Talk in Han River 1


"___, where do you want to go?" Donghae asked you.

"Hmm. For what, Oppa? "

"We need to celebrate! You're now part of SM!" Donghae exclaimed.

"Hmm. Anywhere will do Oppa, well honestly, even if we don't celebrate, its okay."

"We need to celebrate ofcourse ____! Eunhyuk are you coming with us?" Donghae then asked Eunhyuk.

"Oh yes, sure! And ___, we need to celebrate it." Eunhyuk said turning to you.

Uh oh. Why do we have to celebrate? And why Eunhyuk doesn't have any plans today? Why does he have to go with us?

"Okay then! Well, I think its better if you decide, since I don't know any place here that much." You told them.

Then the three of you went out of the SM building, you used Eunhyuk's car in going to that restaurant they are talking about. Donghae sat on the passenger's seat, then you at the back. They were talking about something but you can't catch up because they are talking in Korean fast. 

I don't know what I should feel honestly right now. I'm happy but I think what I did is wrong? Am i wrong for not asking my family's permission first? But i'm already an adult.. but still.. Aish. How will I tell them? I hope they won't be mad or if they will, i hope it won't take long. I hope they will be happy for me. I hope I made the right decision..

"____! Why you're not talking?" Donghae interrupted your thoughts.

"Uhh. Nothing.." you replied.

"___, tell us what's wrong." Donghae insisted.

"Hmm. Well, i'm just thinking, if i made the right decision. I mean, I came here to Korea for a vacation and now, in just 5days, i already have a contract in SM Entertainment. It just feels so fast.."

"___, we've already talked about this, right? Do what makes you happy." Donghae said then smile.

"I know, but.."

"But?" Eunhyuk asked.

"It's just so fast. In 2 days time, i will go home and have to face my family. I don't know how I will tell them."

"___, you just have to be honest with them. You have to tell them what you really feel. Things will always be better when you're telling the truth." Eunhyuk said while looking at you through the rearview mirror.

"We're here! ____, I think you need to eat first. So that you won't overthink things." Donghae suddenly said.


Then you, Donghae and Eunhyuk go down of the car and went inside the restaurant.

Sheesh. Eunhyuk-Oppa, you have a point. Oh well, but I don't think always telling the truth will make things better. If i will tell you that I like you will it make things better? I think no, it will make things complicated...

Dinner turns out good, the food is delicious. There are quiet moments, some talking since both Donghae and Eunhyuk are quite hungry and you on the other hand is somewhat bothered. Then Donghae's phone suddenly rang..

"Hello?" Donghae said to someone on the other line.

"Uh.. Really?... Okay. ..I'll go there right now.. Bye.." Donghae continued.

"What happened?" Eunhyuk asked.

"My brother called, he said I need to go to their house. So I have to go now." 

"Ohh. We will give you a ride then." Eunhyuk said.

"No, i'm fine. I will just ride a taxi. Oh and I'll be the one to pay this time. Have to go. Bye ____! See you tomorrow. Congrats again!" 

"Okay. Take care Oppa! Thank you."

Then Donghae left.

So.. I'm left with Eunhyuk-Oppa..What to do??

"Hmm ___?" Eunhyuk started.

" Yes Oppa?"

"Are you tired already? Or you want to talk about your problem? The one about telling your family about your contract in SM?"

"Hmm. I'm not that tired Oppa."

"Good. Come. Let's go to Han River." Eunhyuk said and stand up.

You follow and you get inside the car. The ride going to Han River was silent, then you and Eunhyuk got out of the car and you both sit on the chair nearby..

"So ___, go." He said then he looked at you.

What go? ...Ohh. About admitting to my family regarding the contract..

"Hmm. I don't know how my family will react about the contract." you answered.

"Just tell them that what you want to tell them minus your fear."

"But.." you started.

"But? ___, as i've said earlier you have to tell them the truth. Maybe it will be hard at first but it's your decicion, it's your life. I'm sure they will respect it."

"I know, but I just don't like the thought that maybe i'm disappointing them, that this is not the life that they want for me and yet i'm doing this."

"But again, your life, your decision." Eunhyuk said then he looked at the stars above.

He's right. My life, my decision. So easy to say but difficult to put into actions. But, I've already done it. I've made my choice, now I have to face the consequences.. not really consequences because it sounds a bad thing but the effects of my actions..

Then you glance at him, still looking at the stars..

This is what I've always dreamt... here in Han River talking to Eunhyuk-Oppa... 




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careun #1
kyaaahhhhh.... please update soon!!!! XDDD
yey youve updated this fic =))
@saranghyukkie-- thank you for always writing a comment :) i will continue the talk maybe tomorrow :D
i think so? haha update :)
@saranghyukkie and @careun -- do you really think he's jealous? hahaha :))
careun #6
hyukjae's jealous!!! waaaahhhh... :))))
he;s jealous hahah idk
thank you for commenting! :) i will reply to your comments next time :) and please continue reading, thank you! :)
Shocks~!!! Curious as to what will happen next! Heheh. Patiently waiting for the next update ^^~
weeee =)) nice updaate