Sports Day

My boyfriend is a...dragon?

Hurray! You grinned as you strolled to school. It was the last day of school, and the start to summer holidays! So many things I can do over the long long summer, I can't wait!

The school has an annual tradition of holding a summer sports meet before the summer vacation. Everyone was dressed in their sports attire and gathered at the running track.

You spotted Jiyeon staring at the participants list in the corner of the grandstand.

'Jiyeon!' you ran over to your friend. She turned around with a dismal look on her face.

'Bad news Min Hee.' she pointed at the participants list. 'We have to take part in the basketball match later.' Your jaw dropped while Jiyeon nodded sadly. The both of you weren't exactly sporty, let alone play a mixed basketball game.

Unwillingly the both of you took off for the basketball match. Your class's match was just beginning. The announcer called out for your class. A few of your class guys and girls gathered in the centre of the court. You and Jiyeon joined them.

'And now, the opposing team...class 3-2!' the announcer said. Your jaw dropped another time. Class's Key class! You saw Key and a few of his classmates step out to the court. He was dressed in a simple red tee-shirt and grey track pants, and that was enough to make your heart do a little flip. His little fanclub stood by the side holding banners and screaming his name. Some of them saw you and scowled darkly. You bit your lip, forcing yourself to focus on the game.

'Ready..GO!' the referee blew the whistle. Both classes made a mad dash for the ball. You were like a lost sheep, running wherever the ball took you to. Key's class was too strong. They were all fierce and aggressive. Many times you were shoved aside by their players forcefully. Your class was no match for them at all. By mid-game, the scores were 12-37. It was obvious who will win.

You fell onto the floor for the third time. One of Key's friends 'accidentally' bumped into you. Hard.

He sniggering as he ran past you, swiftly dunking the ball and earning another score for the class. You wiped your sweat, but more formed. The heat was making your vision a little blurry, but you knew you couldn't give up now.

The referee blew his whistle a final time.

Come on Min Hee, the match is ending soon. You can do this.

Key was dribbling the ball in your direction, and advancing really quickly.

I can intercept this! You watched as he turned to your direction and threw the ball hard. You made a run for it.

'Min Hee!' you could hear Jiyeon scream. Key's expression mortified as you approached, but you didn't realise why until-

Bam! The force of the ball colliding on your head knocked the wind out of you. The ground spun beneath your feet. You could still hear Jiyeon shouting as you out.


Kris snuck out of the house. He looked around to see if you were near. When the coast was clear, he took off into the sky.

It'll just be for a while, she wouldn't even know I'm gone. He couldn't stop flying even though he promised you. It was a part of him that was inert.

He hovered around the area for a while. Min Hee's school, he pointed out to himself. It wasn't far away from the apartment. It was bursting with activity today, everyone was at a large area running here and there.

This looks like how schools in EXO are. He thought. Just that it's a lot crazier back there.

He searched the crowd and found you. You were in the middle of some game, and he saw you running for a ball. It hit you really hard. Oh crap...he saw you fall to the ground limply. Without second thought he flew down as fast as he could.

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I really like that date~ fun and skinship :)) Aaw, thats sad to hear >.< I really like your writing! <3 Hopefully you'll change your mind about it.. good luck! Fighting! ^^
OhMyKrisus #2
i was so happy for nothing AISH!!!
OhMyKrisus #3
OhMyKrisus #5
aigo kriss update soon please
resetandreplay #6
Wouldn't it be coincidental soulmate if one of my fanfics had the same name as your OC? :))))) Read the foreword and I'll read this later on. :D
@SiaShin & @bongkler yes I hope Kris doesn't! He's way too rash D:
oh my gut please dont let them see him like that.
Krease to the rescue! :O Hopefully he doesnt reveal his secret >.<
yay. a kris to lean on. <3 achuchu.