
Awkward Adventures

It had been a few days since the sleepover but thinking about it still made me giddy. Secretly I wanted to do it again but my parents wanted me to focus on school. But because I’d been focusing so much on other things, like a certain dark haired someone, I’d lost track of all time. I heard a knock at my door.

“Happy birthday to you!” Yongguk sang to me as I opened the door. I laughed at him and grabbed my stuff.

School seemed more interesting when it was my birthday. I felt brand new, and so did everything else. I skipped my way with Yongguk chuckling at me as I ran into someone’s broad shoulders.

“You should stop doing.” He laughed at my dizzy expression. He looked down at me. Jongup’s eyes seemed to sparkle; I was giddy from the birthday breakfast of waffles and bacon that my parents made.

I grinned and he shot a look at Yongguk, who shrugged. “It’s her birthday.”

I notice something flash across Jongup’s face, disappointment? But he flickered a smile at me and I lost my train of thought.

The day seemed to go pretty smooth and we ate cake that Himchan made at lunch time. The cupcakes had a letter on each, spelling out happy birthday with my name.

Jongup was the only one walking me home. The others had stuff to do. I felt empowered with my new number and tucked my hand into his, sliding my fingers between his. He smiled down at me as I blushed.

Even though we were holding hands, there was still a gap between us that made me ache, though I couldn’t bring myself to close it. One step at a time, it’ll happen, I thought to myself. We reached my door but Jongup kept walking, not releasing my hand.

He smiled at me, looking away as he giggled at my confused face. He cocked his head, telling me to come, and I followed.

He took me to an ice cream store and ordered one strawberry and one chocolate.

He handed me mine. We sat at the store for a bit just talking, awkwardly of course, about our days. It wasn’t til his phone buzzed and he read a text that he said we could go.

I stopped when we reached the boys’ dorm.

“Why are we here?” I looked at him suspiciously but he just cocked his head again.

He led me up the stairs to the door. He stopped and knocked, with deliberate slowness, three times.

Slowly the door creaked open, revealing a dark house. We walked in and I could see faint shadows of party decorations. A smile crept up my face as Jongup switched on the lights and everyone jumped out and yelled surprise.

I couldn’t help but laugh at how thoughtful they were. Zelo gave me a disappointed look.

“Aish, you weren’t surprised noona?!”

“It’s not that dark.” I gave them a cheeky grin.

We ate lots of delicious food Daehyun cooked and played games that Youngjae organised. But when it came to the cake, Himchan outdid himself. The cupcakes were nothing against this sugary mass.

It was red velvet and vanilla layered cake. The icing was strawberry and thick, across the top and down the sides. Scrawled in bright white letters with perfect handwriting was ‘happy 17th birthday xoxo’ each word taking up its own line. The edge was decorated with piped blue icing forming little flower shapes. The sides looked like edible lace, made with the same blue icing. I was salivating at the thought of eating it and I could tell that the boys were too.

The lights were turned off as Yongguk lit the candles and Himchan began the song. They all finished with a harmonious applause as I blew out the candles. Daehyun turned the lights on again and Youngjae passed me a knife.

As he let go, he whispered less then quietly “don’t forget, if you touch the bottom you have to kiss the closest boy.” They all chuckled as Yongguk pushed Jongup into me. He did his cute shy laugh but stayed next to me, his right hand snaking around my waist loosely.

I pushed the tip of the knife first and slowly the rest sinks in, quickly. Without meaning to, or really objecting to, I hear the chink of the knife of the plate. I blushed as I glared at Youngjae, then smiled at Jongup. As he and I leaned in Zelo shouted, I turned my head to him, hearing Jongup sigh beside me as he pecked my cheek, making me redder, and let go of my waist.

“Aish, you brat!” Himchan smacked Zelo on the head again.

Zelo had spilt his drink and his shirt was now soaked with coke. “And this was my favourite.” He gave me puppy dog eyes.



yay! I worked out something to write, you like it huh? I kinda sorta maybe got the idea from another fanfic I wrote ages ago, you can find it my stories *psst, it's called 'Pink Haried Toki'. Aish I hope they kiss soon! I just don't want to finish this story cos I enjoy writing it for everyone so much ^-^ anyone short author's note will be short >.<

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Chapter 13: agh omg this is so cute adjsdlkasjlasdalsdk
Nevrane #2
I love the story ! it was sooo cute and fluffy and innocent >.< I love such stories the most! innocent love. . . I want to have it too x D your story made me love Jongup even more :) thank you very much! I hope you make more stories like that and more about Upie :)
Chapter 12: Nice story ^^
Chapter 12: You know, fics like this made me forget everything! Its too sweet i might get diabetes. (o゚∀`o)
juststory #5
<3 aigoooo... >.<
Really love it ❤ They r soooo cute !
Wait... I just scrolled down through the comments and noticed that I did comment... before. So I did know it.... 0_0 since when?... MIND BLOWN.
Wait... I just scrolled down through the comments and noticed that I did comment... before. So I did know it.... 0_0 since when?... MIND BLOWN.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAE did I not know about this till now?!!!! You, my friend, are so amazing!!! It's so good! <3
omgasdfghjksalfdjsald I couldn't stop spazzing every chapter! |^O^| Every chapter made me squeal, it's sooo cute I may die! >v< It was awkward but it's so cute at the same time!? ^^;; Thank you Zelo for not interrupting the kiss this time! And thank you author-nim for creating such an adorable fanfic! ^_________^