16 I'm Sorry


For the rest of the month Haneul saw less and less of her Angelic friends. They had focused on Jonghyun and for what the reason was she had not been told.


But they still kept on seeing her at school which was better than nothing. For Haneul she longed to have Minho around more.


“Yah why are you day-dreaming?!” Kibum waved a hand in front of her making her jump. She hadn’t realised she was staring off into space. He sat next to her. “Why are you here? We sit inside not at the—“


Kibum paused, watching as the guys played soccer, running around the oval kicking the ball. Minho was weaving among the boys. His long legs giving him an advantage to reach the ball when the others couldn’t and his quick footwork enabling his team valuable play. Turning to his friend he nudged her in the side.

“Ah now I see.”

“What do you see?!” She snapped trying to put him off guard.

Laughing Kibum continued, not buying the threat. “You like him don’t you?”

“Aish how can you say that?”

“So I’m right huh?” Kibum looked more than glee at learning the truth. “So when are you going to tell him?”

Haneul wanted to hit him on the head, but she held it in knowing that a teacher could get her busted. “Not yet, it’s not the right time.”

He groaned. “It’s never the right time for you, unless it’s that blasted instrument.”

“Stop nagging I’ll tell him soon alright?”

The answer was not satisfactory in Kibum’s eyes but with a tiny nod he accepted it. “Fine I’ll wait to hear what his reaction is.” Now she had no way of getting around it.


Nana was putting her school books into her bag when someone tapped her on the shoulder; she turned around to Haneul who was ready to go home. “Did Kibum go home already?”

“No he’s in a student teacher meeting. Why what’s going on?”

“I’ll tell you,” Haneul began and then added in a whisper. “But not here, we could get eavesdropped on too easily.”


“Alright that is fine.”

The two walked out of the school grounds in the direction that Nana lived in. It was then that Haneul spoke up.
“I like Minho.”

Nana blinked, her long hair moving in a swing as she turned to Haneul. “Wow you do?”

“Yes but I don’t know what to do. Should I just tell him? What do you think?”

Haneul watched as Nana quietly contemplated her words. “Nana,” Haneul began her voice with an edge. “Say something…”

“I don’t know.” Haneul felt the words strike her like a punch. “You two are good friends but what if he only wants to be friends? Would you manage after having your heart broken like that?”

She had a point. Haneul mused over this. “That is true… He is my friend. But I feel like I’ll burst if I don’t say something.”

Nana gave her friend an empathetic expression. “I’m sorry for not being much help.”

“No it’s fine; it’s what I needed to hear.”

Haneul decided that the best opportunity would be when school finished the next day. However no matter how long she waited around there was no sign of Minho.

“Hey buddy.” Kibum said in English. “What are you still doing here? You’re going to be a target for erts if you don’t hurry home.”

Haneul gave him a fierce stare. “You mean you’ll be a target if you don’t get out of here.”

“Oh you think you’re so funny.” Kibum continued to mockingly laugh. “Seriously Haneul it isn’t safe. Just who are you waiting for anyway?”

“Minho… He said he’d meet me here.”

“Noona there you are!” The two stopped their discussion. Taemin was waving to them, his large smile on his face.

“Taemin,” Haneul said as he came to them. “Where is Minho? I asked him if I could have a word with him after school but he isn’t here.”

Taemin’s eyes widened as he remembered something. “Ah yes he told me that he… He has business to attend.” He winked at Haneul and Kibum cracked up.

“Oh gosh you really are bad at subtlety.”

“Never mind him,” Haneul assured the surprised Taemin. “I think you did well.”

Kibum scoffed and they all walked home out of the school talking about other things such as the homework or the students until Kibum had to go his own way to the train.

Now that it was just the two of them Haneul could ask Taemin what was on her mind. “So he’s dealing with demons?”

“Yes he said to apologise to you for not being able to wait back like you asked. He’ll make sure he comes to see you soon.”

Haneul nodded. “Ok thanks for that Taemin.” But Minho ended up not appearing the next day or the day after. He was gone for the whole week which raised suspicion at the school due to his lack of contact.



The next week that followed brought more problems with the discussion of a different person.  Being his typical self Kibum asked her straight out while they were in class.

“Yah Haneul.” She turned behind, rolling her eyes at Kibum’s mad waves.

“What Kibum what is it?!” The sudden outburst alarmed her friend. He saw her expression and then cooled off.

“What’s wrong with you? Missing someone?”

Haneul took it a little too personally. “Actually yes I am!”

Nana glanced at Kibum and he just raised his eyebrows. “What? She’s been like this for a whole week. It’s obvious she misses someone.”

“Who does she miss?”

Kibum and Nana jumped. Haneul stood there, momentarily stunned. It was as if he’d just appeared out of nowhere. Maybe he literally had. Minho shifted his collar from sensing the uneasiness.

“Sorry I haven’t been around. How are you Nana and Kibum?”

“Fine,” Nana answered quickly. “Um we should go to our places the teacher will be in soon.” Minho nodded.

“Alright,” Haneul cleared about to speak and this encouraged Kibum and Nana to move away.

“Can I speak to you after class?”

Minho paused but then agreed and went to his chair. Haneul watched him move, fluidly and gracefully. He sat down without looking behind and Haneul wished he had.




Haneul was there in the designated meeting place, on the edge of a playground beside the school. Minho was at soccer practice and had apologised beforehand saying he would be late.

Checking the time on her phone Haneul sighed. It was going to be dark in less than an hour. She wondered how much longer the wait would be.

“Hey sorry for being a little late,” he came over still in his soccer attire, sweat making his bangs cling to his forehead. Was that even sweat? Did angels actually perspire?

She returned her phone and felt bad for doubting him. “Its fine, how did practice go?”

“Fine,” he said nodding. “Now, what was it that you wanted to say to me?”

Haneul looked at him surprised. “You’re an angel. Shouldn’t you know?”

Minho cleared his throat. “I have an idea of what it may be.” His expression tightened and became more serious. “Haneul, you know that I cannot recuperate anything like that because—“

He was silenced by Haneul quickly stepping forward and pressing her lips against his. There was no knowing what was going through either of their minds as she had her eyes closed and he stood there rigid like a statue.

She moved away and slowly opened her eyes. “Well, did that convince you?”

“Haneul I told you—“

“—but I really like you.” She interrupted feeling slightly annoyed. “I know you’ve probably had women crush on you before but that was in the past. We should have a try, please just one date?”

Minho stepped back placing obvious distance between them. “Haneul, I’m not the one for you. I never was. My duty as a warrior and a servant of God is to his purpose and no one else is to interfere with that.”

Haneul felt the blow of the words like a sudden punch to her pride. He couldn’t have made his answer more clear. Sighing out she slung her backpack over both shoulders, spun around and walked away as fast as her legs would take her. She would take the rejection in the same way he had done with her kiss. Unfeeling and like stone.



Ouch to her. Sorry for only bringing back this story. I plan to finish this for all of you who have been waiting ok?

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One of my friends xinli_ang will be editing so give her good feedback for her hard work ^^


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Chapter 2: I really love her funny relationship with key, it's so carefree and awesome! :D
xinli_ang #2
Chapter 7: YOU. O.e
You updated! :) Yay! Thank you! ^3^ LOL Taemin and Minho. I pity Haneul actually, I feel that can get pretty annoying... >.>
jonghyun XD and lmfao taemin's love of banana milk
xinli_ang #4
lol Jonghyun and Key. They're so weird. xD
xinli_ang #5
I like Key's status as the BFF. They're hilarious! xD
i really love her interactions with key~~
haneul being a perfectionist, eh? sounds like me XD
hmm, i agree with xinli's question! but this was an interesting confrontation ;) update when you can~
xinli_ang #9
Michael and Gabriel? Any specific reasons behind those name aside from them being real angel names? ;) Waah~ Taeminnie is an angel. I always knew he looked too innocent to be human. Lol. There you have it. The real identity of Lee Taemin. XD
angels!!! :D lmao she's key's noona~