
My boyfriend is a...dragon?

School just ended, and you left school in a hurry. You had errands to run, and you wanted to make it quick. You had made kris swear and promise to stay at home and never fly while you're gone, but you didn't trust him just yet.

Who knows what he might do?

By the time you actually finished your shopping and returned home, the sun was already setting. You hopped off the bus, hands loaded with shopping. Finally! Home sweet home! It took longer than expected. 

You begun your walk to your apartment, but immediately stopped. There was an odd déjà vu feeling.

You saw black smoke. Again.

Except this time it was coming from your own unit.

'Oh .' you cursed as you dragged you and your shopping all the way to your house. This is not good. Not good at all.

By the time you reached your home, you were shaking all over, not only from carrying everything, and also from panic. You dropped everything and banged on the door. 'Kris?' You shouted.

There was no response. You panicked more. Horrible scenes races through your mind, each sending chills down your spine. With trembling hands you tried to fit your key into the lock. After much fumbling and lots of swearing, you swung the door open.

'KRIS!' you hollered. Smoke choked your throat as you walked in. You covered your mouth as you approach the source of the smoke. What you saw next shocked you.

Kris was standing by a blazing stove with a spoon in his hand.

'Oh hi Min Hee.' he casually waved, and turned back to the stove. There was a huge fire, more like a bonfire, burning, and on top of it was a pot with bubbling liquid.

'What in the are you doing?!?! Get away from there!!' you pushed him aside as you poured water over the stove. The fire quickly ceased and venomous smoke filled the room. Oh great. This place is too toxic to stay in for now. After ensuring proper ventilation within the house, you dragged him out of the house and shut the door. You were really exasperated to your limits.

'Look what you've done! Now we have nowhere to sleep tonight!' you hissed.

I can't leave this guy alone for a while. First he flies around to stalk me now he nearly sets the entire house on fire. How am I supposed to live! And there he was, gazing at you with that calm, peaceful look as if nothing serious happened. You on the other hand, was flustered and breaking out in cold sweat.

Oh god! I cant stand him anymore!

You took all your bags and trudged upstairs without a word. He followed behind quietly. You stood in front of the doors of the last floor. Not many people will come to the last floor. The doors were getting old and rusty. You turned the squeaky handle as you stepped into the rooftop. It was empty, as usual.

'We sleep here tonight.' You dropped your bags down. He came over and looked around at the bare rooftop. 'What were you trying to do back there?' you glared at him.

'Cook..?' he blinked innocently. 'I've seen you do it a couple of times, and I thought I could replicate that, especially since I had the ability to do so.' he grinned as he sent a spark of flame into the air with a wave his hand. 

'So what did you do?' you felt like you really didn't need to ask him.

'I set the stove on fire!' He replied, shooting little sparks of fire around him. You literally did a face palm.

'Kris...that's not how you...urgh...'

This will take a long long time.

You sighed at him. Being half dragon means he has the powers of a dragon, and you were reminded of that fact through this painful incident.

'Next time, I'll do it okay? You are banned. Banned from using the stove.' you made your message loud and clear. He merely chuckled at you.

'Whats that?' he asked, pointing to the bags of stuff.

'Shopping. For you.' you held up a couple of bags and shoved into his arms. He looked at you surprised.

'Clothes. Wear these instead. Don't wear that ridiculous outfit anymore. People are gonna find out that you're not from here and you'll be thrown into mutant experiment labs.' you said coldly. Kris nodded and went silent for a while. He was touched that you had been considerate of him even though you were mad. He smiled and took a look at the clothes.

You were still mad at him, so you ignore him and gazed at the stars quietly. When you finally remembered him, you lifted up your head and called him. 'Kris-'

He was standing in front of you, his shirt gone. Kris was standing half- before you. Your eyes widened as you took in his lengthy but well-toned body. Both his upper arms were inked with what looked like tattoos. You gawked.

'Done admiring me?' he asked, that cursed smirk coming back on. You snapped out of it and shrieked at him.

'Go away!! You're not-clothed, go away!' You covered your eyes and whirled around quickly. You could literally feel your face burn. Oh gosh what did I see I didn't see anything I did not see kris's body kris'sbody omg shut up Min Hee...

'Enjoyed it?' you heard a voice whisper at your ear. You turned at saw his face up inches before you. His stunning features were painfully clear. At least this time he was in a shirt. You quickly backed away.

'S-says who!' you squeaked. His smirk grew wider. There was a mischievous glint in his eyes. 'Oh yeah? I saw someone gaping real~badly just now.' You pushed him away and ran away from him. 'Im sleeping now, goodnight!' you ran to your school bag and lay down beside it, trying to calm down your fluttering heart. The concrete ground of the rooftop was a stark contrast from your bed at home. But you didn't mind it. All that was in your head was the scene of kris, replaying...

'Min Hee ah,' Kris changed out from his outfit. He was dressed in a plain white t-shirt and a dark pants. Without the weird outfit, it was hard to distinguish him from any other human being. He was hoping to prank you even more. When you didn't respond, he walked over to you. He saw you curled up on the floor, your bag as your makeshift pillow. Kris smiled. You were already asleep.

Do you know you're sleeping before a complete stranger? I could potentially harm you...he thought.

But I won't. I'm a Guardian of EXO. Born to protect. He lay his unused cape down. He picked you up and lay you on it. The cape was long and thick and you rested comfortably in it. He saw your furrowed brows relax. Smiling, he lay beside you and soon after, he slept too.

That night was quiet and peaceful. The cool night wind blew softly, washing away all of the day's anxieties.

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I really like that date~ fun and skinship :)) Aaw, thats sad to hear >.< I really like your writing! <3 Hopefully you'll change your mind about it.. good luck! Fighting! ^^
OhMyKrisus #2
i was so happy for nothing AISH!!!
OhMyKrisus #3
OhMyKrisus #5
aigo kriss update soon please
resetandreplay #6
Wouldn't it be coincidental soulmate if one of my fanfics had the same name as your OC? :))))) Read the foreword and I'll read this later on. :D
@SiaShin & @bongkler yes I hope Kris doesn't! He's way too rash D:
oh my gut please dont let them see him like that.
Krease to the rescue! :O Hopefully he doesnt reveal his secret >.<
yay. a kris to lean on. <3 achuchu.