Yuri heaved and sighed. He felt warm and light. The wind was bringing him towards the center of the earth.


He could see the beautiful sceneries under his feet. It was as if there was nothing wrong. The streets of Tokyo were pretty quiet. Then, he remembered why it was quiet. The people were afraid to go out. They were afraid to go about their usual work. Ever since the attacks and bodies were seen everywhere, people didn’t want to go out of their houses and leave their families.


Yuri felt sad. He saw the jimusho, his school, Tokyo dome and all of those places which are dear to him.


The wind continued to move him, upwards. He could see Japan now, then all the waters that surrounds it.


He felt a cold air embrace him and realized that he was actually passing a huge cirrus cloud. It was smooth but it moved away from his hands.


Then, he felt a warmer air surround him. He felt air covered his body. As he was moved upwards, he could feel the air surrounding him was squeezed but it seemed to contract as if protecting his body. He was passing the layers of sphere protecting the earth.


He then felt the air protecting him stumbled as it lost gravity.


Yuri’s heart quickened its pace and his breath hitched as he admired his surrounding. He had a clear view of the universe.


He tried to touch the darkness that surrounded him but the air that protects his body suppressed his movements, as if stopping him as it could burst like a bubble with any unnecessary movement.


Yuri felt the air bring him to the center of the universe. Then, he saw it. Orion with its gleaming belt and arrow of fear bowed down to the Taurean bull. The Taurus did the same and together their stars united to form a gigantic human.


Suddenly, the scorpion quietly crawl towards the constellation of the human form by the two former constellations.


The scorpion raised its deadly tail and sparks of stars went out of it. The sparks grew bigger and bigger feeding on the light of the gigantic constellation.


The constellation seemed to withdraw from the battle of light. It scattered and was eaten by the scorpion which stars got brighter and brighter than any that Yuri had seen.


The scorpion, upon feeding on the human turned its head to Yuri.


It opened its mouth…


“Ahhh!” Yuri woke up heaving. He clutched his chest.


“Chinen-kun…” Kei tapped Yuri in the cheeks. “Another dream?” there was concern in the older Jump’s eyes.


Yuri nodded.


“What is it this time?” Kei asked and slumped on the floor.


The vampires were not on their safe house, they were trying to track down the vampires that attacked Shizuka and Ryosuke.  


Yuto, Keito and Kota were on the other room. They were resting after the vampires nursed them.


Yuki and Sandhie were staying up and looking out aftrer the mansion. There had been several attacks already. They couldn’t be relaxed at the time like this.


Kei was staying up as well. He was watching over Yuri and Haruka. Yuri’s health was getting weaker and weaker everyday. It seemed to them that the dreams that he had been dreaming was draining his energy.


“I don’t know, Inoo-kun. It’s weird. I haven’t had that kind of dream ever since.” Yuri started. His brows twitched. He wiped his hands on his face in frustration. “I really don’t understand at all. It is full of symbols.”


“Symbolic dream, eh? Why don’t you tell me? I may be able to help you decipher it.”


Yuri was about to open his mouth when Kei held his hand to stop him.


He felt that something was amiss. He quietly stood up and grabbed a silver sword and tossed it to Yuri who also stood up and listened.


Kei took his back pack. He shoved it in his shoulder before taking a sword and a spear next to a window and put them in his scabbard. He eyed the sleeping form of Haruka.


It was sudden, there were crashes outside. Then, they heard voices shouting.


Kei grabbed Haruka and carried her in his arms. Yuri followed at his back. They listened and made sure that nothing was behind the door before they opened it.


Kei, with Haruka in his hands led the way.


They heard footsteps from the corridor. He saw an huge old statue and urged Yuri to stay behind it.


Yuri nodded. Kei put down Haruka’s body beside Yuri. Yuri took a gun with silver bullets inside his bag.


Kei motioned that he will check what was  happening and Yuri nodded.


Kei moved towards the corridor leading to the basement. It was where he heard the crashes.


And true enough, Sandhie and Yuki were there. The girls were trapped in the middle of more than a dozen vampires.


Kei cursed in his head. The vampires already knew where they were staying.


He stayed at the dark and took a silver stone in his jeans’ pocket and loaded it in a sling.


He shot one of the vampires at the back. The undead burned and was turned to ash.


The other vampires looked at his direction. He took cover at a divider.


One vampire sniffed at the air then smirked. “Come out, come out, little Hunter.”


Kei grabbed another silver stone and went out. He shot the vampire in the face.


The other vampires panicked and attacked him leaving Sandhie and Yuki.


Sandhie and Yuki took the opportunity to attack the rest.


“Fulfill the mission!” One of the vampires shouted.


Three vampires moved away from the fight and headed towards the basement.


Yuki cursed and went after the vampires.


“Yuki!” Sandhie shouted but her view was blocked when another vampire shoved her away.


Kei took his sword and lunged at another vampire.


Kota found him between three vampires. The eldest of Jump swang his sword and beheaded one of the vampires. Blood oozed from its neck showering Kei, Kota and the other two vampires nearest to them.


Yuto and Keito saw what was happening and came to their aid by taking vampires on their own.


“Yuki went after the vampires who went to the basement.” Sandhie informed.


Yuto gasped. “No way!” he exclaimed. He moved towards the stairs and beheading the vampire that tried to block his way.


Kota slashed at the other vampire who tried to go after Yuto but the vampire was fast and jumped away from Kota.


The vampire bared its teeth and let a growl. He aimed his sharp nails towards Kota who held his sword at the ready.


He was taken aback when the vampire exploded.


He looked at Kei who had his gun out.


Kei had been known as the sharpest shooter amongst the Hunters. He could take any moving target with his gun. Another one exploded on his right.


The vampire who shoved Sandhie targeted Kota. He pushed an oak table towards Kota.


The impact had taken him aback. He landed on the creaky floor which gave away because of his weight. The floor opened and Kota realized that he was falling.


On the other hand, Yuki crawled towards the top of the stairs. She was slashed in the arm and stomach. She was holding her stomach to stop the blood from flowing.


“They took the prisoner and Yuto away.” She told them.


The vampires who were there looked at each other and let go of the hunters. They ran towards the windows and broke them. The vampires jump outside.


Keito ran after them towards the window but they were nowhere to be seen.


He slumped underneath in frustration, anger, and weary. He wiped his face which was drench in vampire blood and stared at his bloody hands. “Damn!”

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Chapter 40: hahahaha oh my oh my this is getting soooooooo extreme!!! pls. update!!! :D
Chapter 39: kyaaaa!!!!update!!!! i want more!!! i demand more!!!! plz...plz...plz update again...this story is sooooo interesting...
Chapter 33: Hahahahaha

amazing!!! Amazing!!!!!

Where did Yuto got his powers????!!!!!


Yuya is the Rio-Bios???

Its.getting more exciting than ever!!!!!!!!

Pls. Update more!!!!!

I'll be waiting here.....
i really love ur story...finally, i hv an account here to comment...can't wait for the next update... :)
Waaaaaaaaah please UPDATE !!! >.< i really love your story