
Love's Struggle



His bottom lip started to tremble. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him, trying to comfort him. I felt my shoulder getting wet while he sobbed. It was a little awkward because I’m not used to something like this but I wanted to help and he didn’t seem to mind. I waited until Youngjae calmed down. Then he pushed himself away from me and looked up with his now red and puffy eyes.




[Yongguk POV]

„Please don’t tell Daehyun or anyone else.“, he pleaded and his voice cracked. I hesitated but couldn’t say no while he looked at me like that. I nodded.
“Alright, but then you have to eat again. Nobody cares if you have a little tummy fat, we all think it’s cute, even Daehyun. So think about it. We’ll save a plate of food for you. Come out when you’re ready.” I said and stood up.

I looked back at him, waiting for a response and when he nodded I left the room and closed the door behind me. I walked to the living room while in deep thought. It didn’t bother me that Youngjae liked men and one of the members but it worried me because if this whole thing doesn’t turn out well it could mean the end of B.A.P. I have to prevent that at all costs.




[Daehyun POV]

I was sitting on my bed, thinking about certain things. About Youngjae to be precise. Something’s really wrong with him and I almost can’t sleep because of worrying. He’s my bandmate, my brother after all. I started to feel thirsty so I stood up to get a glass of water. I walked to the kitchen with silent steps when I suddenly heard the others talk in the living room.

“Where’s Daehyun?” Yongguks deep voice asked.
“He already went to bed, said he was tired. So, how’s Youngjae?” asked Himchan. I quickly hid behind the door to be able to listen without being noticed. I actually didn’t really know why I did that but I had a feeling that they would stop talking if they knew I was here. 
“I… I talked some sense into him, the rest is up to him. I’m not sure if I should tell you this…” Yongguk hesitated. There was a short silence.

“Tell them.” I suddenly heard Jongup’s voice.
“Wait, how come you know too? I’m the umma! I should know right after our leader!”
“Don’t make a fuss, Himchan. I even knew before Yongguk. It wasn’t hard to figure out on my own. It’s pretty obvious actually.”
“Are you implying that I’m dense?” Himchan gasped.

“Hyungs, stop bickering and let Yongguk hyung continue.” Interrupted Junhong and you could almost hear the pout in that sentence.
“Thanks, Zelo. You saved me from a huge headache. Anyways… Youngjae… he’s gay and in love with Daehyun.” Yongguk said and sighed. My breath hitched and I pressed a hand over my mouth to stop the gasp that threatened to come out. I almost forgot to breathe and my mind seemed to blank out. I didn’t know how to react at all.

Sure, I love Youngjae but as a brother, nothing more. I actually can’t even imagine being together with a man, not to mention my own bandmate. Maybe… I should just ignore it and behave as if I didn’t hear anything. Maybe the others are wrong about Youngjaes feelings for me. Maybe Youngjae is just confused. I wanted to go back to my room so I turned around and almost screamed. There, in the middle of the hallway, stood Youngjae and looked at me with teary eyes.

“So? What’s the problem?” I heard Himchan’s voice from the living room. I opened my mouth, I wanted to say something to Youngjae, anything, but no sound would come out so I just didn’t look at him and walked past him into my room. I closed the door behind me and listened to any sounds from the hallway and suddenly I heard a thud and loud sobbing. Youngjae was crying. But it has got nothing to do with me. It doesn’t concern me. But then why does my heart hurt so much while hearing his sobs?




Poor Youngjae ;-;   As an author I don't have mercy, right?  I'm sorry!
...No No No No Mercy ~

Isn't their new song just awesome? :D And come on guys!! PLEASE SUBSCRIBE AND COMMENT! DON'T FORGET TO COMMENT! REALLY DON'T, OR I WON'T HAVE MERCY, muahahahahah!! XDD



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I'm sorry to all my readers who are waiting patiently. happened and I can't update for a while. I promise to update until christmas or if possible sooner.


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kpopoppa #1
Chapter 13: Yah yah yah!!! Sorry I've been wanting to say that all dy to someone:) OMG I DON'T EVEN REALLY KNOW BAP BUT I LOVE DO PLD UPDATE
Retr0spect #2
Chapter 13: You have no idea how long I've been looking for this story. I read it before I had an account, and when I finally made one I couldn't find it :c But I'm so excited I found it now :D I hope you update soon.
Sanglerke #3
Chapter 13: haha, poor Himchan xD please update soon <3
laytopinsulaydude #4
Chapter 12: sorry but I hate Sudo
cambria #5
Chapter 13: Sorry for being a silent reader

but this is daebak!!!<3 i love this fic
awkwardatbest #6
Chapter 13: Y so short???? Gahhhh I love this story
Chapter 13: smilessss, so freakin cuteee~
rhabarber #8
Chapter 13: It's sooo cute!! aaa *///*
Chapter 13: I can imagine youngjae with a thick sweater nibbling onto a piece of bread so well!!!>< he'll look like an adorable hamster!!♥♥♥
Chapter 13: ah ah i'll comment just cause you asked xD no I really like this fic and I was happy when you started updating it again so yay!!! I like the development of characters too