
My boyfriend is a...dragon?

A/N: Here is something you can listen to while reading this chapter ^^


This was the day you've been waiting for. It has exactly been one week since your injury. The one week probation/house arrest you had was finally over.

You crossed out the days with a red marker pen, getting more and more hyped as the week came to an end. Finally, I will be free!!

You hummed a happy tune as you wore your favourite dress in celebration of your 'release'. Standing before your mirror, you did a small twirl around the mirror. A grin spreaded on your lips as you thought of all the things you could do today.

Where shall I go and play today~? You mused as you danced to the kitchen.

'Good morning Kris~' you sang as you passed by him.

Kris came out of his room, groggy from his sleep. That was before he saw you come out.

Your little floral dress was nicely cut to your figure, accentuating your body. When you danced around, it would flutter ever so lightly in the wind.

He suddenly felt really awake now. She's...really pretty today. Like a butterfly.

'Done admiring me?' Kris snapped out of his gaze and saw you smirking. You were trying to do a silly impression of him. He rolled his eyes cooly at you and went over to the table, but the blush on his face was evident.

The weather was hot today, but it was not going to destroy your plans of going out. Nope!

'I'll be out the whole~day, so I'll see you at night!' you said happily as you chewed on your food. Kris nodded and went back to his food.

That was when you realised that Kris had also been staying at home for the past week. In order to make sure you don't 'participate in outdoor activities' in case your injuries worsened, he had stayed by your side 24/7 to look after you. Even at your slightest moments of clumsiness he'll be there to help you.

You felt a pang of guilt. He was really helpful, and you're going to leave him alone to face the four walls of your home.

'Do you wanna come along with me?' you asked. He looked up, slightly surprised.

'Come on! I'll show you around Seoul!' you encouraged.

'Well, if you say so...why not?' You let out a cheer.

'Awesome!! Let's leave after breakfast!!'


After a while you and Kris were out of the apartment, on the bus to the heart of the city. Kris was gazing out of the window. The changing scenery fascinated him, and he quietly watched all the view until the bus neared your alight stop. First there was the more laid back sub-urban areas that you lived in, then he saw more traffic, larger crowds by the pavement. LED shop signs flashed before his eyes and tall buildings towered over him.

You took him off the bus at one of the stops.

'Taadaa! Look where we are!' you pointed at the vast outdoor space before you.

'Here is Yeouido Park! It's a famous water park for everyone!' you smiled.

There were many people running around in various shallow pools of water, with fountains spraying everyone every other second.

You walks towards it happily. 'People often come here to play in the summer.'

Kris quietly observed his surroundings. The park was huge, he couldn't see an end to it.

'Come on Kris! Let's walk!' He followed you down the concrete paths, looking at the park in interest. Mothers were playing with the water with their kids. Friends were playfully pushing each other into the water or starting rowdy water fights. Couples sat by the water, enjoying time with each other. Laughter filled the warm air.

'Isn't this the best?' you asked him, eyes travelling round the happy and relaxed scenery.

We don't have such a place in EXO. He looked at you as you walked on. You were enjoying all of this. You 'aww'ed at the little children playing, giggled anything funny.

Unknowingly, his lips curved up.

You saw a boy pushing another boy into the water, laughing when his friend was all wet. An idea popped up in your head suddenly. Time to get back at this bad dragon!

'Ayo Kris!!' you shouted.

Before he could even react, you pushed him hard into one of the small water pools by the path. Unable to defend for himself on time, he fell straight into the water with a big splash.

You burst out into laughter as you clutched your tummy. He stood up, half his shirt wet. His expression was dark and scary.

'Min Hee!!' he hollered as he charged at you.

'Uh oh! Dragon boy is mad!!' You were still laughing as you ran away as fast you could. He caught up with you in seconds.

'Don't hurt me!' you pleaded, the mischevious grin still on your face.

He smirked. 'What if I say no? Take this!!' He scooped some of the water and sprayed at you.

'Ahh! Kris!!' you gasped as the water splashed on your face. Not admitting defeat, you splashed more water at him.

It quickly escalated into a serious water fight. You successfully pushed him into a water fountain, which drenched him in seconds. You cackled at him while you stood in the dry sidewalk.

Suddenly, he reached out his hand and pulled you towards him.

'Omo!' you stumbled into his chest. His long arm wrapped your waist tightly. You glanced up at him, meeting with his black eyes which gazed back at you deeply. Water dripped from his hair, slipping off his sharp jawline. A little smile played on the edge of his lips..your heart pounded in your chest. Was it because of the running or because of him? You couldn't tell.

'Payback time!' he announced.


The water fountain squirted jets of water furiously. Squealing, you squirmed as you got drenched completely. His grip was too strong to escape.

'My dress!' you whined as you slapped his arm playfully. It was his turn to laugh.


The sky showed the first signs of orange, signalling sunset. Kris and you lay on a grass patch, exhausted from the day's activities. The warm sun was slowly drying your clothes.

You sighed contentedly. That was really fun.

You turned to look at Kris. His eyes were shut, but there was a slight smile on his face. You traced his side profile with your eyes. His hair was pulled back, revealing his forehead. Your eyes went down to his eyes, nose, lips... You cleared your throat awkwardly when you realised you were staring.

'So...was it fun?' you asked him, a little sheepish over your little staring-incident.

He opened his eye to look at you. 'I think today was really fun.'

You smiled at his answer. 'I'm hungry! Shall we grab dinner?'

He felt his empty stomach and agreed with you.

'I'll race you to the bus stop!' you giggled as you scrambled to your feet and made a mad dash for the bus stop.

'We'll see about that!' he ran quickly behind you.




A/N: This chapter was so fun to write (>^-^)>

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I really like that date~ fun and skinship :)) Aaw, thats sad to hear >.< I really like your writing! <3 Hopefully you'll change your mind about it.. good luck! Fighting! ^^
OhMyKrisus #2
i was so happy for nothing AISH!!!
OhMyKrisus #3
OhMyKrisus #5
aigo kriss update soon please
resetandreplay #6
Wouldn't it be coincidental soulmate if one of my fanfics had the same name as your OC? :))))) Read the foreword and I'll read this later on. :D
@SiaShin & @bongkler yes I hope Kris doesn't! He's way too rash D:
oh my gut please dont let them see him like that.
Krease to the rescue! :O Hopefully he doesnt reveal his secret >.<
yay. a kris to lean on. <3 achuchu.