14. Stranger


“Ah thank God you’re here.” Kibum tucked his chair in to let Haneul slide past and sit between him and Nana. Minho and Taemin both sat down, Minho took a chair from another table. “They’re going to begin soon.”

“How’s practice coming along?” Nana asked changing the subject.

“Slowly but I can’t complain.” Haneul said, reading the drink menu. “I think my calluses are forming calluses.”

Kibum pushed her in the side. “Don’t talk about gross things when we’re eating.” Haneul peered over to look in Kibum’s empty coffee mug. He raised his eyebrows, not backing down.

For a while the café was full of noisy chatter. The heavy metal sounds of Zion had yet to begin.
“What’s going on? They were meant to have started five minutes ago?!”

They looked at the band. The drummer and the guitarist stood there in position, ready and willing. For Jonghyun it was another story. Four girls had gathered around him. Some laughed artificially with hands over their pretentious grins; others gently touching him either on the shoulder or into his more personal space his thighs.

Jonghyun smiled at each girl and whispered in the ears of three. All of them left in a happy mood as they went to take their seats.

Kibum sighed with a roll of his eyes. “Yah what is with him? They were meant to have started playing fifteen minutes ago.” Some of the people who had been waiting had left with new customers flocking to the tables.

Haneul tapped Minho on the shoulder. She gestured for his ear so he leaned towards her.
“This is strange, I know he can be a bad boy but Jonghyun usually isn’t like this. I wonder if he and Sekyung split up.”

Minho nodded. “Understood, but for now keep a close eye on him, just in case.”

Haneul agreed though his words drew concern. Why would he want her to watch Jonghyun more closely?


Haneul practiced for most of the following Sunday while Minho and Taemin were out to complete some holy tasks. Despite being told they had to watch her Minho or Taemin appeared back as Michael or Gabriel to ensure she was still safe. 

The day drew to a close and along came Monday. She didn’t see them in the morning as she was getting ready for school. All day there was still no sign of them. Kibum asked about their whereabouts so she just assumed they were sick. He couldn’t know of the truth and even if he did he wouldn’t believe it.

On the way home she met them, dressed in school uniform surprisingly. “You told Teacher I was sick. I appreciate it thank you.” Minho told her gratefully.

“It’s ok,” Haneul shifted her weight onto the other foot. “Did you manage to do what you needed to?”

They stepped aside to reveal a man she’d never seen before. He was of average height and appearance with his bowl hair and casual clothing but his eyes were a little unusual. They were a very light brown, almost hazel.

“This is Uriel. God sent him to help us with the search for the demons. With his assistance we should find it a lot sooner.”

The angel bowed to Haneul. “Nice to meet you Go Haneul.” She returned the gesture.

“Have you been keeping an eye on Jonghyun?”

“Well to be honest I haven’t seen him since Saturday.” She got her phone out from her back pack. “Which is why I’ve been texting him. He seems to be fine based on what I’ve read.”

“Good that’s probably for the better then.” Haneul was stunned by Taemin’s honest words.

“Taemin-ah what is that about?”

“We cannot explain it now but we will tell you more once we are certain.”

“Certain about—“

But the three had gone. Haneul went on her way. Whatever they were going to tell her would have to wait.

“Look what I have here!” Kibum sang it as he skipped happily towards Haneul and Nana who were getting their bags to go home. Taking out an envelope he revealed some photographs in a fan. “These came out yesterday. What do you think?”

Nana held out a hand. Kibum placed a few in her palm. “Wow Kibum-ah, these are really good.”

Haneul had no idea they would come out better than she had envisioned.
“What do you think my guardian angel?”

She resisted the desire to throw the photos at him. He really liked to annoy her with those nicknames. “They came out… Good.”

“I know right?!” He said laughing in a cocky manner. “I’m going to show Jonghyun tomorrow. Maybe he’ll let me take pictures of them when they next play.”

Haneul paused. She thought back to the Saturday that she’d seen him last. Back to the Saturday when he had acted like a complete player to girls who probably wouldn’t remember who he was. “Good mother—“

 Her friends stopped before she let out the bad word. “I really should go.”

“Go where? Go see Jonghyun?”

She nodded. “Yes he isn’t working today is he?”

“Yeah he’ll either be at home or with one of his band members.” Haneul nodded and left them. Now she was starting to understand her angelic friends’ words.


Jonghyun’s house was situated in more of the urban area in their suburb. Haneul came from the stairs and knocked on the door. She imagined his mother would be out so wasn’t surprised when the face that greeted her was his older gorgeous sister.

“Haneul-ah it’s been a while how are you?”

“Alright it’s good to see you unnie, is your dongsaeng around?”


“Yeah hold on for just a moment.” She went back in, leaving the door ajar.  Haneul hadn’t been to the place for a while so if anything had changed she wouldn’t remember it. Soon his noona came back.

“It’s fine so come in. He’s just at the balcony playing on his guitar.”

Haneul nodded. “Thank you.” She stepped inside, taking her shoes off at the door. Going past the living room Haneul could see him in a chair, leaning back plucking the strings while a piece of paper kept down by a pen sat by his feet. He looked rather comfortable in his white hoodie, grey jeans and black socks with the red tips of his toes.

For a moment he placed the guitar down carefully and scribbled on the paper, looking up when Haneul approached. “Haneul, it’s been a while.”

“Y-yeah it has been.” Haneul agreed. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything—“

He shook his head. “No come and have a seat.” Haneul went to the chair opposite him and sat down near the edge. Any conversations openers had appeared to have left her mind. She didn’t know what to say.

Jonghyun sat in his chair without the guitar. “How is the practicing going?”

“Fine, it’s still months away before the actual audition and I haven’t finished my audition piece. I keep changing my mind on the chord arrangements or the actual melody so it’s never going to be completed for drafting.”

“You’ll get there.” He assured her while beaming. “You really have a great gift Haneul. The students I teach know about you and think highly of you since they saw you play at assembly one time.”

She raised her eyebrows. “You told them about me?”

“Shouldn’t I?” Jonghyun leaned forward, his eyes directly on her. “We’re friends aren’t we? You know that you can come to me whenever you need help.”

Grateful Haneul managed to make herself smile. “Thank you, oppa… You’ve done a lot for me in the past and I never made it up to you.”

Standing Jonghyun went to the door to the balcony. Haneul jumped when he suddenly slid it shut with a bang. “Hey what are you--”

“—Noona will be going out soon.” He went closer to her. “So she won’t see a thing.” Haneul stiffened; he lowered his head down, his stare boring into her from the side.

“Haneul-ah, these past few months have been lonely for me. I call and called but she doesn’t respond. She only calls to tell me she’s really busy. She’s a liar, a damn good one to think I didn’t know. But I knew why; she’s been busy with other guys.”

Haneul looked at her lap. That was how Sekyung and Jonghyun must have split up. His breath gently hitting her brow tickled. “Those girls I spoke to that day… They know nothing about loving a man. They just care about the pleasure they get in return.”

A cold hand touched her knee. Haneul jumped in her seat. Jonghyun’s voice whispered in her ear. “But you, you know about passion. You just express it through music. How about changing your focus for a moment? Make me your desire and you something I can strum, like the strings of a guitar.”

His words from his low, husky voice caused shudders to arise from Haneul. Suddenly his hand started to up her leg to her thigh. She couldn’t take it anymore and hastily stood up. He stepped back before they bumped heads.

“I really have to go.” Unable to meet his eyes she opened the door and walked straight to the entrance, getting her bag and slipping on her shoes.

As she walked home she realised why Minho had told her to watch him. His behaviour just then had been creepy, creepy like before.

She knew him. She knew that she was the last girl he would ever hit on like that or would try to. If that was the only thing that bothered her then she would feel glad. However the fact her heart had been pounding at the time made her concerned.


Well things are starting to pick up.

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One of my friends xinli_ang will be editing so give her good feedback for her hard work ^^


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Chapter 2: I really love her funny relationship with key, it's so carefree and awesome! :D
xinli_ang #2
Chapter 7: YOU. O.e
You updated! :) Yay! Thank you! ^3^ LOL Taemin and Minho. I pity Haneul actually, I feel that can get pretty annoying... >.>
jonghyun XD and lmfao taemin's love of banana milk
xinli_ang #4
lol Jonghyun and Key. They're so weird. xD
xinli_ang #5
I like Key's status as the BFF. They're hilarious! xD
i really love her interactions with key~~
haneul being a perfectionist, eh? sounds like me XD
hmm, i agree with xinli's question! but this was an interesting confrontation ;) update when you can~
xinli_ang #9
Michael and Gabriel? Any specific reasons behind those name aside from them being real angel names? ;) Waah~ Taeminnie is an angel. I always knew he looked too innocent to be human. Lol. There you have it. The real identity of Lee Taemin. XD
angels!!! :D lmao she's key's noona~