Crushed crush

My boyfriend is a...dragon?

Monday came.

You trudged into school sleepily. The whole series of events had interfered with your usual sleep cycle. The whole night ended up with you tossing and turning in your bed, knowing that there was another person in the guest room, and it bothered you all night. When you finally got some sleep, the alarm clock went off. My beauty sleep, you sniffed sadly.Burying your head into your arms, you tried to catch some sleep before the lessons started.

'Hey 'sup Min Hee-oh wow, whats with that panda face?' your friend Ji Yeon flopped beside you and took a gasp when you looked at her.

Ji-yeon was your closest friend in this high school, perhaps the closest in your whole circle of friends. You sighed as you poked your own eye circles.

'It's a long story...' you mumbled, falling back asleep even before lessons started.

School ended quickly. You slept through most of the lessons, otherwise you were preoccupied with the fact that a really good looking male/dragon is living with you right now.

You were chatting with Ji Yeon as you walked to the school gates. You didn't realise where you were going, and before you knew it you bumped into someone's shoulder hard.

'Im sorry!!' You bowed and looked up at that person. Your heart did a little skip when you realised who it was, but after the flutter it sank.

In front of you was your largest high school crush, who is also, and rather unfortunately, the most popular guy in school, Kim Kibum. Everyone called him by his nickname, Key.

'Watch where you're going, Min. Hee, it's Key we're talking about.' one of his friends snarled, placing extra emphasis on your name.

'Oh don't tell me you're purposely bumping inyo him to get his attention? Oh my god you are so desperate!' they cracked up and smacked hi-5s with each other.

You looked at them helplessly. Key was looking at you quietly. His beautiful eyes narrowed as he scanned you. You knew he was judging you. You blinked back your tears as you lowered your head in shame. Jiyeon tugged you to leave, but your legs wouldn't obey you.

'Come on Key, there's no point wasting time on her. Let's go.' his friends coldly sneered and they left, leaving you standing there dumbfounded. Ji Yeon quickly dragged you away.

'And those guys actually think you'll get all the chicks. Bastards.' she cursed. She patted your back as you walked silently with her. 

'Min Hee ah, you okay?' she asked, holding you gently. Your face was pale and your lips were quivering slightly. You nodded your head slowly.

'I...just need some time alone. I'll see you tomorrow Ji Yeon.' you turned and walked away from her without turning back.

Tears sprang into your eyes. You recalled that horrible day when it all happened. That horrible day was called Valentine's day.

You packed your chocolates neatly into a hand-made box. On top of it was a letter written by you, confessing your love for Key. You had set your eyes on him since day one, and by the next year you decided to confess to him. A smile crept on your face as you thought of all the possibilities that could happen during your confession.

You planned to do it before school started. Many students were hanging out in the courtyard. It was even more busy and excited today, because everyone was preparing to confess to their love or celebrate it with their close ones.

You saw him talking to his friends in the middle of the courtyard. He was laughing and chatting with his friends. You looked at Ji Yeon uneasily, but she cheered you on. Reassured, you clutched your gift closely and went to him.

'Key-ssi...' you called out to him. He stopped chatting and turned to look at you, his lips curved in a gentle smile. Your blood rushed with adrenaline. Everything around you was a blur. The excited buzzing of the students hushed to a whisper in your ears. All you could see was the perfect man who stood before you. He was smiling so sweetly, as if he was happy that you finally made the move.

'Umm...I really like you! I hope you can accept my feelings!' you bowed and held out your gift. Key took it to him. You immediately stood up and looked at him expectantly. His pale fingers curled over the box nicely. He held it up to his face and looked at it carefully.

'Jang Min Hee...' he muttered your name. Your smile grew wider. He said my name!

'What is this...' he mumbled. 'Looks pretty much like crap to me!' his friend scurried over and mocked. Your smile fell. One of his friends shoved all of your gifts onto the floor. 'Whoops.' he smirked.

Your hard work...was now spilt and dirtied on the concrete floor. The letter was unopened. His friends cracked up laughing, while Key stood there coldly. His eyes were looking up and down you, unfeeling. That was when his friends pushed him away from you.

'Such a loser, Jang Min Hee. Get a life! Key will never fall for you~' his friends called as they left.

You could hear laughter as you ran away from the courtyard, choking between your muffled sobs.

You shook your head in attempt to forget the memories. Every step you took seemed heavier than usual.

As you left the school, you did not notice someone watching you leave. He sighed sadly, and walked away too.

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I really like that date~ fun and skinship :)) Aaw, thats sad to hear >.< I really like your writing! <3 Hopefully you'll change your mind about it.. good luck! Fighting! ^^
OhMyKrisus #2
i was so happy for nothing AISH!!!
OhMyKrisus #3
OhMyKrisus #5
aigo kriss update soon please
resetandreplay #6
Wouldn't it be coincidental soulmate if one of my fanfics had the same name as your OC? :))))) Read the foreword and I'll read this later on. :D
@SiaShin & @bongkler yes I hope Kris doesn't! He's way too rash D:
oh my gut please dont let them see him like that.
Krease to the rescue! :O Hopefully he doesnt reveal his secret >.<
yay. a kris to lean on. <3 achuchu.