9. Please Don't Go


“Haneul why are we here tonight?” Taemin asked her as they sat down. In the hustle of bustle of a Saturday night a band was setting up in the corner of the café. A familiar head of blonde, ginger hair was adjusting his microphone.

Haneul ordered for herself and gave Taemin the beverage menu. “Because Jonghyun’s band is going to be playing.” He lifted his head to look around. He saw them and then waved.

Shortly a long haired girl came up to him. She had very small features and a slim frame emphasized by the high waisted jeans and the white singlet. He grinned at her, standing in close proximity as they talked.

Haneul turned her head, focusing on Taemin. “By the way where is Minho? He’s supposed to be guarding me isn’t he?”

“That’s why there are two of us,” Taemin explained. “Minho shouldn’t be long. He thought he found a nest for demons—“

“—Hey there you are,” Kibum waved, coming over with Nana following. Haneul had to stifle the laugh that was on its way. His casual clothing tended to be flamboyant, and tonight's was true to his style. Tonight he was in bright red jeans, a white shirt, a large batman belt buckle and black sneakers. Nana on the other hand was more toned down in beige and a billowy green shirt with netting on the sleeves.

Nana smiled at Haneul before sitting down near her. “How are your projects coming along?” Haneul asked.

“Good except one of the sewing machines was broken so I had to sew by hand,” Kibum said irritated, breaking the good mood. “Thank God we still have until the end of the month before it’s due.” Nana just smiled poker faced, ignoring the glances of guys who were looking at her.

A guitar strum echoed through the small speakers before Jonghyun stood in front of his microphone.  He looked especially good in his dark jeans and blue shirt with a loose V-neck.

“Hey everyone; we’re Zion and today we have the pleasure of performing a few of our songs for you, so enjoy.”

The music had a strong beat, similar to what Nell or The Trax played. Jonghyun’s vocals were strong for lead vocals and could hit notes most guys may struggle to reach. Taemin listened intently. Haneul bobbed along to the music, her face in a half smile as she watched his hands pluck the four large bass strings.

“Sorry I’m late,” Minho came in and pulled up a spare chair just as the song ended. Kibum put a finger to his lips for him to hush.

“Thank you that was ‘Broken Voice,’ now the next song is a cover from The Trax.” A few people cheered as the familiar tune began. Minho spoke to Taemin who replied. Haneul couldn’t hear what they were saying but decided that maybe it didn’t matter.

Nana touched Haneul on the shoulder. “Is she here?” Haneul knew who she meant so with her gaze she indicated to the same girl from before. She was seated closer to the band with two other girls.

“Lucky girl, or should I be saying he is the lucky one?”

“Shhh they’re going to announce the next song,” Kibum said. Haneul grabbed his ear causing him to exclaim from the pain.

Jonghyun waved to the crowd. “Thank you everyone for coming here, as I mentioned before we are Zion. We only have two songs left, but before that there’s going to be something special.” He stepped away and put his bass down.

Everyone waited as he and the lead guitarist sat down on some stools after fixing their microphone’s height. The guitarist now had an acoustic in his hand. After a quick tune he turned to Jonghyun, counting to three before strumming.

“Now, some of you may already know is that this week is hard for me; because my girlfriend will be moving to America.” Some sympathetic murmurs came from the audience.

“So as my final gift to her I took the time to write this song. Sekyung, I wish you the best as you become one of the prettiest girls to reach the covers of all magazines.”

He cleared his throat, eyes misting slightly. Haneul and Key exchanged glances. “We’re going to end up being his shoulder to cry on right?”

“You will, not me,” Haneul whispered in protest. They glared each other down causing Taemin and Minho concern until they started to giggle. The song had a sunny feel to it, Haneul listed out the chords in her head as they were played.

Let the wind flow through your hair,
And the sun smile on you.
I enjoy this moment now.
Just being here with you,


Now I don’t want to leave,

But if I have to then let me say,


I love you,
I want to know if you really love me too,
Oh baby
Can you see,
That I want to know if you really love me,
Like I love you. 


Now you have grown up so much,
and college is not far.
While I am here writing songs,
you’re dreaming to be a star.


Now I don’t want you to go,
But if you have to then can you say,


I love you,

I want to know if you really love me too,
oh baby
Can you see,

That I want to know if you really love me,
Like I love you.


Everyone clapped and cheered.  With a shy smile he said “I love you,” before winking in Sekyung’s direction. People started chanting for them to kiss, her friends urged her to get up from her seat. Shyly she went to the stage and hugged him tightly. The noise died down.

Haneul clapped gently but her expression was anything but joyous. Taemin looked at Minho, “Isn’t that hugging?”

“Indeed, it’s a type of affection,” Minho assured him. Kibum nudged Haneul in the side.

“It must be hard right?” Haneul turned to him, getting her attention away from the couple. “You still feel for him.”

“That’s the past.”

“As if,” Kibum needn’t say more. The band removed the stools and got back their original instruments to conclude with another original song.


Poor Jonghyun,” Nana said as they were walking home. “He really loves Sekyung; it would have been hard to sing without breaking down.”

Haneul shrugged. “I guess that was a first for Mr. Cry baby. I was actually expecting him to start sobbing near the end.” She wanted to add something else but shut because Kibum wanted to talk.

“Haneul are you free tomorrow?”

“Can’t, I practice all day.”

“You ." She stuck her tongue out. “Fine I guess I will see you on Monday.”

“Don’t forget the homework’s due,” Haneul added. He waved it off while he and Nana went a different direction. They waved to her and she returned the gesture.

Minho and Taemin had kept on walking but stopped when they realised Haneul was behind them.

“Humans are interesting,” Minho said. “They are very open with how they express to each other.”

“That’s only if they know the person well.” Haneul explained. “Everyone is different as you may realise now.”

Taemin agreed. “Yes we haven’t been on earth for as long as this. So we’re learning more about the people of today which is interesting.” He looked at Minho, “did you find the demon’s nest?”

“No, but it has to be close. The Lord said it is.”

“Do you mean even you guys struggle to find things?” Haneul’s mouth was slightly open. “Wow here I was thinking you guys were super beings.”

“We do what we have been requested and no more,” Minho stated. “But we know the nest is in this city and so we aren’t going to rest until it has been found. And we are to continue protecting you.”

Haneul stopped. “Oh yeah, you never said why you need to protect me.”

“God hasn’t revealed that to us yet, but when he does it will make sense.”

It wasn’t the answer Haneul wanted to hear, however she was more used to their behaviour now than before. “Ok but make sure you tell me. I want to know what I really have gotten myself into.”



Another update in less than a week ^^

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Chapter 2: I really love her funny relationship with key, it's so carefree and awesome! :D
xinli_ang #2
Chapter 7: YOU. O.e
You updated! :) Yay! Thank you! ^3^ LOL Taemin and Minho. I pity Haneul actually, I feel that can get pretty annoying... >.>
jonghyun XD and lmfao taemin's love of banana milk
xinli_ang #4
lol Jonghyun and Key. They're so weird. xD
xinli_ang #5
I like Key's status as the BFF. They're hilarious! xD
i really love her interactions with key~~
haneul being a perfectionist, eh? sounds like me XD
hmm, i agree with xinli's question! but this was an interesting confrontation ;) update when you can~
xinli_ang #9
Michael and Gabriel? Any specific reasons behind those name aside from them being real angel names? ;) Waah~ Taeminnie is an angel. I always knew he looked too innocent to be human. Lol. There you have it. The real identity of Lee Taemin. XD
angels!!! :D lmao she's key's noona~