13. Dangerous


“There it is.” The three school students still in uniform saw the shop that Jinki had mentioned to them. The front walls were purple, the windows full of dream catchers, statues of little men and a lit incense stand allowed a vanilla scent to waft out whenever people came in or out.

Haneul glanced at her body guards who seemed to be hovering at the entrance. “What are you waiting for? Don’t tell me that this is lethal as garlic is to a vampire?”

Minho was not amused by the reference. “We are assessing the building before entering. There’s something a little strange about this place. There might be unwanted spirits.”

“I’m sure that if there are then you can beat their asses out of there.”

Minho warily looked at Taemin before leading them into the shop. Inside a woman was at a shelf placing magic eight balls on it next to some crystal balls.
“I was wondering when you would come in.”

Haneul glanced at Taemin. “How did she know we were outside?” She whispered.

“Hyung.” Taemin hastily spoke in a low voice. “Do you think--”

“—Of course.” The woman startled them. Her voice sounded a little different, not her own. “We know everything that happens here.”

Minho quickly told Haneul to lock the front door. “Why do you want it locked?”

“Just do it.”

Haneul went to the front and twisted the key, clicking it into place.
“It looks like there’s only one.” Taemin said as the two started to emit strong golden rays, changing out of their current forms.

“Yes it’s been keeping her captive for long enough.” Minho’s voice deepened during the transition. Haneul stayed close to the entrance just watching as the Angels slowly closed in.

“Why you are the servants of God!” The woman sneered, black eyes without sign of an iris stretching in angry menace. “You think that you have the power to cast me out?!”

Michael stood at an angle to the woman. “You have no power over this woman. She will be released of her imprisonment on this very day!”

With a wretched scream the woman lunged at him, swiping a hand items on the shelves. Haneul winced as they fell onto the floor, shattering one after the other. She could barely move, fear had paralysed her legs rigidly in place, mouth frozen into a half open pose.

“In the name of the Father we release her. Flee from her demon! Flee and fall at the feet of the son!”

The woman screamed again. This time it was a few decibels higher than before. Haneul covered her ears as the high pitched sound vibrated around the room. Gabriel was there to catch her the moment the demon tried to throw it’s victim onto the floor. Riling and struggling in his grip she foamed at the mouth like a rabid dog.

Michael clasped his hands on the woman’s shoulders. His mouth was moving but no sound was heard. He continued on for a few minutes until the woman’s eyes rolled back into her head and she became limp.

Haneul’s face fell in horror, the colour gone. “I-is she—“

Shortly after Michael and Gabriel changed back to their familiar faces. “No, their power is limited. They can try and kill them but that’s as far as they can go.”

“Oh thank God.” Haneul never thought she would hear herself saying that. From her stomach she felt a familiar sensation coming from within. Unlocking the door in a hurry she ran out to the nearest set of bushes where she unloaded her school lunch.

Wiping Haneul breathed in and out slowly. She heard someone coming behind her. “We shouldn’t have let you see.”

Standing up right, Haneul kept herself turned away from Minho because her breath reeked of vomit and her nose was running. “It will happen again won’t it? If you’re with me you’ll find more of those…” She shook her head shuddering. “It’s too horrible to even think about.”

He put a hand on her shoulder. “We will protect you properly next time.”

Haneul wanted to know what he meant but before she could Taemin was there with them. “She’s stable now. I put her on the chair at the counter.”

“Good, we’ll come on Saturday and see how she’s doing.”

“Wait, this Saturday?” The two angels stopped to turn to Haneul. “It’s just that—Zion will be playing that night. I was hoping to see them perform.”

Minho looked Haneul straight in the eyes, his gaze unwavering as he said; “you want to check on Jonghyun.”

“Ah well—“

“—we’d prefer it if you didn’t hide things from us.” Taemin said. “It will help our relationships with each other if you are honest.”

She realised that they were right. Trust was vital in every relationship. “Alright, yes I want to see them play and check that Jonghyun won’t start crying again if they do any ballads.”

Minho nodded. “We’ll come here again and then go to the café alright?”

“Ok that is fine.” Haneul agreed. Though inside she was a little concerned about how the meeting would go.


As the three walked to the shop that Saturday afternoon Haneul slowly started to fall behind. Minho and Taemin stopped. “You can wait outside if you would like.”

It was a considerate thought. But Haneul didn’t want to feel like a burden this time around. “I will be ok.” She said remembering the first time she’d said it had been when she was naive.

“We won’t take long.” Minho added as they let her catch up to them.

Inside there was no strange music playing, what was heard was mainstream songs. Some of the dream catchers and other creepy ornaments were gone too. Inside Minho and Taemin relaxed; neither of them appeared to be on their guard.

“Welcome.” Unlike before the woman was now clearing a shelf instead of filling it. “What can I do for you?”

Haneul peered around the shop. One shelf case was almost empty except for the top row. “Ahjumma are you closing down?”

“No my dear, I’m actually planning to change businesses.”

The three turned to each other. “What are you going to do then ahjumma?”

“My dongsaeng and I used to make a lot of cakes and sweets when we were younger. So we’re going to open a bakery together, right here. What do you think about that?”

It sure was a dramatic change from being a place of voodoo to food. Haneul did not know what to say. Minho smiled as he said to the woman. “That sounds like a great idea.”

“Thank you I hope that we will succeed.” She took out a tissue and wiped her face. With a sigh she struggled to hold back tears. Haneul was a little taken back while Minho came a little closer. “Sorry, I’m sorry.”

She breathed out in a shudder, sniffing as she wiped her eyes. “It’s been hard.”

“We understand.” Minho said patting her on the shoulder gently. “You have been wandering for years. For the first time since your fight you called your dongsaeng and talked with her.”

Taemin joined in leaving Haneul in the background. Minho stood next to the woman, being a support while Taemin encouraged her. His voice emitted warmth and tenderness which drew the women to tears. But with these tears there was no sadness, with them came relief.

Even though Haneul still didn’t believe in God, her doubt had begun to waver. And she wondered if he would say the same sort of things that Gabriel was speaking now.

The two angels didn’t stay for long. They said what they needed to and then bid the woman goodbye while showing support for her new endeavour. Haneul walked with them, not saying much because she was struggling to express how she was touched.

“Back then… What you did for her. That was really, really nice of you.”

­­­Minho turned his head. "It's not about us being nice. She was feeling unloved and so we showed her love.”

“But T-Taemin he…”

“—we work as a team and both of us have different purposes. I am a soldier, when the end is here I will be fighting directly against the enemy. Gabriel is a messenger. He speaks directly from the Lord to the people here on earth.”

“Ah I see.” She understood a little better now. Turning to him she patted Taemin on the back. “Well done, I bet God would be pleased.”

He glanced away as a grin spread onto his face. He put a fist to his mouth as he let out a little chuckle. “You said you didn’t believe in God.”

“I don’t but... I…” The two angels were both grinning now.

“One day you will understand better.” Minho added. “He is patient and knows the hearts of everyone.” Haneul let those words sink into her as they kept on walking, talking about more light hearted topics this time.


Hello readers. I am trying to tone down a little of the God references without removing them completely but I’m not sure how I am going with that. Thank you for the views and being a silent reader.

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One of my friends xinli_ang will be editing so give her good feedback for her hard work ^^


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Chapter 2: I really love her funny relationship with key, it's so carefree and awesome! :D
xinli_ang #2
Chapter 7: YOU. O.e
You updated! :) Yay! Thank you! ^3^ LOL Taemin and Minho. I pity Haneul actually, I feel that can get pretty annoying... >.>
jonghyun XD and lmfao taemin's love of banana milk
xinli_ang #4
lol Jonghyun and Key. They're so weird. xD
xinli_ang #5
I like Key's status as the BFF. They're hilarious! xD
i really love her interactions with key~~
haneul being a perfectionist, eh? sounds like me XD
hmm, i agree with xinli's question! but this was an interesting confrontation ;) update when you can~
xinli_ang #9
Michael and Gabriel? Any specific reasons behind those name aside from them being real angel names? ;) Waah~ Taeminnie is an angel. I always knew he looked too innocent to be human. Lol. There you have it. The real identity of Lee Taemin. XD
angels!!! :D lmao she's key's noona~