had made them promise to make me the boss of the clan if something happened to him and he specifically included killing him…’’


That’s weird now that I think about it. Why would he make them promise such a thing? Does he have something in mind?


‘’But Joonie… It’s your father!’’


‘’You know more than anybody else that I hate this man. He’s just a monster…’’


Cheol Yong was still hesitating. Sure, Chang Sun’s father was a horrible person, but it was still his father. Having just find his mom had show Cheol Yong that, no matter how horrible parents could be, they would always love you no matter what. And he was sure that, under all of the hate, Chang Sun’s father truly loved his son.


‘’I can’t let you do this.’’


‘’Baby, it’s for our and your mother’s safety. We have no choice.’’


The boy gulped, seeing how determined the older seemed. Although he was still not agreeing with the idea, he knew there was no way of making his boyfriend changed his mind.


‘’Fine… But we need to think about a strategy… I don’t think your father will simply let us kill him, won’t he?’’


The two of them started to elaborate the plan, but something was bothering Chang Sun. He remembered their conversation the day they had been given the mission.


‘’I want you to kill her.’’


‘’Why? What did she do?’’


‘’It’s not important. Don’t worry, you’ll discover sooner or later what she did.’’


It wasn’t making any sense. Why would his father send told them to kill her saying they would know why they had to do so, if the woman was Cheol Yong’s mother? Did his father really think they would kill her, knowing who she was?


No, that wasn’t his father’s style. There was something else behind that. But what?


‘’Cheol Yong…’’




‘’I think there’s something we’re missing.’’


Chang Sun told the younger everything about his doubts. The conversation and the weird promise he had made the members do. As the older was speaking, they both thought of the same thing, once again.


‘’It’s surely a trap.’’


‘’Yes, but what’s the point of trapping us? What will he get by doing so?’’


‘’I have no idea baby, but we’ll have to be extra careful.’’


‘’Maybe we should just flee far away, as we first wanted to do.’’


‘’We can’t and you know that.’’


‘’…Yeah, I know.’’


Saying that, they continued to plan the murder of Chang Sun’s father, with even more stress than before.




Hi everyone!! MIANHAEEEE for making you wait for more than a month T_T I'm such a bad author!!! But I had a block... Oh well, now that I'm done with my author block, be prepare for a soon ending :O Oh yes, there's only one or two chapters left!!! Are you excited? :)
Well, again I'm sorry for making you wait, but do comment any way neh? because I feel REALLY sorry :( I promise I won't do that again~

I love you guys ^^


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putting this on hiatus because I have an author block :S I'll come back as soon as possible, sorry for that!


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Chapter 15: it really touched my heart, amaaazing !!
Chapter 15: joonie!!!!!!!! don't go!!!!!!!
larrenlove #3
Chapter 15: TT__TT why why why joonie noooooooo come back poor mir im crying for reals now but good story. :'(
Chapter 15: Damn this made me cry so hard T___T
I cant believe Joonie died, how's Mir supposed to survive this?
Chapter 15: I really cried at this end TT
Thank you so much for this story, so fascinating & dramatic :)♥
Love it!
Chapter 15: NOOOOOOOOOOOO ;____________; WHY? ;__; this is sooo sad *cries*....
stupid dad! gosh I hate him!...
what should Mir do now? without Joonie T.T...
aigoo...this is really sad :(
anyways loved the story♥ good job :D
Chapter 15: Can't believe you killed him?!! No, no, no!!! Why did you do that!!! You broke my heart!!! Poor Mireu what is he gonna do now he's all alone! Oh! you were harsh on them! But then, Joonie saved Mir... and his dad was a freak! WTF! He was ready to use his own wife if she ha not been already dead! He's sick!
That was a really nice story to read! Thank you for these great moments!
winterflowr #8
Chapter 15: NOO!!!!

I'm sad that Joonie died--although I don't approve of him killing his dad. He should have just let the old man suffer.

The ending really fits--somehow, I feel that it had to end that way in order to stop the cycle from happening over and over again!