An Awkward Meeting

Awkward Adventures

Every time I left art class I walked past the dance room. It had shiny wooden flooring and a wall made of mirrors. Every time I left art class there was the same boy dancing in that room. I’d never seen him anywhere else.

“Do you know who that is?” I asked one of my senior friends. His music class was next door and finished at the same time.

“Oh yeah, that’s Jongup. He lives in our dorm. I thought you’d met him before.”  Yongguk gave me a funny look through his purple fringe as I shook my head. “He’s your age, why don’t you come over for dinner tonight and you can meet him. I reckon you’ll like him.” He teased me. I’d never had a boyfriend before and Yongguk, although not comfortable about his own, was more than comfortable to talk about my love life. I nodded embarrassedly and left for my next class.

That night I tried my hardest to dress my best. Meeting new people always made me nervous but the butterflies in my stomach were rampaging. Something seemed different about that night. When I knocked on the door Yongguk was ready for me opening it almost as soon as my hand left the wood.

“You made it!” He beamed at me and ushered me in. There were some familiar faces, friends of Yongguk’s I’d met before, friends of my own. Himchan, Youngjae greeted me first, I had maths class with them both. Daehyun and Zelo I’d only met recently but they greeted me just as heartily.

“And this is Jongup.” The purple haired man winked at me as he introduced him. I glanced at him and waved, focusing my eyes on my feet.

Yongguk purposely sat us next to each other at the table. Jongup was quiet most of the night but opened up a little with Yongguk’s prodding.

“Do you spend every day in the dance room?” The elder asked.

“Uh mm” He laughed shyly.

“Do you take lessons?” I asked as Yongguk started again.

“Uh,” He played with his food, “I used to.”

“Oh.” I glanced back down at my rice, scattered across my plate.

As I was leaving that night I said goodbye at the door. In his final attempt, as I strolled away, Yongguk shoved Jongup out the door.

Rubbing the back of his neck he caught up to me. “Um, hey, I know you see me in the dance room, I practice there because when I did lessons I wasn’t allowed to do my own dances, so I stopped.”

“Oh, ok.” I was confused at the topic.

“Ugh, that’s not what I planned on saying.” He did his shy laugh again. “Yongguk wants me to ask you this um but do you want to, uh go out sometime, maybe?” He huffed and stared at his hands.

Just as I was about to answer he apologised and began to walk off.

“I would like to.” I said louder than I intended, but he stopped. He turned and smiled.

“Alright then.” Simple as that, he waved and went back to then house.

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Chapter 13: agh omg this is so cute adjsdlkasjlasdalsdk
Nevrane #2
I love the story ! it was sooo cute and fluffy and innocent >.< I love such stories the most! innocent love. . . I want to have it too x D your story made me love Jongup even more :) thank you very much! I hope you make more stories like that and more about Upie :)
Chapter 12: Nice story ^^
Chapter 12: You know, fics like this made me forget everything! Its too sweet i might get diabetes. (o゚∀`o)
juststory #5
<3 aigoooo... >.<
Really love it ❤ They r soooo cute !
Wait... I just scrolled down through the comments and noticed that I did comment... before. So I did know it.... 0_0 since when?... MIND BLOWN.
Wait... I just scrolled down through the comments and noticed that I did comment... before. So I did know it.... 0_0 since when?... MIND BLOWN.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAE did I not know about this till now?!!!! You, my friend, are so amazing!!! It's so good! <3
omgasdfghjksalfdjsald I couldn't stop spazzing every chapter! |^O^| Every chapter made me squeal, it's sooo cute I may die! >v< It was awkward but it's so cute at the same time!? ^^;; Thank you Zelo for not interrupting the kiss this time! And thank you author-nim for creating such an adorable fanfic! ^_________^