
My boyfriend is a...dragon?

You opened your eyes.

The sun was setting in the distance.

What happened? You looked around your surroundings. It was the school's sick bay. Then you remembered, that basketball match..

You groaned as you sat up. An uncomfortable pressure was on your forehead. You ran your fingers through your hair, but your hands met with a cloth gauze first. hissed in pain. Your head throbbed as you touched the bandaged area.

Footsteps echoed round the corner. You sat up, wondering who it was.

The footsteps walked nearer to your little room and then stopped at the doorway. Under the sunlight, only his silhouette could be seen.

'Who's there?' you called, squinting to try and make out this person. He didn't look familiar.

'It's not important. Just hear me out.' his demanding voice made you sit straight in attention. He cleared his throat purposefully.

'Key wants to say that he's sorry.'


'He is sorry that he hit you earlier, and-'

More footsteps were heard coming to your direction. That person immediately stopped and ran off without a second thought.

'Wait!' you tried to stop him, but he was already gone. Before you could even gather your thoughts, Jiyeon burst into the room, dragging Kris behind her.

What is Kris doing here..? You looked at them blankly.

'Min Hee! You're awake?!' her voice was a little too squeaky. You nodded slowly, looking at her and Kris. Then it hit you.

Oh god, I haven't told her about Kris, oh god oh god oh god...what am I supposed to say! How did he even end up here in the first place!

'Now Min Hee...would you like to explain who this is and what was he doing here?' she pointed at Kris, who retreated from her in fear.

You bit your lip nervously.

'Umm, that's Kris-' 'Yes I know. And I know that he lives WITH you??'

You gaped at Ji Yeon, then at Kris. How did she know!

He mouthed the words 'she made me tell her' at you.

'I'm watching you young man!' she barked, making both you and Kris jump.

Oh god, this is a sticky situation.

'Umm Kris, would you leave the room for a while?' you let him run away from the flustered Jiyeon. When he was gone, you looked at Jiyeon.

'Umm Jiyeon...' you stuttered.

'You better start explaining Min Hee.' Jiyeon tapped the floor impatiently.

You gulped. 'I rented my spare room for him to stay..umm...yeah.' you glanced at her uneasily.

She nodded slowly, contemplating.

'Do you really know him well? Do you know if he's dangerous or not?'

You paused. Kris wasn't bad, he was just a weird dragon boy.

'He's from my hometown, he came here to, uhh, study.' you blatantly lied.

Jiyeon looked at you with narrowed eyes.

I hope she's buying it.You put on your best grin at her. She leaned over to you ominously.

'well then why didn't you tell me in the first place...He's so so so so good-looking!' her hushed voice could not hide her excitement.

Your jaw dropped at her sudden change of emotions. She was more concerned about his look?!

You flicked her head hard. 'Pabo!'

She burst out into laughter. You shook your head and called Kris in. He came in quietly, sending fearful looks at Jiyeon.

'Umm...we may have some misunderstandings, Jiyeon, this is Kris. Kris, this is Jiyeon.' you formally introduced them to each other. Both of them bowed to each other.

'I'm sorry for scolding you just now. Let's be friends quickly!' Jiyeon smiled happily.

Kris nodded warily and returned her smile.


You walked down the path home with Kris. The school nurse finally decided to let you off after a thorough inspection of your wound. By the time she finished, it was already dark.

The both of you walked in silence for a while.

'Kris?' you turn to look at the tall man. 'What were you doing in my school?' you asked. This question had been in your head for a while, but you didn't get the chance to ask it.

He blinked at you innocently. ' were injured?'

You opened your mouth to reply him, but your head throbbed in pain again. Cradling your forehead you lowered your head.

'It hurts to look at you for too long,' you said jokingly.

'Why? Do my good looks hurt you?' He smirked. You could feel the pride seeping from his words. Him and his stupid silly ego!

'Oh shut up!' you rolled your eyes. He laughed at your reaction.

'You narcissistic dragon..' you muttered, looking away from him.

Kris was still gazing at you. She's looking much better already. That's a relief.

Few hours back...

You out onto the floor.

Jiyeon dashed over from the other end of the court. Everyone stopped what they were doing and crowded round you, just being nosey.

Key tapped you. 'Hey, wake up.' He called.

When you didn't wake up, Key began to reach for you. Jiyeon on the other hand was beside him, stunned. You can't touch Min Hee!

'Step aside.' a low voice ordered.

Everyone turned to look.

A tall male stepped out from a dark corner of the court. He was dressed in a plain white tee with jeans, the one that you had bought for him. His fierce looks made everyone silently obey him.

Everyone except Key and Jiyeon backed away. There was immediately an excited buzzing of voices.

'Who is he? Is he a student?'

'He's so handsome!' one of Key's fanclub members squealed.

'He knows Min Hee?'

'What's with Min Hee and cute guys?' someone scoffed really loudly.

Kris ignored all the chatter. In a swift movement, he lifted you up bridal style. He turned to leave.

'Wait!' Key and Jiyeon shouted at the same time. Kris turned to look at them. His intimidating look silenced them.

Key was the one who gained courage first.

'Bring her to the sick bay. Do you know where it is?' Key asked. Kris shook his head.

'I'll show you the way.' he pointed.

Jiyeon followed behind the two of them. She was having many mixed feelings that she can't say. This mysterious man before her was strange, and suspicious.

When they reached the sick bay, Kris placed you on the bed. You were pale and breaking out in cold sweat. The nurse ran over.

'None of your business now. Go out go out!' the nurse demanded. And with that the trio was shooed out the room. They left the room quietly.

Jiyeon looked at Key. He face was solemn, probably due to shock..and guilt. She glared at him angrily. This , how dare he!

'You may leave now.' she spoke to Key for the first time. He bit his lips at her harshness.

'I'm sorry for...just now.'

'Well you OUGHT to be. Now leave.' she pointed at the exit.

'Can I just wait for her to wake up?' his voice was almost pleading.

Is he even truely guilty? How bout when she was thoroughly broken by you?! She scoffed and threw a cold look at him.

'Haven't you hurt her enough? She doesn't want to see you.'

'And you.' She whipped her head at Kris, who was silently watching everything. He stood up straight.

'You come with me. I have a few questions for you.' she said, voice dripping with ice. She stepped away from the sick bay with Kris, leaving Key alone in the dark corridor.

And all Kris could remember from then on was Jiyeon's fierce demanding voice when she was interrogating him.

Kris grinned to himself at the memory. Jiyeon was fierce to him, but I'm sure she meant good.

She guards over Min Hee like a little guardian angel...Guardian... But she won't have to worry. I promised I'll return her the favour, and I will protect her with all I can. That's the job of a Guardian.


You huffed as you sat up on your bed. It's only been a few days into summer and you're not enjoying it.
Damn it Kris, why did you have to listen to the nurse!

'Now, I trust you to take good care of her, and make sure she doesn't do anything vigorous activities for the next week or so. We don't want another heat again, right Min Hee dear?'

The nurse's sickly sweet voice rang inside your head. You shuddered.

You crept to your room door and opened it quietly. The only thing audible was the TV running in the background, otherwise the house was quiet. Stealthily, you snuck down to the living room.

Kris was lying down on the sofa, his legs dangling off the edge. His arms were covering his face, and his breaths were deep and slow. He's asleep, wonderful. You smiled evily.

Getting down on all fours, you crawled past the living room. Success! You were inches to the door. A bit more to my freedom! Fishing out the keys from your pocket, you reached for the doorknob.

'Going somewhere?' Kris's deep voice made you jump. You dropped your keys onto the floor.

'Jeez!! Kris!' you whined, turning to look at him. He was not on the sofa anymore, but hovering right above you. You and your powers! Sheesh!

You looked at him pleadingly. 'Let me go out, please!! Just this once!!'

'Go back to your room and rest.' he glided smoothly to your room, head grazing past the ceiling.

You groaned as you dragged your feet to your room. Glaring at him, you crossed your arms as you sat down on your bed.

'Are you happy now?' you grumbled.

He was smiling happily. A little too happy for his own good.

'Good, you need rest! I'll call you when it's dinner time!' he shut the door briefly. You scowled at him.

Fifth time. It's been the fifth time you tried. Every attempt was quickly destroyed by Kris. Your fist clenched in anger and frustration.

'I may have fallen five times, but I will stand up on the sixth!!' you waved your fist and made a war cry to the door. Hearing no answer, you planted your face into your bed. 'Ahh!! My summer is ruined because of you Kris!!'

Kris chuckled at you. It's been a awhile since someone made me laugh so much.

A/N: Soo this is a huge chapter and I can't be bothered to break it up anymore so enjoy guise(: also it's 2am now so I hope I am still coherent ;~;


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I really like that date~ fun and skinship :)) Aaw, thats sad to hear >.< I really like your writing! <3 Hopefully you'll change your mind about it.. good luck! Fighting! ^^
OhMyKrisus #2
i was so happy for nothing AISH!!!
OhMyKrisus #3
OhMyKrisus #5
aigo kriss update soon please
resetandreplay #6
Wouldn't it be coincidental soulmate if one of my fanfics had the same name as your OC? :))))) Read the foreword and I'll read this later on. :D
@SiaShin & @bongkler yes I hope Kris doesn't! He's way too rash D:
oh my gut please dont let them see him like that.
Krease to the rescue! :O Hopefully he doesnt reveal his secret >.<
yay. a kris to lean on. <3 achuchu.