15. Love Again


Haneul was running all the way home. She soon tired and had to stop, her breath gone.
“Aish, Jonghyun oppa… W-what is wrong with you?”


Shaking her head she sighed out all her frustration.

“What is wrong with whom?”

She never thought she would be glad to see Minho. Straightening herself she went straight for him, wrapping her arms around him. Minho stood while Haneul allowed herself to hug him. She could care less about him not returning the gesture. He was probably surprised.

Eventually he stepped back. “Gabriel is waiting for us outside your place. Shall we go?”

Haneul agreed, swallowing as she felt her face burning. She never used to be impulsive when it came to body language but today had been different. Minho had been a friend for longer than she’d known him as an angel.

The two walked to her place without speaking. Haneul kept close to him, afraid that Jonghyun would jump out of nowhere taking her by shock. Minho glanced at her and then straight ahead.

“He tried to hurt you… Didn’t he?”

“Well…” She glanced at the ground for a moment. “Sort of, not really I guess.”

 He nodded doing nothing else. “I see.”

Haneul wouldn’t have minded some concern from him. But he hadn’t been created to empathise with humans and she doubted that would change. Minho was as loyal to his duty as their soldiers were dedicated to serving their country.


Taemin was leaning against a lamp post. He stood up straight when he saw them coming, immediately going to Haneul. “Noona, what happened? Why is your face like that?”

Though she didn’t feel like answering that question now it would be better than keeping the angel waiting. “Jonghyun oppa, he… He…”

“Aish you guys really know how to get me worked up!”

The three all watched as Kibum hurried over to them, dressed in a denim shirt with a white one underneath and black jeans. Haneul frowned, unsure as to what he was talking about.

“Don’t play dumb. Jonghyun hyung just called me.” He pointed his finger at Haneul. “He sounds sorry so you should go and tell him that you accept his apology.”

Beside Haneul Minho tensed. She turned to him. “What did he do?” Minho asked.

“He… He tried to make a pass at me today so I ran out.”

Minho and Taemin just raised their eyebrows. “He did what?”

Kibum became irritated. “Never mind what he did! Just tell the pabo that you forgive him!”

“Alright I will,” Haneul began. “But not yet. I think I should go in.”  Kibum went off by himself while Minho and Taemin went after Haneul.

Taemin spoke to Minho in a soft voice. “Michael do you think we should ask him to help us?”

Minho nodded. “We’ll request that Raphael keeps an eye on her while we make sure Jonghyun is alright.”


Haneul woke to a loud thud. The window was open and on the floor there was a groan. Sitting up and turning the light on she saw her uninvited guest rub his head.
“Jinki is that you?”

“Ah did I wake you?”

He slowly stood up, cracking his back. “What are you doing here?” She asked. “How did you know where I… Oh wait you’re an angel.”

“I’ve been sent to watch over you while Michael and Gabriel keep an eye on your friend.”

Haneul rubbed her eyes. “Why are they watching my friend? What has he done?”

“They aren’t sure which is why they are being safe. It was after you’d been scared away by him.”

Nodding Haneul slipped down under the covers. “Ok well I guess you can watch me, as long as you do your job.”

“Sure, um one thing though Haneul.”

She turned towards him. “Can I have a pillow?” It was an unusual request for an angel but Haneul passed him a cushion anyway. He thanked her before getting cosy on the floor.

He looked so adorable that Haneul couldn’t help but smirk as Jinki finally settled down and shut his eyes. She’d never seen Minho or Taemin sleep when they were watching over her so she wondered if it was an option or they did when the other was on guard duty.

The next morning she rose to find him already awake and watching. Having his intent gaze on her was somewhat intimidating so she had to hold a pillow in front of her. “Good morning, did you sleep well?”

“Yes thank you it was great.” He stretched his arms behind his head. “What do you do now?”

“I get changed which means you should get out.”

“Oh ok I’ll umm…” For a moment he scanned the room unsure of himself. “S-should I go out the window like how I came in?”

“Are you a pabo?!” Jinki jumped at her exclamation. “Just go and wait in the hallway, but don’t get caught!”

Jinki hurried out before Haneul had to push him. He managed to hide in a cupboard when Haneul’s sister went to her room and out which was a relief for him and more so when she allowed him to come back in.

“So do you have breakfast now?” His stomach grumbled. Hiding a smirk Haneul agreed to bring him some food before they had to go to school.




“I have a question.” Jinki began as they walked to school. Haneul turned to him.

“Ok go ahead.”

Startled he seemed a little taken back. “Well… It is a little…”

“—what, it’s a little what?”

“It may be a little inappropriate?”

Haneul hit herself in the forehead. “Geez you guys and your holy way of talking—ok if you don’t tell me what it is on the count of three then I’m going to start using God’s name in a short story and not as an actual noun!”

“Ok I’ll say it.” Jinki put his hands out to stop her. “Haneul do you like Minho ally?”

Haneul’s face reddened and she raised her eyebrows. “I like him how?!”

“Is that the word?” Jinki seemed very uncertain he had the correct term. Haneul was unsure herself until she thought it over.

“Ah, you mean do I like Minho romantically?”


Nodding eagerly he agreed. “Yes that’s what I mean!”

“You’re right I think I do.” Jinki hadn’t expected her to say yes. When the initial surprise of her response wore down he rubbed the back of his neck.

“I see, but you know… Know that he cannot—“

Haneul glanced up at the sky. “I know, I know he can’t; but still it won’t change how I feel.”

Uh oh Haneul you should reconsider (if you can)

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One of my friends xinli_ang will be editing so give her good feedback for her hard work ^^


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Chapter 2: I really love her funny relationship with key, it's so carefree and awesome! :D
xinli_ang #2
Chapter 7: YOU. O.e
You updated! :) Yay! Thank you! ^3^ LOL Taemin and Minho. I pity Haneul actually, I feel that can get pretty annoying... >.>
jonghyun XD and lmfao taemin's love of banana milk
xinli_ang #4
lol Jonghyun and Key. They're so weird. xD
xinli_ang #5
I like Key's status as the BFF. They're hilarious! xD
i really love her interactions with key~~
haneul being a perfectionist, eh? sounds like me XD
hmm, i agree with xinli's question! but this was an interesting confrontation ;) update when you can~
xinli_ang #9
Michael and Gabriel? Any specific reasons behind those name aside from them being real angel names? ;) Waah~ Taeminnie is an angel. I always knew he looked too innocent to be human. Lol. There you have it. The real identity of Lee Taemin. XD
angels!!! :D lmao she's key's noona~