
Awkward Adventures

All shyness banished, we were walking home from school. We walked hand in hand, no gap, as close as we could be. My arm grazed against his, our hands bumping into each other’s thighs in turn. I smiled at the ground, watching my feet as I walked in an irregular pattern to entertain myself.

“Aish, what are you doing?” He laughed as I accidently kicked the back of his leg. I looked up and giggled at him. He rubbed the back of his neck. I loved that he could still pull off his cute, shy smile perfectly.

“Aigoo! I’m gonna vomit!” Yongguk and Himchan sped up behind us, running in front and turning around to walk backwards, facing me and Jongup.

They snickered and I shot a look at Yongguk. “You’re just jealous.” He put a hand over his heart and sighed.

“You got me. It’s true!” He sang laughing with Himchan who pretended to faint pressing the back of his hand to his forehand and falling into Yongguk’s arms who stopped to catch him. He picked him up, like a princess, but dropped him and Himchan landed on his . “Yah you’re too fat Channie!”

Everyone laughed as Himchan gave me a fleeting hurt look. He stood and glared at Yongguk with a smile, who freaked and ran away, Himchan right behind him. We watched as they faded down the street.

Soon we found ourselves at the milkshake store. I smiled at Jongup. “My treat. Chocolate?” He nodded and pulled me inside. After we got the drinks we moved to the park and sat on the swings again, this time facing away from the sun.

We held each other’s chains but didn’t pull. I looked over at him staring into the distance. The sun made a glowing ring around his face, his hair shimmering in the light. I couldn’t see his face clearly but I knew he was serious. The smile left my face as I wondered.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” He looked surprised by my question but he smiled. “Everything is perfect.”

But I couldn’t shake the seriousness. There was something else to his smile.

I gave up wondering. I closed my eyes and took a long, deep breath. Using two hands I shot my empty cup over my shoulder. I cheered when I heard the slam dunk. Jongup chuckled at my fist pump.

I began to swing, slowly, picking up just enough speed to get my toes a few centimetres off the ground.

“I love you.” I dragged my feet against the ground til I came to a halt, jolting in my seat.

I looked over at him, his eyes were wide like he’d risked everything but regretted it immediately because of my shock.

After a deathly silent pause, I stood up and moved in front of him. I pulled him up, chucking his cup at the bin but missing. His chest bumped against mine and I wrapped my arms around his neck. I touched my nose and lips to his. He moved his mouth with mine as I quietly whispered to him. “I love you more.” I smiled and leaned in. This time I was fairly sure it was the milkshake that tasted like strawberry because I could also taste the chocolate. His hand s around my waist, settling in the small of my back as it made my spine tingle.

I pulled back and slid my eyes open. He smiled down at me and I mirrored him. I pulled back more until we were just holding hands. I jerked my head and dragged him away, sticking his cup in the bin as we passed. My face was red and the seriousness was gone, replaced by a feeling I couldn’t quite place, all I knew was that I liked it.




OMO IT'S FINISHED aaaah I love how it ended, lol not trying to flatter myself there >.< aaaaanyways. I've decided to open up another fic, I reckon I'll fill with a few short chapters, like an extras things for this one, so don't expect much of a story line or any real cohesion :3

please comment and let me know what you think of the ending!? and if you want you can recommend it too ^-^ i promise i won't mind ;D hehe

But anyway I just really want to thank everyone who subscribed and viewed and commented. i appreciate it all more than you know <3

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Chapter 13: agh omg this is so cute adjsdlkasjlasdalsdk
Nevrane #2
I love the story ! it was sooo cute and fluffy and innocent >.< I love such stories the most! innocent love. . . I want to have it too x D your story made me love Jongup even more :) thank you very much! I hope you make more stories like that and more about Upie :)
Chapter 12: Nice story ^^
Chapter 12: You know, fics like this made me forget everything! Its too sweet i might get diabetes. (o゚∀`o)
juststory #5
<3 aigoooo... >.<
Really love it ❤ They r soooo cute !
Wait... I just scrolled down through the comments and noticed that I did comment... before. So I did know it.... 0_0 since when?... MIND BLOWN.
Wait... I just scrolled down through the comments and noticed that I did comment... before. So I did know it.... 0_0 since when?... MIND BLOWN.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAE did I not know about this till now?!!!! You, my friend, are so amazing!!! It's so good! <3
omgasdfghjksalfdjsald I couldn't stop spazzing every chapter! |^O^| Every chapter made me squeal, it's sooo cute I may die! >v< It was awkward but it's so cute at the same time!? ^^;; Thank you Zelo for not interrupting the kiss this time! And thank you author-nim for creating such an adorable fanfic! ^_________^