Secret #1

The Class Breakers

Author's POV.


Life still goes on.

And it might not apply to Krystal who buried her head and almost slept in the middle of class, which led her to Mr. Kim's--no, it's the Math teacher--anger. She unwillingly lifted her head up, watching Mr. Kim's boring advices about how should you live your life and not waste any of it.

Krystal silently murmured, "You don't know my life is."

It was a quiet long advice when suddenly Krystal put a poker face, hearing a what-the-hell line of Mr. Kim:

"You're more like Lee Taemin as time goes by, and I don't want you to end up like him."

A simple, funny line (for some of the people in the class who kept pairing Taemin and Krystal--it actually added more hates to their already hateful relationship) which actually made Taemin coughed hard in the back. Some were teasing them, again, for like infinite times before and Mr. Kim's line would make it worse..

"You know," said Sulli when the bell was ringing, "You should try to make up everything."

"Make up what?" Krystal asked, raising her eyebrows.

"You. And Taemin," Sulli simply answered, putting in her books and got ready to go home.

"I have," Krystal bit her lips, "but it failed."

"That silly question..." Sulli nodded, she remembered Krystal told her how the first course with Taemin was going, "I think it's good for you to say sorry once more."

Krystal shrugged and gave a deep sigh. "I don't really think it works."

"At least you should try first," Sulli adviced, "So that he won't lock you outside at the second, third, or other courses."

Krystal nodded and somehow she remembered when she came to teach Taemin another English lessons (and put a little hope that Taemin had forgotten the incident they had had) and Taemin immediately closed the door when he saw it was Krystal standing that day.

What a sensitive , Krystal thought.

And it happened the next day, and 2 days after, and other days until Krystal finally realized she should never go back to Taemin's cage again.

But in another day, Ms. Hwang asked how Taemin had improved and Krystal could do nothing but lying that everything was fine, which actually made her desperated because, even in the first meeting, she repeated all the lessons all over again. And the thing she knew, Taemin was never serious--he always made excuses like "I want to go to the toilet", "Do you want some drinks?", "I want to order pizza" or "Can we have 10 minutes break?".

It drove Krystal crazy, to be honest.

But she had approved Ms. Hwang's task and she had the responsibility to teach Taemin and made him improved in English subject, or Ms. Hwang would hate her forever.

So there she was, waiting for Taemin who was still playing basketball (and those crazy fangirls--Krystal never knew why a boy like him would get so many fans, world is just weird and unfair) and planning to make a proper apology.

"I want to meet Taemin," Krystal said, which led Minho who was outside the changing room laughed hard.

"I didn't know you would have the eagerness to it," Minho replied.

"It's not what you're thinking--"

"He's still in the changing room. Just wait," Minho patted Krystal head and left which made Krystal pouted and fixed her hair.

"You're no cute," a voice suddenly came out in front of her. It was Taemin, still having his basketball uniform and of course, his cold gaze.

Krystal immediately handed over a box wrapped by a cute, pink paper which made Taemin frowned.

"Valentine has already ended," he said. Krystal raised her eyebrow.

"It's not a valentine gift."

"Then what is this?"

"A proper apology," Krystal bit her lips, "I'm sorry for asking that a couple weeks ago... I really didn't mean it."

Taemin looked at Krystal's face--he neither took the gift or said something which led them into a deep silence.

"I'm sorry," Krystal said once more. Taemin suddenly grabbed her hand and took her out of the school, much to Krystal's curiosity.

"Where are you taking me to?" Krystal asked.

"Just follow me, okay?"

"Yeah, but where?" Krystal asked again but Taemin didn't reply. "You're not kidnapping me to somewhere weird and freak, right?"

Taemin left a small chuckle and let go his grip. "Just shut up and follow me."


The room was covered by white painting and white furnitures and there Taemin and Krystal were, with a middle-aged woman sitting on her bed, looked amused with a new girl's arrival.

"Taemin?" the woman asked, "Who is this pretty girl you're with?"

Taemin let out a sincere smile (the sincerest smile Krystal honestly had ever seen so far), "I miss you, Mom."

Krystal was stoned when Taemin hugged her--it was very different from the devil Taemin she had always seen. He was... caring, and sincere. 

"Is she your girlfriend?" Mrs. Lee suddenly asked. Krystal immediately denied, "No, I'm his classmate. Nice to meet you, Mrs. Lee."

The beautiful woman smiled when suddenly Taemin asked lovable stuffs like, "Have you eaten yet?" or "How are things doing, Mom?" and it was like fantasies or might be a dream to Krystal hearing him in low, polite voice.

It was rare and somehow Krystal thought he looked charming right then.

And Krystal's shock appeared to be bigger when she herself saw Taemin feeding his Mom, let out laughters--happiest laughters of Taemin. Mrs. Lee then sometimes gave some funny jokes which made Krystal laughed too.

"So, Krystal, is Taemin a good or bad boy at school? Does he do well?" Mrs. Lee suddenly asked. Taemin then looked at Krystal, both were waiting for her to answer.


"Uhm... I, I think he..." she gulped while Taemin was still looking at her with a hidden-yet-deadly gaze, "He does well at school!"

"Really?" Mrs. Lee hummed and glanced at Taemin, "I don't think so."

"Mom," Taemin tried to change another topic, "I think I should go now..."

"Oh, that fast?"

"Yeah. Sorry Mom, but we're going to study English--she helps me with it. I promise to go back tomorrow," Taemin said and kissed his Mom's cheek.

Wow, Krystal thought, so damn different.

"Okay, then. Be careful," Mrs. Lee smiled. Taemin replied with a nod, both of the teenagers then went out of the room.

They were in a deep silence walking through the hospital's corridor. Once they left the hospital, Krystal cleared and broke the silence. "I didn't know you could be that nice."

Taemin chuckled. "Everybody didn't know that," he looked at the sky, "Except you. And Minho."

Krystal was about to ask what happened to his Mom or where was his Dad right then but she didn't want another war so she kept it in mind and tried to throw those minds away.

The teenagers then went into a deep silence again--both of them were thinking about a light chit chat topic but no one let their voices out. For the pedestrians, they were like a cranky couple while for them, they were another awkward friends who kept forcing their relationship better.

"So," both said and let small chuckles.

"You first," both said (again) at the same time.

"No, you first," Krystal said.

"Are you hungry?" Taemin asked, "Well, I mean, we have another English lessons to learn and I'm hungry right now."

"What?" Krystal asked, ensuring herself about Taemin and the additional English lessons.

"We have. Another. English lessons," Taemin replied, "Don't we?"

"What?" Krystal asked again, still unsure about what Taemin had asked. Taemin sighed, "Are you deaf? I want to order fried chicken for us to eat while studying!"

"Well I..." Krystal was about to reply when she noticed Taemin went blushed. "W--Wait, are you blushing?"

Taemin was quiet embarassed and denied, but Krystal could see the reddened face of him and laughed.

"You're so annoying," said Taemin to the unstoppable-laughed-girl next to him.

"You're so funny," Krystal wiped away the tears came out after laughing and embraced him. "Well, the answer is yes, Mr. Fussy!"

"Why didn't you just sa--What!?"

"The last one who arrived at your apartment is the loser!" Krystal then immediately ran.

"Wha--Wait it's unfair! You're running first! HEY!!" Taemin shouted and chased after her.

Well, Krystal thought, Everybody has secret.

And Taemin's life--it's full of secrets.

This is... what I can do... orz

Enjoy reading! n_n

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HI HI HI so I've been in hiatus since idk lol I'm sorry :( The National Exam is coming it's like D-18 so I have to study more, and I'll do more updates!


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Chapter 12: ooooooooooooooooh, drama and lovey dovey coming soon~
Ximenitazh #2
Chapter 12: Omg you updated!! I really missed reading your ff please update soon ♡ ur story :)
JheiSii137 #3
Chapter 10: update please please é.è
Ximenitazh #4
Chapter 10: Please Please please update soon I love your ff xD
Ximenitazh #5
Chapter 10: Hey new subsbriber ur ff is awesome please update soon ;)
KaiserKawaii 12 streak #6
Chapter 10: CloseR
enehkiux #7
Chapter 10: Aww a very sweet and heartwarming ending :) Funny how Krystal was the one crying when Taemin is the one facing all these issues.. But at least we know Krystal cares and maybe that will soften Taemin's heart ~ Look he is slowly falling for her <3
yoong_soojung #8
Chapter 10: Taemin's falling for Krystal!!! Kekeke . Hope you update soon! :)
Chapter 10: so sad~ Taemin's mother T.T