10. Y.O.U


The two celestial beings were kept very busy. The term had gone by quickly and neither of them had gotten one step closer to finding where the demons’ nest was hidden. By this time Haneul had become more familiar with them and their protection around her. The attacks of the enemy still occurred but not as often as one could believe.

Minho lifted his head as a bright beam landed down onto the roof next to him. It faded slightly to reveal his partner. “Found anything?”

“Nothing,” Minho watched as Gabriel changed into his human form. “We’ve been looking where we’re told yet they manage to escape or hide.”

“It could be that they are there but not when we come,” Taemin suggested. “Is Haneul alright?”

Minho assured his friend that yes she was, “I was watching her before. She’s concentrating so—.” He stopped, “we need to go.” Taemin paused to hear the same thing.

“I understand Lord, we’d better hurry Michael.”

The two stood up, their bodies being completely covered by a glow in an instant. With that they left like shooting stars, transiting from one realm to one of the unknown.

Both of them stopped as they came to where they’d been called. A tall girl with her bleached hair was walking down the street, holding her phone. It was almost too sudden when a man came from nowhere, stalking her closely behind.

Gabriel looked at Michael, “You can’t hear his footsteps.” The other angel nodded.

“It’s clever, stealing the form of an innocent human to go after her in disguise. They really are thieves.”

The two descended down to the ground silently, eyes still on the scene ahead. Their steps were slow but never changing in pace or speed. The girl stopped, turning to see the man behind her put a hand over .

Without screaming her face twisted, paled white like marble in complete horror. The face of her stalker was completely black, no shadow, no contrast, nothing to show human form.

It started to clamp against her cheeks, squeezing harder than one would for pulling out a hair. She grabbed his arm, pulling while she felt the bones in her face being dislodged and shifted.  Eventually the pressure was enough to bring kneel, struggling to breathe. Looking up at her capturer she gave a small sob mixed with a gasp.

Michael or Minho and Gabriel or Taemin ran to them. With an arm Minho knocked the demon down in a head lock. Screaming in annoyance it flailed around as the angel in human form pinned it down with both arms behind him.

Taemin went to the girl gently putting his hand on her shoulder. She lifted her face up, pupils still wide. The angel blinked, “Nana, are you ok?”

“Lee Taemin is that you?” A shrilling scream came. She lifted her arms over her ears in fear as Taemin put an arm around her, head down as the sound resonated.

Minho said something in a loud voice before it crept away, screaming more in defeat than ever. Standing up he glanced at Taemin who lowered his arm. Nana looked up, puzzlement over her as she recognised Minho.

In a calm voice Minho said to her, “Good to see you’re alright Nana.”

“W-what… H-how can you b-be--?”

It was too much for her. Nana’s eyes rolled back and her head dropped to the side. “Ah Michael,” Taemin said startled as she fainted into his arms. “What do we do?”

“Take her home,” Minho said. “Someone needs to be watching Haneul.” It was clear that he’d chosen to do this himself because he left before Taemin could even suggest he do it.



Haneul was writing down the math equations when a small breeze came from a window that had meant to be shut. Just peering over her shoulder she saw Minho standing behind.

“There you are,” she said twisting around in her chair. “I was wondering where you and Taemin had gone since you weren’t here to watch me.”

“We were assured that you were fine and so only one of us was needed to hurry back.”

Going back to the maths equations on the textbook Haneul nodded. “I didn’t think you had other matters. I thought you were strictly on bodyguard duty.”

Minho walked closer to her. “There’s a demon nest that needs to be exposed.  So we’ve been trying to find it while you aren’t in any danger.”

Haneul tilted her head in curious interest. She had never expected them to have some slack cut to them about being around her.  Yet for some reason she wanted them to be around more since they’d been there for nearly two months. Glancing to her right Haneul almost jumped when she saw Minho leaning over, peering at the long algebra equations printed on the glossy paper.

He really had very long eyelashes and irises that went almost black when he was being intense or determined. Before Minho could notice she’d been staring, Haneul quickly tried to focus on the work before her.

“H-have you finished this?” she asked somewhat unnerved. He picked up the back of the text book, reading the blurb.

“I haven’t,” he put it down. “I’ll be completing it soon.”

“So where’s Taemin?” Haneul quickly asked, focusing on her hand writing. Minho went to her bed, sitting at the foot.

“He’s taking Nana home.”

Haneul’s hand slipped. The pen dropped onto the paper. Quickly standing she focused her attention on Minho. “He’s taking Nana home?! W-why is he taking her home?!”

Minho lifted his gaze to her. “She was the centre of a demon attack.” Haneul had to grip the top of her chair. “We came before it could kill her, though the shock of what happened may have caused her to lose consciousness.”

“Oh God.” Minho frowned. Haneul gripped the chair harder as she started to tremble. “Do you mean to say that they’re going to be targeting my friends as well?”

“We don’t know.”

“How can you say that Minho?! You two are meant to know things before—“

She stood rigid in place as he came very close into her personal space. He didn’t seem to have to breathe while on the other hand Haneul was barely able to. He really was tall.

“Haneul,” he started. “There’s a reason why we don’t know everything. God only reveals what he has to. If he shared more than the enemy whom rules this world will steal and use it to create further destruction. Also because Gabriel and I have to have complete faith in him and what he expects us to do.”

Putting his hand on Haneul’s shoulder the tremors started to stop. “Haneul, can you trust us? We won’t let anything happen to you or your friends.”

She had to look away, letting out a breath. “Ok, I’ll trust you.”

Minho’s face lifted. Haneul had to see what it was he was doing. Never before had she seen the way his lips raised at the sides, eyes brightening as he smiled.

“Thank you,” he told her, the gratitude in his voice almost overflowing. She wanted to say that he was welcome but the words wouldn’t come out. Since when had a guy made her speechless?

Before she could really question this he had gone leaving her alone with her confusion and weird emotions. At least she was now given some time to shove the feelings inside and relax before they would be doing maths work.



Thanks for reading silent readers.

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One of my friends xinli_ang will be editing so give her good feedback for her hard work ^^


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Chapter 2: I really love her funny relationship with key, it's so carefree and awesome! :D
xinli_ang #2
Chapter 7: YOU. O.e
You updated! :) Yay! Thank you! ^3^ LOL Taemin and Minho. I pity Haneul actually, I feel that can get pretty annoying... >.>
jonghyun XD and lmfao taemin's love of banana milk
xinli_ang #4
lol Jonghyun and Key. They're so weird. xD
xinli_ang #5
I like Key's status as the BFF. They're hilarious! xD
i really love her interactions with key~~
haneul being a perfectionist, eh? sounds like me XD
hmm, i agree with xinli's question! but this was an interesting confrontation ;) update when you can~
xinli_ang #9
Michael and Gabriel? Any specific reasons behind those name aside from them being real angel names? ;) Waah~ Taeminnie is an angel. I always knew he looked too innocent to be human. Lol. There you have it. The real identity of Lee Taemin. XD
angels!!! :D lmao she's key's noona~