Chapter 6: I Have a Secret but I’m Going to Keep It or will I

7Kisses University

Chapter 6: I Have a Secret but I’m Going to Keep It or will I

Yinah was planning her next prank she was laying on her stomach listening to her iPod and sang as she worked. She tapped the pencil on her chin and smirked at the ideas that were flowing through her head. She did not notice that someone was watching her draw up her evil plans to mess with the mean Kiss Me’s in the school. He walked around her, kneeling down and picked her plans up and started to read them. Yinah was frustrated now and got up, “Yaaa” she noticed it was Kiseop, “Give it back.”

“Tell me why you call me sunbae and I will” Kiseop said cutely with his famous puppy dog eyes.

“Fine keep it. I will go to Vanessa Unni.” Yinah puffed out her cheeks and started to stomp out of the room heading towards the government office.

* * * * * * * * * *

A continued to run from Kibum she climbed up on something and waiting for him to pass. She saw him pass and jumped down. “Kibummie Sunbae over here.” A said with a smirk on her face

“Yaa, what are you trying to do.” Kibum said catching up to her. He grabbed onto her wrist and sighed. “A is your name right. I think I heard your friend Yoona call you that.” Kibum eye smiled at A.

A just looked at him, “Do you think your eye smiles will get me to talk.” She grabbed his wrist and tried to pull him off, but it ended up not working. “Yaaa”

Kibum chuckled, “You’re cute when you get mad.” He smiled.

“Ehh” A looked at him with a confused face. Was he being sincere about calling her cute? “Yaaa are you telling the truth.”

“The truth about what?” Kibum asked her with a cute confused face.

“You just called me cute. Do I need to spell it out for you KIM KIBUM. C-U-T-E Cute or would you like me to say it in English.”

“You’re a cute girl and I mean it. I’m not just saying it because I want to know why you called me sunbae. I said it because I really think you have a cute smile, and your eyes sparkle when you yell at me.”

“What?” A looked at him and blushed and could not explain this feeling she was getting.

* * * * * * * * * *

Vania started to wake up, she felt warm, and comfortable. She opened her eyes when she heard screaming girls. She noticed she had fallen asleep with Dongho. Her face went really red and she stood up with her books. She walked away from the annoying fan girls of Dongho.

“Yaa Vania what are you doing sleeping with Dongho. You little sneak making a move on him.” The fan girls surrounded her.

“I don’t have to explain myself to you.” Vania tried to walk away, but was pushed down to the ground and let out a little screech. Her ankle was hurting a bit from the fall.

“Yes you do have to explain yourself to us Vania.” The girl kept coming closer to her and Vania started to tear up.

“YAAA” a male’s voice called out causing the girls to jump. “Leave my Vania alone.” Dongho pushed himself through the crowd and went in front of her. “If you mess with her you’re messing with me. She does not have to answer any of your questions.” Dongho picked up Vania up in his arms like a princess. “Move!” Dongho sounded angry. The girls moved away and watched as Dongho walk away.

* * * * * * * * * *

Yoona was running through the halls of the school past students who watched her go by and then saw Kevin running after her. She headed outside onto the balcony that the school had and it was a dead end. Yooan sighed as she came to a stop thinking of where to go. She decided to climb over the railing and jump down it wasn’t that far. Yoona was about to jump when she felt someone grab onto her hands. Yoona looked at the person and it was Kevin’s. His eyes looked worried and concerned.

“Yaa’ what’s with running away like that? You should not be doing that, it’s dangerous. What would happen if you fell and got hurt? Why are you playing games with me?” Kevin asked sweetly.

“If it gets me away from you, I’m ok with it.” Yoona said cutely.

“You’re impossible,” Kevin put his arms around Yoona’s waist and pulled her over the railing to get her away from jumping and kept her in a hug. “I finally know your name Yoona Shii. Now I need to figure out why you call me sunbae.” He smiled cutely.

“I’m not going to tell you why I call you Kevin Sunbae.” Yoona puffed her cheeks out like a blow fish and blushed when Kevin pinched one of her cheeks.

“Acting cute is my job, but it suits you so I will hand that job over to you. Yoona you’re very cute and sing like an angel.”

“What?” her blush got reader and reader. Did those words just come out of Kevin’s mouth? So what people say about him was true. He was a very sweet caring person.

“So are you going to tell me why I’m a sunbae.” Kevin asked still embracing Yoona.

“Yea I will, in a week you should know the answer to that.” Yooah smirked.

“Yaaa, Min Yoona get away from our Kevin Oppa.” His fan girls screamed towards me walking.

“Sorry lady’s but I like hugging Yoona Shii. She is like a teddy bear.” Kevin smiled and whispered in to Yoona’s ear. “Please go along with this and I will wait a week to find out.”

“Ok sunbae deal.” Yoona said to him.

Kevin let go of Yoona and grabbed her hand and pulled her along. “Let’s go to someplace more private Yoona Shii.”

* * * * * * * * * *

Vanessa started to wake up in the government office. She opened her eyes slowly and saw Xander asleep next to her, closer to her face, and holding her hand. She started to blush because he looked so handsome sleeping or when he is awake.

Xander eyes started to open and he smiled, “Miss President you’re awake. Did you sleep well?” He rubbed his eyes and looked into Vanessa, “You should not overwork yourself. I don’t want to see you hurt.” Xander smiled sweetly at Vanessa and placed a hand on her check. “You’re a hard worker that is what I like about you. If you need help with Korean I will become your own personal tutor.”

“UNNI” Yinah came rushing in, but didn’t see anything because Xander moved away fast. “Kiseop is being not nice.”

“You’re just mad because I saw your plans for your pranks. What’s with you and your pranks?” Kiseop said.

“Yaa it’s because they are private and only my Unni’s have seen them. Like operation pink paint.”

“So that is what you were working on that day. You lied and said it was a science experiment.” Kiseop said.

“I was and I got an A” She stuck out her tongue, “And it got your obsessive fans off our back for the time being.”

“Why would they bother you?” Xander asked.

“Since we are getting close to U-Kiss what do you think it is.” Yinah grabbed the plans out of Kiseops hands and walked away, “Vanessa Unni I will be at our dorm. Have fun with coming up with plans for the new students coming in. Unni Fighting.”

“Yaa, Yinah Shii come back. I’m sorry.” Kiseop went after her.

Xander and Vanessa chuckled as they watched Yinah leave and Kiseop follow after her like a puppy.

* * * * * * * * * *

Yue Sun was dancing in the quad with a bunch of other students who were trying to learn her movements. She was teaching them and Eli arrived and looked at her.

Eli smiled at her causing Yue Sun to lose focus and fall on her . Eli came over to her and held out a hand. “Are you alright.”

“Yes Pigeon Sunbae I’m fine.” Yue Sun looked at him and took his hand and was pulled up in an instant.

“Don’t call me Pigeon please.” Eli sighed.

“Fine then don’t ask me questions about me calling you sunbae. You will find out soon enough.” Yue Sun said as she noticed people watching them talk causing her to blush from embarrassment.

* * * * * * * * * *

“Yinahhhh wait” Kiseop said following after her. He watched her stop and look back with her cheeks still puffed out.

“What?” she said, “If you have nothing to say I’m going back to the dorms I share with my Un…” Yinah stopped when she felt Kiseop’s arms wrap around her waist and his head rest on her shoulder.

“I’m sorry for stealing your prank plans. I find them brilliant and I feel bad for taken them. I just want to know why you call me Sunbae.” Kiseop said in a sweet voice.

* * * * * * * * * *

Dongho placed Vania on a bed in the infirmary and started looking around for the nurse. The nurse was nowhere to be found so Dongho decided to take care of Vania himself. He took off her shoe and sock and started to wrap her ankle for her.

Vania just looked at him with a red face. She could not believe how sweet Dongho was. She watched Dongho and he was holding a hand out for her and she took it. He pulled her up to her feet.

“How does it feel?” Dongho asked with a concerned look in his eyes. “I’m sorry you got hurt because of me.”

“It’s ok.” Vania said as the nurse came in.

“What seems to be the problem?” She asked walking over, “Dongho shii your not overtired again are you.”

“I’m not here for me. I’m here because my fans got jealous of my cute English tutor and I think she hurt her ankle” Dongho looked at the nurse.

“Let me take a look.” She looked at Vania’s ankle and looked at Dongho, “It’s nothing serious. Vania shii just bruised it. She just needs to ice it and she will be fine.”

Dongho nodded and pulled Vania towards him, “Hop on my back I will bring you to your dorm.” He smiled.

Vania just did what he said and climbed up on his back. As they walked back Vania could hear the cries of upset fan girls.

* * * * * * * * * *

Lina was waiting on a bench outside school waiting for someone to arrive. She felt a tap on her shoulder and smiled when she saw him, “Sunbae.”

“Lina shii.” Soohyun said. He was wearing a hat and sunglasses so no one would recognize him. “Are you ready for a nice date?”

“Of course I am sunbae.” She said grabbing on the arm that he offered.

They arrived at the restaurant and had a nice dinner together. They talked nothing about idol work. They talked about their lives. They both cried when they heard each other’s stories.

The started to walk back to the school and Soohyun grabbed onto Lina’s wrist and kissed her softly on the cheek. “I’m glad I to spend some time with you Lina Shii.”

* * * * * * * * * *

A week has passed and they were back stage and were about to go out and do an interview and perform two of their songs.

The MC spoke “please give a warm welcome to NH Media’s new group. There are seven of them and their name reminds us so much as U-Kiss. They are the new buzz going around in the kpop. Like U-Kiss their members are international and multilingual.” They spoke showing the CM of their music video called HUGs.

When the music video stopped playing the MC spoke again, “Please welcome new girl group I-Hug”

The seven girls walked on stage and U-Kiss jaws dropped when they saw who it was.

Vanessa started the greeting. “One, two, three.”

They all said, “we are I-Hug.” The seven girls smiled cutely.

Authors Note: lots and lots of Fluffy romance in this chapter. I hope you like it. U-Kiss will be focused on alot next chapter because they finally know that I-Hug is thier sister group filled with the girls that make them go bingeul bingeul. I hope you like this chapter and please give mee feedback.

Please check out my other stories as well


Finally Fallen

Stylish Kiss


A Song Calling For You One More Time


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aww so cute but i hug should have stayed together the ending was disappointing but you are a great writer and the style you wrote it in was very engaging :-)
no problem I am glad you liked it. I have other fan fics coming out in the future and others will be ending. I am trying to get my fan fic load smaller because college is going to get crazy
This was such an awesome fanfic^^ So sad to see its ended :( <br />
But I loved every word of it! Thank you for writing this!
*runs and Hids* <br />
You will like the last chapter
Oh no... I think I know whats going to happen >< WHYY?!<br />
The others where so cute though^^
strawberry_angel #7
Urgh! I think I know what's happening. D: