Beautiful stranger

My boyfriend is a...dragon?

It's Saturday, the first day you found this mysterious man.

You couldn't comprehend yourself for taking him back into your house that day. Adrenaline and sixth sense told you to do so, even though your mum(in your imagination) and your rationality screamed at you. (Taking strangers home, really?! You can almost hear your mother screaming at you.)

You decided that the day would be spent on taking care of him, and for that you took a leave from your weekend job too. You couldn't go anywhere, you were worried he woke up. But 'taking care of him' should probably have been described as 'staring at him half the time wondering what in the world is he while questioning your ability to make the right decisions in life'. You know you can't throw him out just yet. It would be a crime. But to keep him here doesn't seem like a right choice either.

Day turned to night, and you had just finished washing the dishes. There was nothing else left to do. You went over to him and sat down by his makeshift bed.

'Yah, dragon boy,' you called. It was a nickname you created for him. 'When will you wake up? It's been the second night already...' you gazed at his face. You've stared at him for long enough to know that he that was really dashing. Defined jawline, plump lips, well shaped nose, and strong eyebrows that added a bit of fierceness in his look. His eyes were tightly shut, but with those brows he looks angry even when he's sleeping. 'I'm kinda getting used to having you here, you weird random dragon boy...' you mumbled wearily. In no time, you fell asleep, leaning onto the side of the sofa.


His eyes flew open.

Finally, I feel recharged.

He looked around him. He was surrounded by plain white walls and some simple furniture. He was lying on something soft, probably a bed.

Where is this place? How long have I slept?

He pressed his fingers onto his temple. The events started to return to him. The teleporter. His fire dragon. Falling from the sky. But where is this place? He slid off the bed. His legs brushed against something soft. It was a living thing. Immediately he recoiled and got into a defensive position. He waited for the living thing to attack him. He paused and fixated his gaze on it.

All he saw was that living thing breathing quietly and it didn't move. He let down his guard and moved closer to it. 'it' looks like it was resting.

She's a female human.  

He was in Earth, and to be exact, in a female human's house. He tapped his fingers on his lips. He couldn't remember seeing her, let alone go into her territory.

At that moment, the female human stirred before him. She rubbed her eyes and looked around, before locking eyes with his. He was looking at her interestingly, like as if she was an animal. She took a good long gaze at him, and let out a shrill scream.


Being a light sleeper, you were awoken by the soft shuffling sounds.

Oh crap, I've fallen asleep by the fumbled around sleepily. What was that sound? You rubbed your eyes and turned. Right in front of you was a huge figure crouched over your body. You screamed and jumped backwards to the sofa.

'Don't come near me!!!' you shrieked in fear. The person in front of you immediately went into a defence position. The tips of his fingers flickered bright with!

'D..don't hurt me, I come in peace..!' you quickly yelped, holding a nearby cushion for defence. 'Hang on...' you straightened up and looked at him closely. The face finally became clear to you. The dragon boy! He'd woken up!

The both of you stared at each other for a long time. He did not attack, but stood still as if expecting an attack from you. You on the other hand, were racking your brain, trying to find a way to calm the situation, but wasn't sure how to begin this. 'So, were you that guy that, you know, fell off the sky?' you asked him. Both of you kept still in same positions. He gave you a blank face and confusion was reflected in his eyes.  ' you understand me..?' you asked, trying to emphasise your words correctly. After a long pause, he nodded. He's had a few experiences with Earth beings, and he's picked up a few of their languages. He may not be as skilful as Kai and his machinery, but he had the gift of speaking. It runs in the blood of his family.

You sighed in relief. 'Oh good good, I thought I might have to learn how to speak dragon-language or something...'  'Dragon?' he spoke. Whoa, he sure has a really deep voice. You nodded at him. 'Yeah, seeing that dragon and all...'

He chuckled softly. She thinks I'm a dragon? Well, it's not that he can't speak dragon, but then again, what does this earthling know.

You glanced at him weirdly. 'Are you feeling better now?' you asked softly. Fear was still evident in your eyes. He softened at your question and nodded. 'Much better now, thank you for your hospitality.' 'No problem.' you smiled. 'Do you have a place to return to? Like your family or friends? Your home? I can help you hail a cab or something..?'' He realised that you were right. He had to get back to his team. He had to get back to EXO. They were probably waiting for him, he had more important business in hand than here. He needed to contact them.

He didn't answer you. Without a warning, he walked past you and jumped straight out of the window.

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I really like that date~ fun and skinship :)) Aaw, thats sad to hear >.< I really like your writing! <3 Hopefully you'll change your mind about it.. good luck! Fighting! ^^
OhMyKrisus #2
i was so happy for nothing AISH!!!
OhMyKrisus #3
OhMyKrisus #5
aigo kriss update soon please
resetandreplay #6
Wouldn't it be coincidental soulmate if one of my fanfics had the same name as your OC? :))))) Read the foreword and I'll read this later on. :D
@SiaShin & @bongkler yes I hope Kris doesn't! He's way too rash D:
oh my gut please dont let them see him like that.
Krease to the rescue! :O Hopefully he doesnt reveal his secret >.<
yay. a kris to lean on. <3 achuchu.