12. Raphael


“Yah Taemin, where did you run off to?!” She exclaimed. There were not near the entrance so the possibility was at the track field. Minho would be nearby with the rest of the soccer team.


Walking to the grounds she saw Taemin standing near a bright glowing figure. Covering her eyes she hurried over to them. “Hey Minho turn your body off!” The light dimmed and soon she was looking at him dressed in his soccer socks, shorts and boots with a black loose t-shirt.


“Haneul,” he said noticing her. “Has the photo shoot finished?”

She nodded. “Yes but that doesn’t explain why you were standing there like a fricking light bulb. Its day time people can see you!”

 Minho nodded. Taemin looked at him. “So he’s there?” Minho nodded.

“Yes we’re to see him tomorrow when he’s working.”

“Hello, who are you seeing is it that guy you mentioned before?” Haneul felt her blood starting to boil. They were protecting her but they seemed to forget about sharing particular details with her. Any details that she as the person under the ‘Angel Protection Program’ should be able to hear in case it may have involved her.

“Yes he’s been located. We’re going to see him tomorrow evening.”

“When you say ‘we’, do you mean--?”

“—Of course we weren’t going to leave you alone.”


Haneul would have rather not asked. Then again she knew that if she didn’t want to come then one of them would stay behind. Better for her that she just accepted the fact they weren’t going to leave her side. If they did then it wouldn’t be for long.

“This is somewhat random but can I ask it anyway?” Haneul began as the three of them walked home. Well walked to her place.

Minho turned his head. “You want to know how we were created.”

Surprised and unsure of how he was able to know that Haneul agreed. “Y-yeah that is right.”

“We were here before the world was made.” Taemin said. “We can never age and we have no need to eat, sleep or breathe.”

“I figured that much but then why were you created in the first place? Was the big man upstairs smoking some heavy stuff and decided ‘what the hey?’ I’ll make some glowing, flying men because I can.”

Minho’s gaze was serious. “He doesn’t make useless things. We were made to share messages to humans, to protect and to encourage. We are to share the love that overcomes all.”

Though she pretended to understand, Haneul really did not have much of a clue. She clutched the strap of her bag. Minho’s eyes were still watching her.  “We cannot tell you everything because we do not know everything.”

“Right,” Haneul had heard it before so she cut him off before the discussion repeated itself. “Well when will you go?”

“You have dinner at seven so we will leave shortly afterwards.”

“Great so how am I meant to sneak out when I could and should be practicing?”

Minho and Taemin looked at each other. Haneul felt like a third wheel as the two had a conversation.
“Surely you can have half an hour break right?”

Haneul thought about it. “I don’t normally but tonight just this once could be ok.”

“Alright then we will be there for that long and then come back.”


Haneul had a hard time explaining to her parents why she was going out on a school night but when she said that she wouldn’t be alone they were a little more lenient.

She left the front door to find Minho and Taemin waiting for her at the gate. “Good we should be there soon.” Haneul slung her bag over her shoulder and walked with them. They made her go to the inside of the pavement while Taemin stayed on her right and Minho her left.

“Umm isn’t this a bit awkward?”

“It’s for your good that we travel like this.”

Minho would not change his mind so Haneul dropped the topic. Ten minutes later they were at a small shopping complex with a few restaurants on the borders. One with a large white and red chicken stood on the far right. The closer they got the louder the music was that came through the open doors.

Minho and Taemin stood aside so Haneul could enter first. Embarrassed by their gentlemanly behaviour Haneul entered and then went to the nearest free table.
“How are you going to meet him?” She questioned as the other two sat down. “This place is packed.”

“Soon he says he finishes work in fifteen minutes.” Haneul glanced at the clock which said quarter past seven.

“So what do we do now?” Taemin silently handed her a menu. A menu that was full of dishes with only one main ingredient in almost every dish except for the desserts and drinks. Understanding them now Haneul lowered it. “I had fish for dinner,” she hissed. “I’m not eating chicken.”

“Have a drink then,” Minho wasn’t going to stop. They all ordered a soft drink each before they waited for the noise to die down.



Haneul finished the last of her Pepsi, the ice clinking in the bottom of the glass. Checking the clock the time was one minute away. Haneul looked at Taemin and Minho opposite her. They’d barely spoken since they’d arrived. Their silence was starting to grind her gears.

“Is he going to come or not?!” Haneul pushed her chair out, standing. Minho’s hand went onto her wrist. She looked down at his hand, raised her eyes to the ceiling and exhaled before sitting down again.


They heard a man talking and doors opening. A man in an apron was talking to a boy who was nodding.
“Don’t break another plate for a while ok?”

“Yes sir, thank you sir.” He bowed before turning and slipping over on the floor. Minho and Taemin shared expressions. Despite his shame of falling in public the guy sheepishly laughed before standing. He had a round face that lit up his round face and cheeks that noonas would love to pinch.

Minho waved to him and he went over. “Michael, Gabriel.” He was shushed. “Sorry.” He lowered his voice. “Did you two manage to find this place?”

“Yes thank you, how are you going? It’s been a while since you were in a human form right?”

“Ah y-yeah,” the clumsy angel admitted. “By the way my human’s name is Lee Jinki.  Taemin and Minho nodded.

“This is the girl we’re watching, her name’s Haneul.” Jinki greeted Haneul with a bow.

“Nice to meet you.”

“Yeah same here,” Haneul replied.

Taemin told Jinki to have a seat. He sat next to Haneul, putting his hat and apron on the table before him.

“So have you seen or noticed anything unusual?” Minho asked.

Jinki said he hadn’t. Minho thumped the table lightly with a clenched fist. “Though, now I think about it there may be one place.” Jinki replied after some thought. “Down the road there’s a shop that specialises in natural medicines, things like that. However every time I walk past I sense strong forces. Clearly what is residing in there is not of God.”

“We’ll have a look after school tomorrow.” Taemin said to him. “It could be a lead Michael.”

Minho didn’t seem so sure, his eyebrows were creased in doubt. “I guess we’ll have to go see.” His eyes darted diagonally to the left of him. “Haneul, are you ok with that? It might be a little scary for you.”

She shook her head. “No I should be fine. I don’t think anything surprises me anymore.”

“Are you sure?” Now she was beginning to wonder whether he was double checking or honestly concerned about her.

She smiled, hoping that would show she was serious. “Yes, I will be alright. Thank you for your concern however.” Minho was quiet after that. Haneul didn’t get to ask him if he didn’t want her to come with them but she hoped she was over thinking it. Now they were a crucial part of her life she wanted them around more.


And finally Onew appears XD

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One of my friends xinli_ang will be editing so give her good feedback for her hard work ^^


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Chapter 2: I really love her funny relationship with key, it's so carefree and awesome! :D
xinli_ang #2
Chapter 7: YOU. O.e
You updated! :) Yay! Thank you! ^3^ LOL Taemin and Minho. I pity Haneul actually, I feel that can get pretty annoying... >.>
jonghyun XD and lmfao taemin's love of banana milk
xinli_ang #4
lol Jonghyun and Key. They're so weird. xD
xinli_ang #5
I like Key's status as the BFF. They're hilarious! xD
i really love her interactions with key~~
haneul being a perfectionist, eh? sounds like me XD
hmm, i agree with xinli's question! but this was an interesting confrontation ;) update when you can~
xinli_ang #9
Michael and Gabriel? Any specific reasons behind those name aside from them being real angel names? ;) Waah~ Taeminnie is an angel. I always knew he looked too innocent to be human. Lol. There you have it. The real identity of Lee Taemin. XD
angels!!! :D lmao she's key's noona~