
The Brother I Never Had

Almost a week had pass since they had attacked the last clan and things weren’t getting better. The two brothers were trying to find where to start their researches but nothing came to their mind. They were staying in a rich hotel room since the beginning of their mission. Cheol Yong was watching TV while Chang Sun was taking a shower. That’s when the older man got an idea and ran out of the shower, almost forgetting to take a towel.


‘’Yah, Mir! It will probably fail again, but maybe if we search in people who owe us money! Maybe we would find something!’’


‘’Have you forgotten that a stupid bastard left the clan, taking with him all our documents, which means we have no idea who owe us money, babo!’’


‘’I know who stole the documents so we can easily find him. His name is SeungHo and I was supposed to kill him and bring everything back but I said he had flown away to USA.’’


‘’Aish, you should have killed him, that would have saved us time…’’


Chang Sun sighed. He still couldn’t understand how his cute little brother had become so cold. He promised himself to make Cheol Yong change once they were done with this stupid mission.


‘’Any way, we better go now, there’s a good movie in an hour and I want to watch it.’’


‘’Aigoo, so childish…’’




‘’Are you sure he still lives here?’’


‘’100% sure, now shut up, I think he’s coming.’’


‘’Aish, I’m going to miss the movie!’’


‘’I said shut up!’’


The men were hiding in the kitchen which had a great view of the lounge but mostly, it had a great view of the door. Their guns in hands, they were patiently waiting for SeungHo to come back home. After waiting for what seemed like hours, a key noise could be heard. Few seconds later, the ex member of the black dragon entered his apartment. At the exact moment when he closed the door, he was surrounded by the two brothers. Cheol Yong forced SeungHo to kneel down and maintained him there while Chang Sun was pointing a gun at the man’s face.


‘’Who are you, what do you want from me?’’


‘’Did you seriously thought you could just run away from our clan and live peacefully?’’


SeungHo gulped, thinking his end had come. Chang Sun approached the man’s face and laughed.


‘’I’m not here to kill you, so relax. I’m just here because I want what you stole from us.’’




‘’Ah, come on SeungHo, you know what I’m talking about.’’


SeungHo’s eyes darkened.


‘’I can’t give it to you. I burned the documents a long time ago.’’


‘’You WHAT?’’


Chang Sun was now furious. Their only hope to find the woman had been burned by this bastard. Chang Sun wanted to let SeungHo live but now he was too angry.


‘’Well then, I guess I don’t need you, huh? Cheol Yong-ah, kill him.’’


‘’WHAT? Chang Sun-ah! You won’t make me kill, won’t you? We used to be best friends, you can’t do that to me!’’


‘’I don’t care. You see, I have other priorities now. Cheol Yong…’’


The young boy took out his gun. But SeungHo wasn’t in the clan for nothing. He escaped Cheol Yong’s grip and ran toward the window that he knew had an access to the apartment under him. Cheol Yong shot at him but he missed his target who disappeared easily.




Chang Sun couldn’t contain his anger and he grabbed his brother by his shoulder before shaking him madly.


‘’Don’t touch me, I didn’t do it on purpose, this bastard is quick!’’


‘’Of course he’s quick, he was from our clan, that was his specialty! Aishh, you’re just a nuisance for me. You can’t even shoot someone properly!’’


‘’It’s not true, shut up!’’


‘’I’ll be at the hotel room and I better not see you before tomorrow morning. And you better use the night to practice, UNDERSTAND!’’


Chang Sun left the apartment quickly and went back to the hotel. He almost instantly regretted what he had told Cheol Yong. He knew he could have used it as an excuse for him to leave the clan, but at that moment, he hadn’t thought about it. Now, he wasn’t even sure if he’s little brother would be alright…


Meanwhile, Cheol Yong was still in SeungHo’s apartment. He stayed there for more than an hour, thinking. All he wanted was to be with his hyung. But his failure was serious and it was unforgivable, he knew it.


Then I only have one thing to do…


He thought to himself before smirking.


You want me to prove you I deserve to be in the elite? Fine, I’ll show you…



Hey there! It's me, sooner than I thought XD

Actually, it's because I had to cancel all my plans with my friend until Tuesday because I almost break my jaw yesterday XD. So I'm staying in my bed, waiting for the pain to go and writting to pass time ^^'

Any way, if you like the story, don't forget to comment arraseo? ^^ and to everyone that actually read the story, thank you so much, I love you all ^^ <3

So, see you next time~ ^^

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putting this on hiatus because I have an author block :S I'll come back as soon as possible, sorry for that!


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Chapter 15: it really touched my heart, amaaazing !!
Chapter 15: joonie!!!!!!!! don't go!!!!!!!
larrenlove #3
Chapter 15: TT__TT why why why joonie noooooooo come back poor mir im crying for reals now but good story. :'(
Chapter 15: Damn this made me cry so hard T___T
I cant believe Joonie died, how's Mir supposed to survive this?
Chapter 15: I really cried at this end TT
Thank you so much for this story, so fascinating & dramatic :)♥
Love it!
Chapter 15: NOOOOOOOOOOOO ;____________; WHY? ;__; this is sooo sad *cries*....
stupid dad! gosh I hate him!...
what should Mir do now? without Joonie T.T...
aigoo...this is really sad :(
anyways loved the story♥ good job :D
Chapter 15: Can't believe you killed him?!! No, no, no!!! Why did you do that!!! You broke my heart!!! Poor Mireu what is he gonna do now he's all alone! Oh! you were harsh on them! But then, Joonie saved Mir... and his dad was a freak! WTF! He was ready to use his own wife if she ha not been already dead! He's sick!
That was a really nice story to read! Thank you for these great moments!
winterflowr #8
Chapter 15: NOO!!!!

I'm sad that Joonie died--although I don't approve of him killing his dad. He should have just let the old man suffer.

The ending really fits--somehow, I feel that it had to end that way in order to stop the cycle from happening over and over again!