
Awkward Adventures

The shouting and laughing filled the dorm. Everyone was celebrating the dance competition. They were judged out of 10 by each critic and he’d come second, missing out by only a point.

We were all gathered at the table eating dinner. He was sitting next to me, but not as close as I would like. I kept my eyes on my plate to stop me from staring. I heard him laugh and my heart fluttered.

His dance had amazed me. I was in tears at the end, the emotions he made so clear with just his body had gotten to me. I even think I saw a sparkle on Yongguk’s cheek.

After dinner we celebrated even more with dessert. “Yah Daehyun, save some for the rest ok?” Himchan gave the boy a soft glare.  Daehyun’s plate had twice the amount of food as mine. I giggled at their staring match.

Jongup flashed me a smile that I caught from the corner of my eye, I almost melted. He nudged me and I spun.

“Aish.” He gave me a sour look. My hair had hit is face as I turned.

“Ooh gosh, sorry!” I covered my mouth in guilt but he just laughed it off.

“Anyway, I was just gonna ask for a spoon.” He smiled again.

After dinner Yongguk chirped up. “Hey, how about you stay the night, it’s almost midnight anyway and you shouldn’t walk in the dark.” He winked at me from across the table, though I’m sure most everyone saw, except Daehyun who was still eating dessert.

“Sure.” I beamed at him, the whole table beaming back.

After telling my parents my plans, Zelo leant me some of his pyjamas – an old sweat shirt and pants that were so long they reached the underside of my toes. When I came out most of the guys were already in bed. Jongup was prepping the couch for me, plumping up a pillow he’d taken from his bed.

As walked over we stood close, I felt his breath on my forehead. My face went red with the proximity and he ducked his head, kissing the top of mine and darting off, whispering goodnight before he closed the door to change.

“Goodnight.” I whispered to myself, settling into the couch.

I couldn’t sleep properly and woke up in the dark living room, freaking before I remembered where I was. I went to the bathroom but on my way back, I saw the boy’s door ajar, pale light shining through. I grabbed my pillow and checked it out.

I peeked around the wood to see Jongup lying on his stomach light shining on his face. He was watching a movie on his iPad. I tiptoed over and tapped his shoulder. He cussed as he shot up, hitting his head on Zelo’s bunk above him.

“Yah, you scared me!” He rubbed his temple as he appraised my apologetic look.

“I couldn’t sleep. I saw the light and was curious.” I tried whispering as low as I could so the others wouldn’t wake. “Can I stay in here?” I ducked my head waiting for him to say no but he moved over patted the bed beside him.

I climbed under the covers. We both lay on our stomachs and finished watching the movie. When it was over we snuggled up; staring at other for what felt like forever. I could feel his breath tickle my neck as moved closer, he began to close his eyes and I twisted my head away, surprising him.

“Sweet dreams.” I said breathlessly. He seemed to accept it and put his arm over me. Neither of us fell asleep quickly.


I'm honestly not sure where this is going, it's definitly starting to form its own plot. I don't know when it will finish!

@iapple: aww i made you speechless? that makes me proud of what I wrote, thankyou so much! ^-^

Now off to write the next chapter, when will they kiss!?

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Chapter 13: agh omg this is so cute adjsdlkasjlasdalsdk
Nevrane #2
I love the story ! it was sooo cute and fluffy and innocent >.< I love such stories the most! innocent love. . . I want to have it too x D your story made me love Jongup even more :) thank you very much! I hope you make more stories like that and more about Upie :)
Chapter 12: Nice story ^^
Chapter 12: You know, fics like this made me forget everything! Its too sweet i might get diabetes. (o゚∀`o)
juststory #5
<3 aigoooo... >.<
Really love it ❤ They r soooo cute !
Wait... I just scrolled down through the comments and noticed that I did comment... before. So I did know it.... 0_0 since when?... MIND BLOWN.
Wait... I just scrolled down through the comments and noticed that I did comment... before. So I did know it.... 0_0 since when?... MIND BLOWN.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAE did I not know about this till now?!!!! You, my friend, are so amazing!!! It's so good! <3
omgasdfghjksalfdjsald I couldn't stop spazzing every chapter! |^O^| Every chapter made me squeal, it's sooo cute I may die! >v< It was awkward but it's so cute at the same time!? ^^;; Thank you Zelo for not interrupting the kiss this time! And thank you author-nim for creating such an adorable fanfic! ^_________^