JUST friends



The next day, 11:30am

I hope I won’t regret this decision, after all, this is what I really want, I’m just scared that I won’t be a successful one. But whatever happens, I have to stick to this decision of mine. You can do it ____!

Your thoughts are interrupted when your phone suddenly vibrates..

“___?” someone said on the other line.

“Who’s this?” you asked.

“Oh sorry, this is Eunhyuk from Super Junior.”

“Ah. Sorry. I forgot to ask your number from Donghae-oppa last night.”

“It’s okay. Hmm. Is it okay if I pick you up a little early? Like around 12:30pm? If it’s okay.”

“Hmm. Yes. Sure Oppa. Thank you.”

“Okay. See you! Bye. ”

“Bye Oppa.”

____ starting this day, you should not like Eunhyuk. Don’t think that he can like you back, because he just can’t and never will. He is already happy with Hana and he really loves her because even though the members don’t like her for him, he is still with her. That’s just love and he cannot give that kind of love to you. So stop expecting and start to accept that reality.

You take a bath, dress up and eat ramyun for lunch. You’re not in the mood to be that girly so you just wear jeans and a nice blouse, since also you thought you should let Mr. Yoo Yong Gun see your natural look.


Your phone rang..

“___?” Eunhyuk said on the other line.

“Eunhyuk-oppa, I’m already done. Should I go down already?”

“Ah. Yes yes.” Eunhyuk said and gave you the plate number for his car.

“Okay. Thank you.” You told him.

Inside the car..

“___, sorry for short notice awhile ago.” Eunhyuk started then started driving his car.

“Oh, the 2pm becoming 12:30pm? It’s okay. I understand.” You replied with a smile while looking at him.

“May I know why you will go to SM today? Kyuhyun and Donghae didn’t tell me last night, they said only your friends will know the reason why. But we are friends, right?”

Yes, friends. We’re ONLY friends.

“Yes Oppa, we’re friends,” you smiled back. “ Uhmm. I will go to SM today because I wanted to meet Mr. Yoo Yong Gun.”

“The director? Why?”

“Because yesterday while I’m having my breakfast at the hotel, he approached me and asked if I want to work for them and gave me his calling card.”

“Really? Wow! That’s great ____! So you’re going to accept the offer?” Eunhyuk asked.

“Hmm. Yeah? I’m just making sure if his offer is still available and I want to ask if he is sure if he wanted me to work for them.”

“I’m sure he is, as what I’ve heard from other artists, he doesn’t do things impulsively, he thinks a lot before making a final decision.” He smiled then look at you.

“Really? I hope so. Well, I’m nervous. I don’t know exactly what I will tell him or if he is there in your office.”

“Ohh. Then we should call him first.”

“Aniyo Oppa. He didn’t tell me to call him, he just said if I have made my decision already, I should go to the office. “

“But what if he’s not there?”

“It’s okay, maybe, I will go back tomorrow.”

“You’re funny ____.” Eunhyuk said while showing his gummy smile.

“Why? As far as I know, I didn’t say anything that is funny.”

“It’s because you’re really following directions.”

“Ohh. Sorry?”

“Don’t be, you’re adorable that way. Too innocent.”

I’m adorable? Wow, Eunhyuk said that? Aish. Stop ____! He is just being nice to you as a friend. Oh well, thank you.

“Hmm. Thank you? Hmm, may I know Oppa why it became early? I mean we’re supposed to meet at 2pm.. only if it’s okay.”

“Ohh. About that..hmm.. well Hana and I are supposed to eat lunch together but she suddenly had an emergency meeting with her agency, that’s why.”


“Hmm. Yeah. By the way have you eaten lunch yet?”

“Ahh. Yes.”

“Aww.” Eunhyuk pouts then you look at him.

“Why Oppa?”

“I wanted to treat you lunch that’s why I picked you up at 12:30pm. Aish! I forgot to tell you that you should not eat lunch.”

“So you haven’t eaten yet?”

“Yes, and I’m really hungry right now”

“Then you go eat first, it’s just 1pm.” you insisted.

“But you’re done already.”

“But you’re hungry..”

“I can endure this hunger of mine..and besides we’re here already.” Eunhyuk said while holding his stomach.

“So this is the SM office? Wow. I’m nervous.” You said as you go down from Eunhyuk’s car.

“Yes, come let’s go inside. Let’s see if Director Yoo Yong Gun is around.” Eunhyuk said as he lead you inside the building.

“Wait. I forgot something. I need to go outside.”

Then you rush outside to buy some food for Eunhyuk. You bought him a lunch pack and a strawberry milkshake. Then, you enter the building again. Eunhyuk is there waiting for you at the ground floor.

“Oppa, you can have your lunch now.” You tell him as you give him the food that you bought.

“For me? Are you sure? How about you?” Eunhyuk asked surprised.

“I had my lunch already. And yes that’s really yours because I don’t like strawberry.” You smiled at him.

“You don’t like strawberry? Why? Then what do you like?”

“I prefer mocha or vanilla. So, go eat. “

“Wow, thank you so much ____. I owe you one.”

“You’re welcome, Oppa.”

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careun #1
kyaaahhhhh.... please update soon!!!! XDDD
yey youve updated this fic =))
@saranghyukkie-- thank you for always writing a comment :) i will continue the talk maybe tomorrow :D
i think so? haha update :)
@saranghyukkie and @careun -- do you really think he's jealous? hahaha :))
careun #6
hyukjae's jealous!!! waaaahhhh... :))))
he;s jealous hahah idk
thank you for commenting! :) i will reply to your comments next time :) and please continue reading, thank you! :)
Shocks~!!! Curious as to what will happen next! Heheh. Patiently waiting for the next update ^^~
weeee =)) nice updaate