
My boyfriend is a...dragon?

'Hey!!' you called, shocked by his actions. Your house was on the third floor, but jumping straight off the window was probably the last thing you'd possibly imagine him(or any sane human being) doing. Immediately you dashed out of your house and went to find him.

He was at the crash site. The place was now in ruins, but at least the smoke and fire cleared away. The place was empty and he could face the sky clearly. The night sky was filled with stars tonight, and he gazed longingly at it. Exo... He sighed and tapped something on his wrist. There was a frantic expression on his face. 

Curses, why can't I get it to work?! He tapped on the object again. It looked like an ordinary wrist accessory, complete with a symbol of a dragon on it. Yet it was the main communication device between him and his team members. But now, he could not connect to any of them. He pressed all the buttons seperately. Nothing worked. It must've been broken when I fell, he thought.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw you coming towards him. That human girl. He had nearly forgotten about you. He paused his activities and looked at you.

You ran round your building to find him. The night was still cold and you were in your pajamas. You approached him carefully, not sure what to do. He shook his head in despair. He could not get to s, and he's stranded here on Earth with nowhere to go. He glanced at you again. You were approaching him but keeping a safe distance.

'Can I stay in your house?' he blurted out suddenly.

'What?!' you gasped. 'No- this is not-I can't!' You were really uncomfortable with the idea. He is a complete stranger, what he really is is still a big mystery to you. Plus, you realised that hadn't worked this out when you took him home. You only extended your hospitality to him till he was okay.

'I promise I will repay you well.' He offered. You gaped at him. This dragon person was out of this world! First he falls from the sky and then he nearly attacked me with fire and now he wants to stay with me?! It is creepy as hell.

You opened your mouth to protest, but you met with his sincere and intent gaze. All you thoughts came to a stand still. His eyes were twinkling under the faint moonlight. He looked at you as if you were the only one in this whole world at the moment. It was mesmerising, and somewhat hypnotising. He was dressed in pure white from head to toe, and his long sleeves were marked with a neat row of holographic arrows. The cape behing him danced in the soft wind. 

'Please?' he asked softly. His voice was like music to your ears. You blinked slowly, and your mouth closed and opened a couple of times in an attempt to say something, but nothing came out. Your inner voices were in a state of emergency. Do not succumb to it woman, do not fall for it don't-BUT this tall strange and handsome man is asking you for a room to stay in...NO DON'T MIN HEE YOU CAN'T-

'A-alright.' was your reply. You realised what you said and you mentally slapped yourself. What the heck are you doing?!

'Wonderful. Let me introduce myself. My name is Kris. Let's be good roommates.' he smirked.

'I'm...Min Hee...' you bit your lip, unsure of what you have landed herself into.

Stop smirking, you weird dragon boy!


'So...' It was Sunday night. The dinner table was awkwardly silent. It was the first dinner Kris and you were spending together, and it was just a simple one you made. You were poking at your dinner, completely uninterested. There were too many questions on your head. He looked up from his plate. You were twirled your fork and you finally gained enough courage to ask him. 'Who are you?'

You can tell he was try hard not to laugh. 'Im...Kris? Geez, are you that forgetful?

'No I'm not!' you waved your fork around exasperatedly. 'I mean...where did you come from, and everything.' 

'Why do you want to know that?' he stiffened. I can't give my identity so easily.

'I just..ah never mind. Im being nosey. Pretend I didn't say that.' you bent your head down and fished out a piece of vegetable to eat.

'But I don't understand...why were you behind the park that day...' you looked at him, puzzled. It was all too confusing. He didn't seem to be ready to share, so you turned back to your dinner again.

I still can't trust her...maybe I should lie. It'll be fun to prank her. The mischievous thought settled in his mind. He cleared his throat.

'I'm half-dragon.' he began. 'What?!' you choked on your food. He pushed a glass of water to you calmly. You coughed and fanned yourself while he sat quietly on the other end of the and stared at you straight. His piercing gaze made you even more embarrassed at your blunder. While you were choking, he was laughing hard on the inside.

'A real dragon..' you muttered in shock. 'Go on.'

'I'm a dragon rider. I can tame dragons.' he stated plainly.

How can it even be possible for such a creature to exist? It's been ages since you've grown out of the fantasies and fairytales you read as a child, but now those mythical tales are coming to real life, right in front of your eyes. You just watched him in shock. Kris was sitting there calmly like as if whatever he said was something that was normal and common, while you were totally awestruck. Your head was filled with questions about him, and before you could control yourself, you burst out.

'Where are the dragons? Can we see them? What do you do with them? What are you doing here?'

Kris widened his eyes at your sudden outburst. 'Im sorry, that was rude of me..' you bit your tongue. He looked at you and then at his wrist.

The dragon symbol on his wrist gleamed under the light of the room. I'm sorry. I really can't tell you the truth, but I guess we'll just go with this little prank.

He hastily made a tale of living with dragons in a far away secluded land that was magical and invisible. You nodded and listened with wide eyes, taking in everything he said seriously.

'Wow...' you heaved when he finished his story. It was all too much to handle in a day. He's a true blue dragon rider from the medieval times!

'So, what about you Min Hee?' He hastily changed the subject and questioned you instead. You blinked blankly at him. 'what do you want to know? I'm just a normal earthling living here, in the outskirts of Seoul.' you replied.

'Where are your parents? Why aren't they living with you?' he asked.

'I moved out, decided that I need to be a bit more independent.' you grinned, proud that you made this decision when you stepped into high school.

'And your parents?' he asked. 'They don't live in Seoul.' you chewed on your food.

Umma will be so surprised to know about Kris...but then again I shouldn't tell her. With her personality she won't take this lightly. You shuddered.

Kris stole glances of you while eating his food. He thought of his own mother, his family...


You lay in bed thinking of your new roommate. It was totally uncalled for and so...mystical. Almost surreal. Perhaps the next morning he won't even be there, or you'll wake up and it'll all be just a dream. He was too good looking to be real, and his stories were to uncanny to be true. You shook your head and pulled the covers closer to yourself. Sleep took overtook you after a while.

Your door creaked open by a bit. Kris peered into the room, and saw that you are fast asleep. He recalled your expression as he told you his story. You were innocently listening to him and believed everything he said without questions. As he lied further, your eyes widened more in amazement. It reminded him of a certain team mate that he has, whose eyes made him look like he was always in shock. That made him feel really guilty. He could see that you actually trusted him, yet he could not open his heart and be truthful to you. Kris was very apologetic, but for the sake of his team, he had to do so.

I only told her a half-lie.

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I really like that date~ fun and skinship :)) Aaw, thats sad to hear >.< I really like your writing! <3 Hopefully you'll change your mind about it.. good luck! Fighting! ^^
OhMyKrisus #2
i was so happy for nothing AISH!!!
OhMyKrisus #3
OhMyKrisus #5
aigo kriss update soon please
resetandreplay #6
Wouldn't it be coincidental soulmate if one of my fanfics had the same name as your OC? :))))) Read the foreword and I'll read this later on. :D
@SiaShin & @bongkler yes I hope Kris doesn't! He's way too rash D:
oh my gut please dont let them see him like that.
Krease to the rescue! :O Hopefully he doesnt reveal his secret >.<
yay. a kris to lean on. <3 achuchu.