1. Flashback


“Darn why isn’t this sounding right?” The girl wanted to throw her guitar down, the reminder that it didn’t belong to her stopped her before she made that mistake. It was the logo of her school printed on the back with the words ‘property of’ before the name.

She checked the music again, where she placed her fingers, and tried again. She wished she had borrowed a metronome from one of the music rooms: the funny coffin shaped thing with numbers and a metal rod that swayed from side to side. The further down the rod the metal gear was pushed, the faster the rod would move.

“Oh sorry I thought this room was free.”

She hadn’t been expecting an interruption, let alone from someone who was not in her grade. She knew his face for he was in the only rock band in high school; they’d performed once for everyone at foundation day. Small faced, full bottom lip, and a dark set of eyes that looked as if they stared into the soul it was no wonder a lot of girls in his year liked him.

“It’s fine I was just leaving.” She stood up from sitting on the desk, grabbing her bag and the guitar.

“Hey is that Metallica?” He pointed to the sheet music laid out before her. “Wow that’s a hard song, how are you going with the picking?”

“I can’t do it.” She was dejected and wouldn’t face reason at the moment. “I tried but it sounds strange.” The boy nodded, thinking.

“Can you play it for me?” This caused her to stare at him. She was used to playing in front of others, just not solo concerts. She sat down on the desk, placed her fingers in the right places and began to slowly pick the strings, making sure she got the sliding up and down the frets correctly. She stopped after the first page of notes.

“I see what the problem is,” the boy began. “Your guitar is slightly out of tune.”

“But how I thought I did it right,” he gestured for the guitar. He plucked the lowest sounding string and then one of the ones in the middle. “So E and G are out of tune.”

He then proceeded to pluck the string again and turn the handles at the end. She watched as he carefully tuned it all by ear. “Shame there’s no piano,” he added before he gave it back to her. “Try it again.” She started to play, this time it sounded more familiar to her.

“It's fine.” She was happy. “Thank you,” she smiled at him.

“I’m Kim Jonghyun,” he pointed to himself; “second year of middle school.”

“Go Haneul, first year of middle school.”

“Go Haneul,” he nodded after saying the name. “Nice to meet you, maybe I’ll see you again someday.”

“I’m sure you will,” she was determined to make it so.


*Bangs head against keyboard*  I can’t believe I decided to start with a flashback *Sees potential subscribers shying away* Well it will make sense in one of the later chapters. The good thing is I can always delete this if it proves to be the thorn in my fanfic’s side.

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One of my friends xinli_ang will be editing so give her good feedback for her hard work ^^


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Chapter 2: I really love her funny relationship with key, it's so carefree and awesome! :D
xinli_ang #2
Chapter 7: YOU. O.e
You updated! :) Yay! Thank you! ^3^ LOL Taemin and Minho. I pity Haneul actually, I feel that can get pretty annoying... >.>
jonghyun XD and lmfao taemin's love of banana milk
xinli_ang #4
lol Jonghyun and Key. They're so weird. xD
xinli_ang #5
I like Key's status as the BFF. They're hilarious! xD
i really love her interactions with key~~
haneul being a perfectionist, eh? sounds like me XD
hmm, i agree with xinli's question! but this was an interesting confrontation ;) update when you can~
xinli_ang #9
Michael and Gabriel? Any specific reasons behind those name aside from them being real angel names? ;) Waah~ Taeminnie is an angel. I always knew he looked too innocent to be human. Lol. There you have it. The real identity of Lee Taemin. XD
angels!!! :D lmao she's key's noona~