7. Come again?


“You really don’t have to follow me.” What Haneul wished to say instead was, ‘piss off you’re making me paranoid.’

“We have to,” Taemin said with his surreal voice. “We were instructed to keep a close eye on you.”

“Well then tell your master that it’s bothering me,” she found herself talking to no one. She turned around; they were standing back metres behind as if an invisible force held them in place.

“Just what are you doing?”

“We have to stay here until you’ve moved fifty feet.” Haneul glanced down the path, calculating the distance in her head.

“You have to be kidding me.”

“We don’t joke,” Taemin said this dead serious.  

“Fine,” Haneul kept on walking, trying to ignore the fact they would not stay there for much longer. What kind of bizarre game were they playing with her?


The next morning Haneul’s alarm went off waking her. She would have to practice for an hour and a half after breakfast. She reached out to hit the ‘off’ button when another hand beat her to it.  Her eyes scanned down the hand to the arm, to the figure with the messy haired individual at the foot of her bed.

“HOLY MOTHER--!” She jumped up in shock grabbing her pillow to cover her pyjamas. “W-what the bloody hell are you doing here?!”

Please forgive her Lord,” Taemin begged the ceiling, “she does not know what she—“

“—Oh knock it off!” She threw her pillow at his face, knocking him flat onto the floor. “Just tell me if you’re the only one here.” The sound of humming came through the crack in the door. Haneul’s blood boiled as she recognised the voice.

“Good morning,” Minho didn’t expect to see her with a grumpy face.

“What is this?” Haneul’s breathing was slow and heavy with anger.

“How did you sleep?” Minho asked.

Her response was to practically yell at him, “Why do you even care?! It’s not like you were here the whole…” She stopped, glancing at Taemin, and then saw two pillows on the floor. Her knees grew weak.

“Y-you have to be screwing with me…” This just puzzled the two angels.  Minho had to think for a moment before talking. “We do not understand this modern way of speaking.”

“Why, do you go 'hath vow loseth his way'?”  Now they scrunched their faces.  Haneul could see this displeased them.

“No so much like that,” Minho said. “We adjust our vocabulary depending on those around us. It’s required that we blend in.”

Forget I asked then,” Haneul mumbled. She clutched her pillow tighter though. “Look, I don’t care about you being angels; just give me some privacy please. My mum could barge in at any moment and think that last night I had a !”

Taemin gave a yelp as his face reddened at a rapid rate. Minho glanced at him, not bothered.  Haneul rolled her eyes and then demanded an answer from Minho. “What’s wrong with him?”

“We actually know what a is,” Minho said straight faced. “However when Gab— pardon me, when Taemin seems to be embarrassed his face goes red.”

“Don’t angels get embarrassed normally?” Haneul queried.  Minho shook his head. “No, when we’re in our real form we don’t have the same sort of expressions as humans do. But when we assemble them we can get embarrassed or angry.”

“So you don’t feel anything like love?”

“We do have love,” Minho pointed out, patting Taemin on the head. “It’s the love that our heavenly father has for us.”

“Oh brother, don’t get me…” Haneul heard her mother calling. “Oh crap she’s coming up.” She turned to them again. “Get out of here, now!” They didn’t have to be asked twice. Haneul just had enough time to start grabbing clothes to change into before her mum knocked and then entered without permission.

“Good you’re awake sweetie,” she ignored her daughter’s mumbles of displeasure. “Don’t forget your practice after breakfast.”

Of course Mum,” Haneul said. Her mum kissed her on the head before leaving her alone.  She wondered how much time they would give her alone.


After breakfast with her family, she went back upstairs to practice. She got out her guitar and then the song she had to go over. The music bars she struggled with had a light blue line under the lyrics which she didn’t sing. Her voice wasn’t that good she felt.

She tuned the guitar and checked the notes before grabbing a pick from a jar beside her bed. She’d kept all her guitar picks throughout the years; even if they were broken they were in there.

“What you doing?” She strummed too hard. Her gaze darkening as Minho and Taemin sat in front of her.

“This is not music time for kids,” she placed the guitar behind her. “I told you to give me space!”

“We have orders to not leave you alone,” Taemin said. “Which is why we didn’t really leave the house.”

“W-what do you mean?” Haneul began to worry. Taemin gave a shy grin.

“We just sat on the roof.”


“Oh it’s perfectly safe,” Minho assured her while Haneul began to feel in over her head.  Minho got up, bent forward to carefully pick up the guitar.

“What were you playing?” His gaze locked with Haneul’s while he put it back in her lap. Haneul drew a tight breath, she never realised how dark and calming his eyes were.

“Err, nothing why?”

“Please, may we hear?” Taemin asked wide eyed like a spaniel. Haneul didn’t know who was worse; Taemin who could possibly woo any woman older than him or Minho whose expression was the opposite of gentle yet still had a tantalising effect. 

She decided to check the first chord, breathed in and out before starting to play.



Oh gosh I updated again sorry…. No excuses just plain laziness and writer’s block. Thank you though for waiting (I’m not worthy of such subbers) though sorry for the bad reference (don't worry if you don't get it however)

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One of my friends xinli_ang will be editing so give her good feedback for her hard work ^^


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Chapter 2: I really love her funny relationship with key, it's so carefree and awesome! :D
xinli_ang #2
Chapter 7: YOU. O.e
You updated! :) Yay! Thank you! ^3^ LOL Taemin and Minho. I pity Haneul actually, I feel that can get pretty annoying... >.>
jonghyun XD and lmfao taemin's love of banana milk
xinli_ang #4
lol Jonghyun and Key. They're so weird. xD
xinli_ang #5
I like Key's status as the BFF. They're hilarious! xD
i really love her interactions with key~~
haneul being a perfectionist, eh? sounds like me XD
hmm, i agree with xinli's question! but this was an interesting confrontation ;) update when you can~
xinli_ang #9
Michael and Gabriel? Any specific reasons behind those name aside from them being real angel names? ;) Waah~ Taeminnie is an angel. I always knew he looked too innocent to be human. Lol. There you have it. The real identity of Lee Taemin. XD
angels!!! :D lmao she's key's noona~