5. Stand by Me


The two supposed angels were at school the next day. Haneul struggled to look them in the eye, let alone talk to them.  Kibum and Nana sensed the awkward tension between the two parties, but due to Kibum’s advice Nana stayed out of it. This advice didn’t apply to the giver, however.

“So what happened? Did you see them making out or something?” Haneul threw the scissors she’d been using to cut the fabric at Kibum. They clipped his ear making him grab the lobe. “Yah why can’t I ask that here?!”

“Do you really want them all to hear?!” Haneul gestured to the other people in the room, home economic students crowded around the sewing machines, embossers, or one of the two mannequins that stood in silence as they were pinned with scraps of fabric.

“They can mind their own business,” Kibum retorted, his face concentrated on pinning the fabric in his lap together.  The red ball of a pin stuck out from his mouth which he took out and put in the crease.  Haneul decided not to tell him that he’d done something disgusting. “So spill the details or I’ll attack you.” Haneul knew that they’d already had a few warnings beforehand about horsing around the Home Economics room. They were thanks to Kibum being stupid and her chasing him with either a loaded pin cushion or the iron.

“I don’t know,” Haneul shrugged. “I guess, it’s just kind of weird at the moment. But I don’t think they notice.”

“You really think so?” Kibum struggled to believe this. The evidence was there supporting Haneul’s statement. They’d greeted her normally and been friendly as ever with the others. It seemed that most of the problem was at her end.

“Yeah,” with that she got up and grabbed the scissors. “So how much am I meant to cut exactly?”

“Just follow the pencil line,” he pointed with the end of a pin.  Haneul saw it and the place she’d started to cut. They were two different spots. She would have to pretend the cut was already in the fabric.


“So have you decided?” Haneul dropped her bag, her books and capo falling all over the floor. Minho didn’t pay attention to what he’d done.

“Don’t scare people like that!” she snapped, scooping up her belongings again and dropping them in. “It’s not polite!”

“Sorry,” he gave her a smile to show he meant it. “But Gabriel and I need to know…”

“—don’t use his real name!” Haneul hissed in a whisper. “Call him by the name that he uses to get around.”

“But Gabriel is his real name.”

“Still,” Haneul glanced around while biting the corner of her lip. “Gabriel is an English name, we’re Korean… Well, you appear as Koreans anyway.”

Minho finally understood and nodded.

“Ok, I see. Taemin and I were hoping to get an answer from you.” This brought a sigh from Haneul. She fumbled with the collar of her shirt.

“Well, it only happened yesterday. I haven’t really had time to think about it.”

“Will you get to?” For once, she was surprised that he sounded impatient. As an angel she expected them to always keep their cool. It might have been due to the human persona he was wearing at the moment.

“Can I give you an answer tomorrow?”

“What’s with tomorrow?” Minho asked with interest.

“I’m going to The Red Wings tomorrow at seven.” Minho thought over what she said. He then asked her if it was the café he’d seen on his walks through the town.

“Yeah that’s the place; one of my friends works and performs with the band, he’s in on Friday nights. You and your cherub friend can come along.”

“We aren’t cherubs; they’re in a different position.”

“Whatever,” Haneul waved him off, “if you can give me until then it will be much appreciated.”

Minho went quiet for a bit, as if he was listening to a voice that she couldn’t hear. When this voice had stopped talking he answered it with a simple, “I understand.” He looked at her. “That will be fine, until then we’ll still keep an eye on you just in case.” This exasperated Haneul considering they hadn't asked her if it was ok, yet they were going ahead and protecting her like she’d already agreed.

“Alright fine,” she had to get home soon so she prevented herself from arguing with him about it. She waved bye to him and they parted ways. Minho had joined the soccer team last year so she wondered how he would manage to guard her as well as practice. Unless angels had another trick up their sleeves that they’d failed to tell her yet. The trick of being in two places at once.


Haneul got writers block for her composition. She whined about it at dinner and to Kibum over the phone.  Unlike her parents who passively told her that it would wear off soon, Kibum and her had a debate over the line.

“Yah you’re being silly again!”

“How is it me being silly? I’m already trying damn hard?!” Haneul walked around her room, hand up in the air doing gestures Kibum couldn’t see.

“Well then sit down and think over it instead of whinging to me!”

“Who else can I call that I would be happy to whinge to?!” she stated. She heard him struggle with names.

“Jonghyun; Nana, maybe, would understand.”

“Nana doesn’t do music so she isn’t of any help plus Jonghyun’s busy…” Her voice cut off with the power of the poor excuse.

“You mean you’re afraid of calling him and then having her pick up?” Haneul swore silently.

“No, she isn’t the reason.”

“Well apparently according to his mother it is.” This worried Haneul, how much did Jonghyun know about it? She knew that he was close with his mum.

“Does… He know anything about it?”

“Nope,” Kibum was certain. “It’s all in your airy head.”

“Hey, my head’s not airy,” Haneul snapped and nearly swearing again when she saw the time. “Oh crap I need to finish my brain storming.”

“Aish alright; I guess we can talk about this tomorrow evening.”

“Not exactly,” Haneul hadn’t told him about who’d she invited yet. “I sort of invited Minho and Taemin to come along.”

“… Ah, well at least it means you haven’t removed your friendship with them yet.”

“Yeah,” if only he knew why Haneul had done that; he would never believe her though about them being angels.


I was away from AFF yesterday due to personal reasons and the day before I was at a conference so this is why this update only came about today. Enjoy.

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One of my friends xinli_ang will be editing so give her good feedback for her hard work ^^


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Chapter 2: I really love her funny relationship with key, it's so carefree and awesome! :D
xinli_ang #2
Chapter 7: YOU. O.e
You updated! :) Yay! Thank you! ^3^ LOL Taemin and Minho. I pity Haneul actually, I feel that can get pretty annoying... >.>
jonghyun XD and lmfao taemin's love of banana milk
xinli_ang #4
lol Jonghyun and Key. They're so weird. xD
xinli_ang #5
I like Key's status as the BFF. They're hilarious! xD
i really love her interactions with key~~
haneul being a perfectionist, eh? sounds like me XD
hmm, i agree with xinli's question! but this was an interesting confrontation ;) update when you can~
xinli_ang #9
Michael and Gabriel? Any specific reasons behind those name aside from them being real angel names? ;) Waah~ Taeminnie is an angel. I always knew he looked too innocent to be human. Lol. There you have it. The real identity of Lee Taemin. XD
angels!!! :D lmao she's key's noona~