Chapter 6

Can you tell him


“wah! In fairness your kimbap is really good! I didn’t even know you cook well, but nothing beats (you)” Lizzy said




“Bongsun said it already,don’t deny it.”


“oh stop it!”


“you know (your name) you are siwon’s first passenger no one can beat that from you.. You’re the Big Winner!” lizzy said


“Big winner? Big winner?! Tell me…How can she be the big winner when she always gets evicted when the first lady arrives” shin said


“so pessimistic!” Lizzy said


“Guy’s giver her a break” said Daniel


“Hon, your vitamins!” Shin said


“that’s right what are you guys doing? Leave her be” Donghae said


“wae wae?! Has she learned her lesson?” shi bong said arguing, “look at her?”


“…im just looking for ideas to help Yunho complete his project, he’s been having a hard time thinking” you said


“jinjja? Seriously Why don’t you take care of your problems first!” Shin said


“ you know bongsun your so pessimistic, as if you don’t have a love life of your own” Lizzy said


“RIGHT!” Donghae said


“well its true! (you)she will do anything for Yunho” said shin ridiculously pointing at me. Then you just cupped your cheeks and looked at them feeling carefree.


“why?? Are you not doing everything for Daniel? Am I not doing the same thing for Donghae?” Lizzy said explaining


“exactly my point! We’re couples, compared to them, they’re best friends…that’s why its complicated.. Its COM-PLI-CA-TED!” Shin said putting her both hands up in the air


“Like last september! …Yunho knew that Sunhwa likes to go to the teddy bear museum but sunhwa was in the hospital so he made his surprise at her room… and our friend here… was more than happy to help”


Yunho: Oh man we need some more…

You: what?

Yunho: we should have bought more small bears

You: take it easy, I’ll take care of this… relax. Wait. okay



So she went to the store to buy some more instead of just letting it be  



“oppa! OMG this is so beautiful!” Sunwha said giggling. Then she looked into yunho and ran into him. Yunho just gave a thumbs up at (you) her.


“I hope you like it?” Yunho said while hugging her

“You’re so sweet!” sunwha said.

“I love you” yunho said

“I love you too”Sunhwa said. Then (you) she just eventually went out and left feeling cheerless



“Truly! Nothing can beat that even Bong sun’s fats!” Lizzy said and tapped shin’s tummy


“What about 2 years ago? nothing can top that!” Shin said


It was the flashback of Yunho and Sunhwa’s date where in Yunho asked Sunhwa to be his girlfriend and you were the mascot. “yes!! Yes!!” Yunho shouted with joy



“that was classic girl.. classic!” Lizzy said


“(your name) 4x  is there anyone else more worse than you?” shin said then lizzy laughed


“That’s why im called BESTFRIEND… Super Best and Super Friend… always there to lend a hand…to support… to take care—“ I said explaining “—Even if you’re hurting?” shin bong sun interrupted and said in a sad voice,   Lizzy then elbowed shin softly.


“why would I get hurt? Guys… im just his best friend”


“eyy…. If you say so”


“my potato!” Yunho called who just came


“ ah… Yunnie!”


“whats up guys?” Yunho said


“ hey yunho whats up?! Want some crackers?” Donghae said then Yunho sat next to me.


“oh yeah yunnie! I’ve seen some projects that you can do, here I printed it out for you” I said


“wah! You did this?” Yunho said amazed


“yup! So that you wont have a hard time”


“but how did u do this? You’re the best potato!”



“annyeong haseyo eomonim!” I greeted

“oh!annyeong haseyo (yourname) so how was yunho? Did he do something again?” Yunho’s mom said

“ omma! I didn’t do anything” Yunho said

“I was just kidding! you’re so sensitive! (yourname)ah, have dinner here okay? I missed you!” Yunho’s mom said

“oh okay eomonim, i missed you too ” I said

“yah! Bali! Lets go upstairs!” Yunho said


while going up the stairs I came across yunho’s brother named myung soo “ uh nuna!”

“hey! Myung soo. What are you doing?”

“im trying to solve this rubrick”

“well… goodluck with that bro”




“wah! Yes! Im done with this project! Komawo potato!!!” Yunho said happily hugging me


“if it weren’t for me pushing you, you wouldn’t make this project!” I said


“that’s why I love my potato!” yunho said pinching my cheeks


“yah yah! Stop it!” I said, he ticked until we fell into the bed then we looked at the ceiling


“uh! those glow in the dark stars are still there? You never took them out?”


“wahh, I never took them out actually I didn’t realize they were still there , why would I and im too lazy, remember when we were in elementary, we bought them together and stick them there” Yunho said


“yeah and then I would sleep here just to see them light up” I said then I looked at him, “ yah! When I become rich…” I smiled while he continued to talk. I felt so happy just looking at him.


Yunho then looked at me and said “potato!!! You’re not listening!” I came to my senses and said “ yah! I was listening!”

“jinjja? Then what did I say?”

“you said that when you become rich, you’ll buy me an expensive meat”

“mwo?! I didn’t say that!” he said then I chuckled

Then myung soo came to the room “ hey love birds! Dinner’s ready”

“mwo??! a..arraso!” Yunho said

“Oh! (your name) is here! How are you? “ Yunho’s dad said

“ annyeonghaseyo abeoji, im good” I said

“okay lets eat” myungsoo said


“hey, Walk her to her house! Its late at night already” Yunho’s mom said


While we were walking I tripped at a crooked street and hurt my ankle

“uh gwenchana?”

“yeah im fine.. ah ah” I got off balance and he catched me

“seriously? Aish youre so clumsy potato!”

“wae? Wae?! Its not my fault why the road was crooked!”

Then he carried me and set me down on a bench in the park near the street. He removed my shoes and massaged my ankle “next time don’t wear these kind of shoes on crooked places especially when going to our house… what if I wasn’t here and you were chased by bad people?!”

“then let it be!!” I said arguing “ ah ah! That hurts!” He continued to massage my ankle for 10 minutes, we weren’t talking, then after that he was walking away

“yah!!I don’t need you!” I said then I tried to walk but was falling, “ah! Shh! Yunho!!”

“what? I thought you don’t need me” he said and came back

I sighed “FINE! Mianhae OPPA!"  I said exaggerating "thats what you want to hear right?!”

“yaaaah… why don’t you say it in a nice way…such a brat” He said, then he carried me on his back

“you still didn’t say it potato…” yunho said

“I already said it!”

“ okay then” he moved his back making me unstable then I holded him tightly “ uh! Mianhae… oppa “ I said in a nice way 

"okay were here" 

"okay, bye, take care"

He grabbed my hand and said, "yah! yah! you're not gonna say anything to me?!"

"mwo? who's that?" I aid talking to myself

"yah!" he moved closer to me,i was caught up by a wall then he put one of his arms at the wall " this potato!" he said

I startled, i could hear my heartbeat so fast looking at him " ko...mawo" then I quickly went inside my house and closed the gate. My eyes widen and I was feeling my heartbeat. Why is it like this?I cant like him.

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2040 streak #1
Chapter 17: Hello there author-nim :) I just finished reading this story. It was quite different. I like it...
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QueenB_doll #3
Chapter 8: T.T poor yunho, poor "me"
update soon!
sorry guys if i havent been updating, im really busy so i might just update once every week. I hope you guys will continue to subscribe to my story :)
QueenB_doll #5
GOSH..just seeing the picts in this chap makes me laughing hard XDD..yunho's expression from httg is so funny..
>>> back to the story..i somehow agree with bongsun..
"YAH!! pabo!! look at 'me', i'm the one loving you wholeheartly, aishhh" *smacking yunho's head*
update soon!! xD
mikkyminnie #6
Aww poor potatoe... Youho wake up! She's the one you need! Can't wait for the next update,
Hmm I hope yunho will realize his feelings to potato lol yunho is so cute in the drama lol update soon..
sorry i havent been updating, i added a new chapter :)
QueenB_doll #9
more please..euhhhh one sided love is really killing >:@
hahaha thank you tho :) yeah maybe i'll just put the links...