2 worlds unite

My boyfriend is a...dragon?

Unknown place. 

All that can be seen is a corridor with a few doors that probably lead to somewhere. There were screams and shouting going on in the far background.

A man stealthily crept down a dark corridor. He lifted his hood to hide himself more. 'In here!' he picked up a hushed whisper. He need not need to be told twice. He dashed into the dark room. Inside it was the owner of the voice, another male. His metal brooch was glistening in the darkness.

'What are you doing in here?' the hooded man asked the other. 

'This is Kai's room, right? I figured this is where our best weapon is.' The male with the metal brooch shut the door behind him, encasing them in complete darkness. The hooded man straightened up as he paced around in the darkness. 'This situation is bad...' he muttered.

He leaned back against a wall and sighed. He didn't notice that he had jabbed onto a couple of buttons. They immediately lit up. 'What the...' he cursed, jabbing even more random buttons in an attempt to stop them from lighting up.

'Hyung, step aside from that-' the other man tried to warn him, but a sudden beam of light burst through the wall, blinding his vision. He shielded his eyes from the light. When the room finally fell back into darkness, all he could make out was silver wisps of smoke.  His hyung was gone.


A high school in Seoul.

A loud school bell was heard. There was a momentary silence, and then the sudden rush of students leaving the school. One of them was you. You began your slow walk home. Summer was approaching, and the sun was blazing from above.

You are an average student studying in Seoul. It wasn't the least bit exciting, which is the problem. You didn't like this mundane life, you wanted more excitement. To leave this place is your dream, but not until the chains of responsibilities as a student unbound you. Your freedom would be guaranteed then.

I really wish to leave this place, like fly away into the skies on a plane and to somewhere else...like a-what the heck is that?

Your eyes had looked up in the sky for a moment, and something up there caught your eye. You thought you saw a firework in the sky. In broad daylight?

You looked around. Everyone walked past you with their heads bent. No one was crazy enough to actually look up where the scorching sun was.  You looked up again. It was still there. You squinted a bit, trying to make out what it is.

Strange, fireworks don't come in such a shape... It was orange like the flames of fire, and unlike fireworks it lingered on for a good minute or so. Hang on...it has wings... A firework in the shape of a dragon?

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I really like that date~ fun and skinship :)) Aaw, thats sad to hear >.< I really like your writing! <3 Hopefully you'll change your mind about it.. good luck! Fighting! ^^
OhMyKrisus #2
i was so happy for nothing AISH!!!
OhMyKrisus #3
OhMyKrisus #5
aigo kriss update soon please
resetandreplay #6
Wouldn't it be coincidental soulmate if one of my fanfics had the same name as your OC? :))))) Read the foreword and I'll read this later on. :D
@SiaShin & @bongkler yes I hope Kris doesn't! He's way too rash D:
oh my gut please dont let them see him like that.
Krease to the rescue! :O Hopefully he doesnt reveal his secret >.<
yay. a kris to lean on. <3 achuchu.