Chapter 17

Can you tell him

A flashback from when you were talking to siwon

"I like you (yourname), do you want to officially date me?"

You were looking into Siwon's eyes but you werent feeling good. It wasnt mutual. You didnt like him and you didnt want to fool yourself.

"Im sorry Siwon" You said. "I like you...but"

"--But you like someone else" Siwon suddenly said.

"uhh" You said. You sounded like you didnt know what to say.

"Its Yunho right?" He asked then he was grinning cheerfully. "Dont bother to explain yourself, its alright"

"Im sorry...." You said in a tone slowly fading like feeling guilty.  "But, how did you know?" You asked

"Well it was obvious you guys had something special and I cant compete with your love for him." He said, "We love, but love doesnt always mean being mutual, it could be unrequited. Its a matter of accepting the fact the other person wont love you the same way you do or even more...

And if that is the case between you and me, then I have to accept it."

"But it doesnt mean I didnt like you" You said.

Siwon smiled tight-lipped and said "Thats right"


"So would that mean I have to let go of my feelings for Yunho? Maybe I should. Its for the best right?" You said to yourself. Somehow feeling like you realized it was too long of a wait but it was too long to not let go. Your final decision felt like changing, like seasons. 




You guys went to the rooftop of the hospital and sat you on the benches.

No one was talking and It was just peaceful just looking at the scenery lights. 

"(your name)" Yunho suddenly said.

Your looked at him and he looked at you.

"I want to make this clear..." Yunho said in a serious tone.

"yes?" you said.

"I love you..." Yunho uttered, "and this time, I am really really sure of it."

You felt your heart. It shocked you to hear that again from him that you felt goosebumps and your eyes widen. You were just looking at each other's eyes...just deeply concentrated on what he just said.

Yunho held both of your hands."No more more more faking of feelings, just the truth and just you and me." He said


"I wished I knew from the start that you loved me as more than friends since then.." he said " all the pain you've put through because of me..I wished i knew about it" His voice slowly cracking like almost crying. " I told myself to just avoid that you wont get hurt. But you know what they say action speaks louder than words and I...I...cant help but be with you again.." Yunho looked at the floor as if he was too hurt that he has hurt you badly and tears started falling

You finally felt emotional...because you felt he was real and because you have wanted this for so long that you cried as well. You moved his face to face you and cupped his cheeks.

"and... it will kill me to see you being happy with someone else rather than me because I love you more than just a best friend I love you so much that the thought of it hurts me." He said while he was holding your hands on his cheeks


"Do you still love me? or am I too late that you decided to just make me a friend?" He asked in a soft and teary voice.

"Yunho I've wanted to hear that from you for so long already,I lost hope waiting,that maybe...just the thought of maybe you could love me like tha way I love you cause I know I cant force love, but... you too" You said with a tight-lipped smile while tears of joy kept on.


Yunho slowly smiled, wiped away your tears and hugged you tightly.


Then he let loose of you.


"I want to kiss you right now but I cant cause I want you to allow me..." Yunho said while he was looking at your eyes then you lips.

"Then do it..." You said looking at him and nodded.


His body and his face was slowly approaching me closer, He finally kissed me and I closed my eyes while I put both of my hands around his neck. His lips were soft, supple, it was slow and wasnt forced. It was magic. It was right.



This story is really done. Embarrasing it may seem i didnt really finish this story because I forgot my password before and went and made different story in a different website. But I love this site so I tried to find my old password. Hopefully I dont foreget it again. :)


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2037 streak #1
Chapter 17: Hello there author-nim :) I just finished reading this story. It was quite different. I like it...
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QueenB_doll #3
Chapter 8: T.T poor yunho, poor "me"
update soon!
sorry guys if i havent been updating, im really busy so i might just update once every week. I hope you guys will continue to subscribe to my story :)
QueenB_doll #5
GOSH..just seeing the picts in this chap makes me laughing hard XDD..yunho's expression from httg is so funny..
>>> back to the story..i somehow agree with bongsun..
"YAH!! pabo!! look at 'me', i'm the one loving you wholeheartly, aishhh" *smacking yunho's head*
update soon!! xD
mikkyminnie #6
Aww poor potatoe... Youho wake up! She's the one you need! Can't wait for the next update,
Hmm I hope yunho will realize his feelings to potato lol yunho is so cute in the drama lol update soon..
sorry i havent been updating, i added a new chapter :)
QueenB_doll #9
more please..euhhhh one sided love is really killing >:@
hahaha thank you tho :) yeah maybe i'll just put the links...