Chapter 7: That is why we are Sunbaes!

7Kisses University

Chapter 7: That is why we are Sunbaes!

The MC asked, “What is the meaning of I-Hug”

Vanessa spoke first, “The I in I-Hug stands for International.”

Yinah said as she gave a peace sigh, “The H stands for Hot”

Yoona winked, “The U stands for Ubiquitous”

A made a heart with her hands, “and finally the G stands for Girls”

“Sounds like a cool name for seven very pretty and talented girls. How many languages do you speak as a group? Since you guys come from many different countries” The MC asked.

The seven girls talked it over “As a group we speak a total of twelve languages which will be helpful when we do oversea activities.” Yue Sun answered.

“Wow that is amazing twelve languages in total. Who knows the most languages?” The MC asked.

Vanessa raised her hand, “I do! I’m still working on my Korean it’s not 100% yet. I have been getting help from my friends and it is making it easier for me.”

“You seven girls are amazing.” They turned to the audience. “I hope you guys enjoy their performance from another international group.” They smiled. “Let’s watch their performance.”

The music started to play hand the girls started to perform. U-Kisses mouth’s dropped even more. their eyes went wide not expecting that this was being kept from them. They waited backstage for the girls. When they saw the girls coming they screamed out, “YAAA” causing the seven girls to jump.

“Hi sunbae’s now you know why we were so secretive. We are I-Hug want a hug.” They smirked at the seven boys of U-Kiss.

“I want a HUGGG!” Dongho ran over to Vania and gave her a big bear hug.

“Dongho???” They U-Kiss and I-Hug members gave him a questionable looks.

“She is teaching me English since Hyungs are not.” He let go of Vania and grabbed her wrist. “Let’s go. There is a sweets table of there.” He pointed and pulled her along.

Yoona and A just watch and whispered to each other.

Kibum walked over with Kevin, “Not planning on running away from us again, are you?” He smirked.

“Were not going to run Kibummie.” A smirked, “Or are we. So many questions left unanswered. Right Yoona!”

“Nee Unnie running from Oppa is fun,” She smiled cutely.

Kevin used one hand and pinched Yoona’s cheek. “Yoona Shii don’t run from us. Please” Kevin smiled at her cutely.

* * * * * * * * * *

A few days since their debut have passed and Yue Sun and Yinah were asked to take part in a variety show with Eli and Kiseop. They were on the Star King Set. Yue Sun and Yinah had cat ears on because they were going to dance to Bo Peep Bo Peep for the show.

“Unnie do we really have to wear these.” Yinah asked. The sound in her voice was she did not want to wear them.

“Yea and you look cute. This is going to be fun. We are going to be promoting are group.” Yue Sun smiled.

“What are out cute dongsaeng talking about?” Eli said sitting down next to Yue Sun and smiled when he saw the cat ears.

Yinah took them off and placed them on Kiseops head. “They look better on you Sunbae.” Yinah smirked.

“This better not be one of your pranks.” Kiseop smiled at her.

“What pranks do you speak of Seoppie Sunbae” She puffed out her cheeks.

“The prank that you pulled on Sunlee and her friends” he crossed his arms and puffed out his cheeks.

“Ohh you mean operation pink. That was a science experiment or was it Sunbae.” She smirked.

Yue Sun and Eli just watched them. Eli turned to Yue Sun, “So she was the mastermind behind that prank.”

“Yes she was” Yue Sun smiled, “You guys aren’t mad at us for not telling you we were under the same company are you.”

“No not at all.” Eli smiled at her sweetly. “The company wanted to keep it that way so you guys would not be attacked if the press found out about a new girl group.”

* * * * * * * * * *

“Alexander Sunbae so we’re going to do a performance with U-Kiss, and have a school wide festival for the new students. Rumor is that a girl group with seven members will be entering with the new students,” She spoke in English to him.

“I like that idea Miss President. We just need to talk to the others and the company about it.” Xander smiled. “Now let’s get to me tutoring my wonderful Miss President.” He went over to the bored they had in the government office. He started to write some things on the board that he was going to teach Vanessa.

Vanessa was sitting at her desk staring at him. Admiring how smart and handsome he was. She was getting lost in her day dreams about Xanderlands King. She could not believe he was her Korean tutor.

“Miss President” He waved a hand in front of her face. When she did not answer him he placed a hand on her shoulder causing her to jump.

“Sorry Sunbae.” She started to blush.

“You alright.” Xander asked Vanessa kneeling on the ground in front of her looking into her.

“I’m fine.” She blushed even more.

“You were not paying attention. You always pay attention.” Xander asked with a sweet, caring smile. “I hope you are not stressed out with being an Idol already.”

“I’m not tired from Idol work, I enjoy it a lot Sunbae.” She looked into Xanders eyes and got lost in them.

* * * * * * * * * *

“Unnie Unnie Unnie let me have a taste.” Vania hopped up and down she was helping Yoona bake sweets for the festival. “I want a Dongho Cookie.”

“You can’t eat them till they are cooked.” Yoona said.

Lina chuckled, “Why are we making cookies that look like U-Kiss again.”

“Since these cookies will make a profit with all girls at this school wanting one. Making them going Bingeul Bingeul Bingeul.”

“Aish Yoona Unnie you really should go into Business.” Lina said.

“Nah! My father already wants me to be a lawyer, but I’m secretly here rather than at a school for that.”

“Do you really think you should be doing that? Lie to you appa.” Vania said. She was sitting in front of the oven watching the Dongho cookies bake.

“Don’t worry about it my puppy Vania.” Yoona placed a hand on her head and patted it. “When the time comes I will handle it.”

“Are you sure that you can.” Lina asked.

“I’m sure don’t worry about me.” Yoona said.

“Did something already happen with you father Unnie” Vania asked. “LOOK THEY ARE FINSIHED.” He opened the oven and was going to place her hand on the tray, but Yoona stopped her.

“You can’t stick your hand in there like that.” Yoona said.

“Stick your hand in like what.” Kevin said from the door. He was with Dongho and Soohyun.

“UNNIE MADE COOKIES.” Vania said cheerfully. “They look like you guys.”

“WHAT.” Dongho said hurrying into the room and headed over to where Vania was. “I want to see the cookies that look like me.”

“Cookies that look like us whose bright idea was that.” Soohyun walked over to Lina asking her as he put a hand on her head rubbing it. “So is this for the festival.”

“Yes it was Yoona Unnie’s idea to make the members of U-Kiss into cookies. She said it was the best way to make a profit because your fans at this school will love them. Also, they will go Bingeul Bingeul.”

Kevin looked over to Yoona who pulled out the cookies that looked like Dongho. “What will this profit be for?” He took a cookie off the try and ate it and he smiled. “These are really good Yoona Shii.”

“Charity of course.” Yoona smiled as she slapped Kevin’s hands away from taking another cookie.

* * * * * * * * * *

A was reading a book in the quad at the school. She watched Kibum sit down next to her. “Hi A Shii how are you today.”

A looks at Kibum and closes her book. “I’m fine, following me around again Sunbae.” She smirked. “Or do we have some business to do with the company is that why you’re here.”

Kibum sighed, “I’m not allowed to talk to you!”

“Your fan girls might kill me, but Yinah will do another prank if the mess with any of us since we stick together.”

“That Pink Paint thing was entertaining. How about I treat you to something to eat? You can pick the place.”

“Are you asking me out on a date Kim Kibum or is this just a friendly gesture.” A asked him as she stood.

“A date sounds nice. I wasn’t even thinking of that.” Kibum smirked and grabbed A’s wrist. “Let’s Go.” He headed to his car and opened the door for her.

“I did not agree to a date Sunbae” A said grabbing his wrist and pulling it off of hers.

“How about two friends just going out for a bite to eat?” Kibum gave her his famous eye smiles and she nodded her head in agreement.

* * * * * * * * * *

Yoona was up early to set up the table she was going to run with the I-Hug members. She was carrying the cookies she made. She jumped when she heard someone speak.

“Do you ever sleep?” Kevin took some of the cookies she was carrying out of her hands. “Wait you sleep in the practice rooms.”

“Yaa sunbae not funny” Yoona puffed her cheeks out, “and you don’t have to carry anything for me.”

“I want to help you carry these.” Kevin smiled and walked over to the table and placed the table that Yoona was going to be using later today. Other students were setting up a bunch of games. Kevin’s eyes went to a girl who looks lost and looked at Yoona who noticed the same thing.

Yoona started to head over to the girl and Kevin followed her.

The girl dropped something and went to pick it up, but Yoona picked it up for her. “Here you go.”

“Thanks, I’m lost I’m new…” She noticed Kevin and blushed.

“Are you alright? What is your name?” Kevin smiles holding out a hand for her.

Mi Cha took in instantly. “My name is Mi Cha,” She said in English. “I’m a new student here and in a girl group called B.L.I.N.G. I did not know that U-Kiss went here. That is so amazing.” Her eyes darted towards Yoona. “Is she your girlfriend?”

“He is not! We belong to the same company.” Yoona said in English turning around.

“Mi Cha it’s nice to meet you.” Kevin smiled sweetly. “Welcome to the school. I hope you come to the festival and the mini concert U-Kiss and I-Hug will be performing in.”

“Can you be my date to the festival?” Mi Cha asked.

Yoona stopped in her tracks when she said that. She looked back, “Kevin will be helping me with my table at the festival.”

“I never agreed to that Yoona.” He looked back at Mi Cha and could not say no to her since he did not like being mean. “Sure why not.”

Yoona puffed her cheeks out and headed back to the table and continued setting up. A came over with Kibum to help Yoona.

“Yoona whats wrong.” A asked with concerned since she noticed Yoona annoyed face instantly.

“What is Kevin doing over there with that… That girl is from B.L.I.N.G. Is she one of the new students?” Kibum asked.

“Ask Kevin not me.” Yoona said coldly. Kibum raised an eyebrow and headed over to Kevin.

* * * * * * * * * *

A smirked and looked at Yoona, “You like Kevin don’t cha.” A took the banner that Yoona was going to hand up out of her hands.

“I don’t like him. Not at all!” Yoona took the banner back.

* * * * * * * * * *

Alexander and Vanessa were checking on various booths. They were both carrying around clip boards checking off the booths. They noticed Kiseop and Yinah arguing. Vanessa went over and decided to break it up.

Alexander was going to head over when someone crashed into him. He looked at the person and she fell to the ground. “I’m sorry.” He held out a hand for her.

Graece took his hand and blushed. “Alexander from U-Kiss right.”

“The one and only.” He smiled. “I’m sorry are you alright?”

“I’m fine I’m glad that the person who I crashed into was you.” She smiled sweetly.

* * * * * * * * * *

“Come on Yoona, tell the truth. You have a crush on Kevin, he pinch your cheek and called you cute after our first performance.”

“Why would I like him? He is a nice guy, but why would I date him. He can date Mi Cha for all I care.” Yoona said climbing up on a chair.

“You like him. You’re jealous of that girl who he is talking to.” A said.

“I’m not jealous! You should talk. What about you and Kibum.” Yoona stepped higher on the chair and the chair broke.

“YOONA” A screamed and hurried over to her..

Authors note: My lovely Kiss Me's I hope you like this chapter. Only two of the rival's to the members of I-hug have been revealed. Nexted chapter the rest of the Rivals will be in it. I think that will be four to five pages. Please Please suppport this fic. I will contiune writing it and make it amazing. Don't hate on it please. This is like all my fics dedicated to Kibummie and Xander Oppa and the rest of U-kiss! Don't forget to give me feedback.

Please check out my other stories as well


Finally Fallen

Stylish Kiss


A Song Calling For You One More Time

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aww so cute but i hug should have stayed together the ending was disappointing but you are a great writer and the style you wrote it in was very engaging :-)
no problem I am glad you liked it. I have other fan fics coming out in the future and others will be ending. I am trying to get my fan fic load smaller because college is going to get crazy
This was such an awesome fanfic^^ So sad to see its ended :( <br />
But I loved every word of it! Thank you for writing this!
*runs and Hids* <br />
You will like the last chapter
Oh no... I think I know whats going to happen >< WHYY?!<br />
The others where so cute though^^
strawberry_angel #7
Urgh! I think I know what's happening. D: