Let's Go To The Movies

Awkward Adventures

It was Sunday and the boys wanted to go out, but I had no spare clothes. Yongguk offered me a shirt his sister left behind a while ago and I threw on my skirt from the night before.

Yongguk walked out of his room without a shirt, he winked at me as my eyes flashed to his well-defined stomach. The others walked completely dressed, except Jongup who was being hurried and pulled out by Youngjae. This time my eyes lingered. Himchan snapped me out it as tapped me on my shoulder.

I looked at Jongup who was staring straight back, we both laughed embarrassed. The two put their shirts on and we left.

“So where should we go? Movies?”  Zelo was excited to see a new action movie playing. With unanimous agreement we got our tickets, popcorn and went inside. I sat in the middle of the six boys, between Zelo and Jongup.

The first 5 minutes were an intense fight scene that resulted in a fair amount of blood and explosions making the boys around me cheer while Himchan grunted at the ridiculous amount of carnage.

I was holding the box of popcorn I was sharing with Jongup. I reached in, bumping his hand in the process. I looked up and we smiled awkwardly, our hands still lingering in the box. Just as he indicated for me to go first and tried to pull his hand out, I felt another on mine, snaking its way into the box and grabbing a handful of popcorn. I looked over at Zelo stuffing his face.

“Where’s all yours?” I whispered, a little grumpy that the movie was only 10 minutes through.

He gave me a cheeky grin. “I ate it all with Yongguk and Daehyun hyungs.” I shook my head and in turns Jongup and I ate the popcorn, smiling to ourselves.

After a while I felt Jongup turn, I kept my eyes on the movie, not seeing the encouraging look Himchan was giving him across Youngjae. Jongup moved closer to me, grazing his elbow against mine on the arm rest. My arm tingled from the contact.

I looked over and his face only inches from mine. I felt his breath on my cheek, leaving goose bumps as he turned away embarrassed. This time I saw the next little encouraging look from Himchan as Jongup turned back to me. He moved even closer, until our noses almost touched. I could see his chin titling forward. A loud bang, a series of gun shots made me jump. We both moved back, startled by the movie.

“Noona, look at the motorbike!” Zelo was getting hyper from the excitement of the movie. I heard Jongup sigh next to me as Zelo began pointing out the exciting bits and narrating the story as it went. Himchan shot him a disappointed look.

After the movie was finished we left to eat lunch.

“Aish, you brat.” Himchan smacked Zelo on the back of his head as we walked along, Himchan strolling in front of him, Zelo chasing after. Himchan shot Jongup another disappointed look.

I took Jongup’s hand, both of us blushing at the touch.



This chapter is a little strange, it's not one of the better ones but hey Jongup's trying! lol oh well I hope the next one is better, I just don't know what's gonna happen....suggestions? :3

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Chapter 13: agh omg this is so cute adjsdlkasjlasdalsdk
Nevrane #2
I love the story ! it was sooo cute and fluffy and innocent >.< I love such stories the most! innocent love. . . I want to have it too x D your story made me love Jongup even more :) thank you very much! I hope you make more stories like that and more about Upie :)
Chapter 12: Nice story ^^
Chapter 12: You know, fics like this made me forget everything! Its too sweet i might get diabetes. (o゚∀`o)
juststory #5
<3 aigoooo... >.<
Really love it ❤ They r soooo cute !
Wait... I just scrolled down through the comments and noticed that I did comment... before. So I did know it.... 0_0 since when?... MIND BLOWN.
Wait... I just scrolled down through the comments and noticed that I did comment... before. So I did know it.... 0_0 since when?... MIND BLOWN.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAE did I not know about this till now?!!!! You, my friend, are so amazing!!! It's so good! <3
omgasdfghjksalfdjsald I couldn't stop spazzing every chapter! |^O^| Every chapter made me squeal, it's sooo cute I may die! >v< It was awkward but it's so cute at the same time!? ^^;; Thank you Zelo for not interrupting the kiss this time! And thank you author-nim for creating such an adorable fanfic! ^_________^