Like a Dream

Love's Struggle


“It’s okay. We don’t have to go to a hospital but I have to treat it. I won’t tell the members if you promise to never do it again.” I looked at him intently and he suddenly blushed. How can he still blush when he lost so much blood? He nodded.

“I-I p-promise. I’m sorry. I’m s-so sorry.”




[Youngjae POV]

After Daehyun cleaned my wound and wrapped my arm in gauze he carefully grabbed my hand and led me to my bed. He was so gentle but I forced myself not to think about my feelings. Daehyun tucked me in and said “Sleep now. We have a schedule tomorrow.” I nodded.

He switched off the light and then I could hear him lying down on his bed. After some rustling it was silent and suddenly a thought came to me. A pretty stupid thought but I did it anyway.

“Daehyun?” I asked and waited for an answer.
“Yes?” he replied after a short while.
“C-Can I…sleep next to you? Because of m-my nightmares, you know.”

There was a short silence and when I opened my mouth to laugh it off he suddenly said “Sure.  Come here.” All of a sudden I became very nervous and wanted to punch myself for my stupidity but as it seemed my body had a mind of its own. I stood up and slipped under Daehyun’s blanket.

He was lying with his back to me and I could feel his warmth. His scent invaded my senses and at this moment I banned all the painful thoughts from my head as my heart reached out to the one it was beating for. I just enjoyed the moment, imagining that Daehyun loved me as much as I loved him.

And when I thought he fell asleep I whispered “I love you. So so much. I really love you, Daehyun.” I suddenly heard his breathing hitch and froze in shock. He heard it, he was awake. All of a sudden he turned around and wrapped his arms around me.

“I’m sorry that you had to suffer so much. I’m sorry I didn’t realize it sooner. Please don’t hurt anymore. I care for you, I don’t know if it’s…in that way… but I know that I don’t want to see you suffer anymore.”, Daehyun whispered.

I tried to see his face in the darkness when he suddenly buried his head in my hair and I felt something wet.
“D-Daehyun? Are…Are you c-crying?” I asked in disbelief. I never saw Daehyun cry before.

“If…I’m the only one who can make you happy…then please…make me fall in love with you.”, he mumbled. My eyes widened. I thought my ears played tricks on me. Did he just…say that he wants me to make him fall in love with me? Does he want to fall in love with me?

“W-What?” I gasped. He pushed me away lightly to look at my face. I saw that he really was crying. Tears streamed down his cheeks. It was beautiful. He was beautiful.
“I want to make you happy.”, he answered, his voice steadier now.

I didn’t know what to say so I just nodded. Suddenly he wiped his thumb over my cheeks.
“Why are you crying? Did I do something wrong?” he asked, slightly panicking. I didn’t even notice that I was crying. Everything felt so unreal. Like in a dream, the best dream in my life.

“N-No! I’m... I’m just happy!” I said. I smiled, buried my head in his chest and hugged him. Daehyun was surprised because he didn’t hug me back at first but then he wrapped his arms around me again. That made me even happier.

I must have fallen asleep like that because the next thing I know is that I woke up to someone yelling “Hyungs! Wake up, we have to go soon!” I opened my eyes just in time to see Zelo walking through the door. He stopped abruptly when he saw me, his eyes widened in shock.

Then he suddenly stormed out of the room and I heard a door being slammed shut. At first I didn’t know what happened but when I looked to my side I saw Daehyun lying on top of me, still sleeping. For a brief moment I wondered how he can still sleep with all the noise Zelo made.

And then I realized the severity of the situation. Zelo, who is against gay people, just saw me (who is in love with Daehyun) lying in Daehyun’s bed with him sleeping on top of me.





Here's the chapter~ Like I promised^^ I hope you like it :) PLEASE COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE!!  :3  I love you guys <3 



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I'm sorry to all my readers who are waiting patiently. happened and I can't update for a while. I promise to update until christmas or if possible sooner.


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kpopoppa #1
Chapter 13: Yah yah yah!!! Sorry I've been wanting to say that all dy to someone:) OMG I DON'T EVEN REALLY KNOW BAP BUT I LOVE DO PLD UPDATE
Retr0spect #2
Chapter 13: You have no idea how long I've been looking for this story. I read it before I had an account, and when I finally made one I couldn't find it :c But I'm so excited I found it now :D I hope you update soon.
Sanglerke #3
Chapter 13: haha, poor Himchan xD please update soon <3
laytopinsulaydude #4
Chapter 12: sorry but I hate Sudo
cambria #5
Chapter 13: Sorry for being a silent reader

but this is daebak!!!<3 i love this fic
awkwardatbest #6
Chapter 13: Y so short???? Gahhhh I love this story
Chapter 13: smilessss, so freakin cuteee~
rhabarber #8
Chapter 13: It's sooo cute!! aaa *///*
Chapter 13: I can imagine youngjae with a thick sweater nibbling onto a piece of bread so well!!!>< he'll look like an adorable hamster!!♥♥♥
Chapter 13: ah ah i'll comment just cause you asked xD no I really like this fic and I was happy when you started updating it again so yay!!! I like the development of characters too