
Love's Struggle


And then I realized the severity of the situation. Zelo, who is against gay people, just saw me (who is in love with Daehyun) lying in Daehyun’s bed with him sleeping on top of me.




[Zelo POV]

I ran out of the dorm, slamming the door behind me. I didn’t know where I was heading to, I just ran. I wanted to get away from there. I knew that Youngjae and Daehyun didn’t do anything last night because they were still wearing their clothes and we would have heard it (the walls are pretty thin in our dorm). They were just cuddling.

But it was still not normal. What’s normal about sleeping in the same bed with the guy you’re in love with? Or rather what’s normal about being in love with a guy? He’s still Youngjae, still our bandmate and brother!! Yongguk’s voice echoed in my head.

The image of a crying Youngjae kneeling on the floor popped into my head and I slowly stopped running. He was really suffering… Don’t tell me you don’t care if he suffers like this! screamed Yongguk in my mind.

I looked to the floor and suddenly noticed I was standing on grass. Grass in the middle of the city? I raised my head and looked at the surroundings. It was the park near our dorm. I saw a swing not far from me and walked over to it. Absentmindedly I sat down and drowned in my thoughts.

“Hello!” I suddenly heard a cheerful voice. I looked up and saw a guy with dark brown hair. He probably was in his mid-twenties and he had a fatherly smile. It actually crept me out to see a stranger radiating so much warmth but it was also a little comforting.

“H-Hi.” I answered quietly.
“Do you mind if I sit in the swing next to you?” he asked, his eyes almost disappearing while he had a big smile on his face. I shook my head and he sat down next to me. Then I looked back at the floor.

“You look like you had a rough day. Did something happen?” he suddenly asked. Why was he so curious? I didn’t even know this guy. I looked up and our eyes met. He was no longer smiling but he looked serious.

“It’s none of your business.” I replied.
“You’re right. I just thought it might help if you tell someone. Since I’m a stranger I could look at everything objectively. I just wanted to help, you know.”, he said. It sounded so caring.

I hesitated for a moment. He was actually right and I was dying to pour my heart out to someone. I just didn’t know what to do but I couldn’t really talk to anyone about it. In the eyes of my hyungs I was probably just a homophobic jerk. I sighed.

“I…I-I found out that one of my closest friends is gay. He’s in love with another friend of mine. It’s not normal for a guy to love another man. And this morning, I found the two of them cuddling in bed…” I whispered but he seemed to understand nevertheless. “I don’t know what to do. It’s wrong but…I miss my friends and I don’t want them to be hurt.”

I felt a tear trickle down my cheek. Suddenly the guy stood up and came over to me. He crouched down in front of me and wiped away my tear.
“You miss them, right?” he asked and I nodded. “And you don’t want them to be hurt?” I nodded again. “And you want them to be happy, right?” I nodded a third time.

“Then the solution is easy. You need to accept them. If you accept them they won’t be hurt by you and can be happy. Furthermore you can be by their side again.”, he smiled a comforting smile at me.

“But h-how? How can I accept them?” I asked.
“Did they grow a horn? Or did their skin turn green? Did they kill animals or punch you in the face?” My eyes widened and I shook my head at all of the questions.

“Then they’re still the same. They’re still your friends, they didn’t change. All that’s different is that they don’t love girls like most of the people do. But that’s not disgusting and it’s also not contagious. You can’t control love. Love happens, you could say it does what it wants.”, he chuckled.

He’s still Youngjae, still our bandmate and brother!! Yongguk’s voice echoed in my head again. Maybe…maybe they were right. He’s…He’s still Youngjae. He’s still Youngjae! They’re still my friends! My eyes widened. I’m so stupid! So stupid! Nothing changed! I was a huge jerk and I needed to fix it before it was too late.

“Suho, are you coming?” I suddenly heard someone shout. I looked up and saw a short guy some feet away from us. The caring stranger stood up and looked over at the guy who shouted.
“Sure! Just give me a second, Kyungsoo.”, he answered and turned back to me. He smiled at me again.

“I gotta go. I hope I was able to help you, Zelo. You need to fix the relationship with your members.”, he winked at me. I was shocked and opened my mouth to say something but no sound came out.
“Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone. Bye~” he said and ruffled my hair before he ran over to the short guy. He gave him a peck on the lips and they left hand in hand.

My eyes widened even more and I was standing there like a fool, my mouth wide open. He was…also? And…he knew me? What…just…happened? I noticed a couple walking by, pointing at me and whispering and I realized that I probably looked pretty stupid. I hurriedly closed my mouth and turned around.

Suho…he was so nice.  One of the nicest persons I have ever met. A small smile made its way onto my face and I started walking back to our dorm.

I needed to fix something.




So~ Here it is! :D I hope you like this chappie, it's one of my favorites :3 Please SUBSCRIBE AND COMMENT <3

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I'm sorry to all my readers who are waiting patiently. happened and I can't update for a while. I promise to update until christmas or if possible sooner.


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kpopoppa #1
Chapter 13: Yah yah yah!!! Sorry I've been wanting to say that all dy to someone:) OMG I DON'T EVEN REALLY KNOW BAP BUT I LOVE DO PLD UPDATE
Retr0spect #2
Chapter 13: You have no idea how long I've been looking for this story. I read it before I had an account, and when I finally made one I couldn't find it :c But I'm so excited I found it now :D I hope you update soon.
Sanglerke #3
Chapter 13: haha, poor Himchan xD please update soon <3
laytopinsulaydude #4
Chapter 12: sorry but I hate Sudo
cambria #5
Chapter 13: Sorry for being a silent reader

but this is daebak!!!<3 i love this fic
awkwardatbest #6
Chapter 13: Y so short???? Gahhhh I love this story
Chapter 13: smilessss, so freakin cuteee~
rhabarber #8
Chapter 13: It's sooo cute!! aaa *///*
Chapter 13: I can imagine youngjae with a thick sweater nibbling onto a piece of bread so well!!!>< he'll look like an adorable hamster!!♥♥♥
Chapter 13: ah ah i'll comment just cause you asked xD no I really like this fic and I was happy when you started updating it again so yay!!! I like the development of characters too