He's already with Hana



“Oh?!? Where’s my phone? I swear I just put it inside my pocket.” You say to yourself as you look at your things. You are quite nervous now because it’s just your first day, actually not even considered a day, it’s just hours in Korea and yet you already lost your phone. Not to think that it’s one of your precious items. If your Mom, will know about this, it will be really hard for her to let you on a trip alone again.

Meanwhile, in the Super Junior van:

 “Hyung, you forgot your phone.” Kyuhyun said to Siwon as they were leaving the van to go their dorm.

“Huh? I’m holding my phone. That’s not mine.” Siwon said as he make his way to their dorm.

Kyuhyun get the phone and open it. And as soon as he saw the wallpaper, “Eunhyuk-hyung! This phone is yours!” giving it to Eunhyuk while laughing.

“What?! Why would my phone be at the back, while I’m sitting infront?” Eunhyuk said as he get the phone. “This is not mine!” he said as he was holding it.

“Then, who owns that?” Donghae said as he was getting the phone. “Ahh! I think ____ owns this!”.

“Oh yes! Maybe ____ owns that. Eunhyuk-hyung, give it back to her. Since your picture is the background picture.” Kyuhyun said.

“Oh. Okay okay. Hae, come with me?” Eunhyuk said. And they went back to your hotel.

You, on the other hand, still looking at your bags, just in case that you put your phone inside your luggage. When you realize that it’s not really there, you go outside and you decide to go back to every place you went before proceeding to your hotel room, and that is the hotel lobby and reception area.

“Miss, I just went here awhile ago to check in, in any case, have you seen a phone here? It’s casing is color blue.” You said to the receptionist.

“Maam. I’m sorry but I haven’t seen any phone. I will go ask the housekeeping if they have seen one.”

“Oh. Thank you very much.” You said while waiting for the receptionist calling the housekeeping.

“Maam, I’m sorry but they haven’t seen any phone also. Maybe you misplaced it somewhere before coming here.”

“Oh. Yes, maybe you’re right. Thanks again.” You said. Then an idea popped in your head, “I may have left it in the airport! What will I do? Will I go back now or tomorrow morning? It’s already late.”

“____!” Donghae said as he was walking towards you together with Eunhyuk.

“Ohh? Oppa? What are you doing here?”

“You lost something don’t you?” Eunhyuk said.

“Ahh. Yes yes. I lost my phone. Oh. Have you seen it? Did I left it in your van?” you ask them.

“No, we haven’t seen it.” Donghae said.

“Huh? Really? Then why did you think that I lost something? Oh well. Sorry. I thought I left it in your van. Anyways, why are you here?” you ask them smiling, thinking that maybe they were sincere when they said that you are a friend to them.

“Well because we saw something in our van when we were going down..” Donghae said while smiling.

“What is it?” you ask them.

“It’s this one.” Donghae said while teasing you. He bring out your phone and your wallpaper picture of Eunhyuk is shown.

“Aaww. Oppa! That’s my phone!” you said while getting it. From your side vision, you can see that Eunhyuk is somewhat grinning.

“Oh? Is this yours? We thought it was Eunhyukkie’s” Donghae said while laughing.

“Ahhh oppa! I’m just a normal fangirl. And that kind of action, is just normal. Some of my friends do that also.” You said trying to defend yourself.

“Okay okay. I get it.” Donghae said laughing. “To welcome you here in Seoul, and to apologize for teasing you, I will treat you.”

“Donghae? Are you sure? Did you bring your wallet?” Eunhyuk asked.

“Uh-oh! I think I forgot it.” Donghae said after checking his pockets then looking at Eunhyuk.

“Ohh. It’s okay maybe next time. I’ll be the one to treat you for giving me a ride and for bringing back my phone, but I don’t have any Korean won here. So maybe tomorrow? But if you have any schedule, its okay.” You asked them.

“No. I’ll be the one to treat you. For making me laugh awhile ago in the plane.” Eunhyuk said while looking at you.

“Hmm. Are you sure? Awhile ago, in the plane, I also laugh so don’t have to thank me. Thank your other members for being funny.” you told him looking pleased.

“Also me?” Donghae said looking at Eunhyuk.

“ Oh okay. So I will treat both of you because Donghae is funny in those videos.” Eunhyuk said laughing.

*Going here in Seoul, is really perfect. Everything is perfect. I had a ride with them in the plane and now Eunhyuk, my bias who is known for being thrifty, is going to treat me? I think after this I can die. Oh of course the last part, that’s just a joke.* you tell yourself.

“One chocolate cream frap venti for me. Order anything ____. I will just answer this call.” Eunhyuk said smiling then he went outside to answer the call.

“Hmm.” You’re not quite sure on what you want to order.

“I will order for you ____.” Donghae said. “ One venti mocha cookie crumble frap and one venti coffee frap.” Donghae said to the cashier.

When you got your orders, you proceeded to a table with Donghae.

“ So where do you want to go here in Seoul?” Donghae asked you.

“ Ahhmm. I really don’t know yet. But I want to go to Kona Beans, Handel and Gretel, Kstory and Sukira. A typical place for ELFs.” You said while laughing.

“ If you want I can tour you.” He said winking at you.

“ Really Oppa? You’re not that busy?”

“ Hmm. Not much. Just rehearsals. But not that hectic. Let me get your number so that I can call you if I have time.”

“Aww. Thank you very much Oppa! You’re so very nice! I wish you’re my real Oppa.”

“ But I can be your real Oppa not by blood but through heart. Just text and call me if you like.”

*Is this true? Donghae actually said that he can be your Oppa? Happy, happy, happy!*

“ I’m glad I’m an ELF.” You said smiling. Then you look outside, Eunhyuk is still there talking to someone on the phone. Then Donghae said..

“ He’s talking to her again.”

“What?” you ask wanting to know if Donghae really said ‘her’.

“Well, since I’m your Oppa and our friend. I trust you with this one. Eunhyuk has a girlfriend already. They broke up before and now they are together again.”

“Ohh..” that’s all you can say.

“Are you okay, ____?”

“ Yes. I should have known that. I mean he’s like an example of perfect. So a lot of girls would want to be with him.. “ you tell Donghae smiling trying not to show that you’re kind of hurt.

“Hmm. Yeah. But we, the members think that Hana is not that good for Eunhyuk. When they broke up before, it’s because of Hana’s fault. But since Eunhyuk really love her, he forgave her and now they’re together again.”

“ Ohh. He really loves her a lot..”

*I should have known. A guy like him will never be single. Aishh! Why do I feel this way? Eunhyuk is right, the hardest part of being a fangirl is when you fall in love with your bias. So this means, I love him? I thought I just like him? So what’s the difference between the two? Aigoo. I feel like crying. But I can’t cry here. I have to leave soon before this tears start to drop.*

“ Hmmm, Oppa? I think I’d better go. My things in my room is really messy right now because I thought I just misplaced in my phone in my bag.” You tell Donghae trying to act as if what he told you earlier didn’t affect you.

“ Oh. Okay. I will just tell Eunhyuk.” Donghae said smiling.

“Just tell Eunhyuk-oppa, thank you very much.” You tell him. “And Oppa, thank you also for trusting me, I promise I won’t tell it to anyone. Thank you Oppa.” You stand up and bow to him.

“ It’s okay. I just knew I could trust you. So give me a call if you want tour guide, okay? Bye.”

You glance at Eunhyuk and he is about to enter the café already, but you exit on the other door which is connected to the hotel. You go to your room directly and without touching your things, you lay in your bed at once.

*Aish. I don’t know if I can face him with me on this kind of state. Have to remind myself, I’m just a typical fangirl. A fan and an idol being together in movies or novels is just a story and  those kinds of things happening in real life is just a very, very small percent. Wake up ____! This is reality. You and Eunhyuk will never be together. You both have a big difference. What makes you think that you can be together and live happily ever after? This is not a fairytale. Aigoo. I thought everything is perfect but finding out that Eunhyuk already has Hana, it’s just heartbreaking.* you tell yourself as you close your eyes as tears continue to flow.


A/N: I changed the name of the girlfriend because maybe some of you may think of Sunye from WG :))

Sorry for late update :D School stuff :( 

Oh well, ELFs! Are you excited for SJ 6jib?? =))

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careun #1
kyaaahhhhh.... please update soon!!!! XDDD
yey youve updated this fic =))
@saranghyukkie-- thank you for always writing a comment :) i will continue the talk maybe tomorrow :D
i think so? haha update :)
@saranghyukkie and @careun -- do you really think he's jealous? hahaha :))
careun #6
hyukjae's jealous!!! waaaahhhh... :))))
he;s jealous hahah idk
thank you for commenting! :) i will reply to your comments next time :) and please continue reading, thank you! :)
Shocks~!!! Curious as to what will happen next! Heheh. Patiently waiting for the next update ^^~
weeee =)) nice updaate