Sports Day Part 1

It's Just BasketBall, NOT! It's Love, Stupid!

Sehun's POV:

"So are you going to join in the Sports Day?" Luhan asked as he sat down next to me. I just scoffed at his question and put my arm around his shoulder. "What's so funny?"

"You know me. Of course I'll join. You?"

This Friday, our school will be holding a sports event which will be held in the school yard. There's going to be a , dodgeball game, basketball, tug of war, etc, then lunch while watching a dance performance, and then finally a Baton Pass 500m race that includes preschool kids too.

"I'm definitely in the Dance Performance but I don't know about the others."

"You should join." Kyungsoo said, plopping inot a sit in front of us. "I think you'll have fun doing archery."

"Um, I don't know."

I chuckled and pecked my little princess's forehead. "Aw, come on, Lulu. It'll be fun." He looked over to Kai, whow as just reading his comic. "Hey, is Kai joining too?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. He's never been in any of them actually. I don't get why though. Hey, Kyungsoo, what wouldn't it be cool if you two raced each other? I wonder who would win."

"Huh? It's Kai of course."

"Eh?" Waeyo?" Luhan asked, stealing my question.

"Well when he joined in our third grade class, we had to race each other and he was so fast." Kyungsoo said, making his infamous O.O face.

"Come on, Kyungsoo. Don't you have any intentions in beating him?"

"No, why?"

"It's alright, Sehun." Luhan said to me with a smile. "If Kai doesn't want to join then don't. You'll still have me~~~"

"You're right. That's even better!" I said and kissed his lips.

"Aish, you two digust me."

"Shut up, Kyungsoo."



Still Sehun's POV:

Sports Day...

"Hunnie!!!" I heard Luhan shouted as he ran to me. "Yay! We're on the same team!" He said, holding up the blue slash. "Just watch me win, arraso!"

"Of course baby." I said back, kissing his lips.

"Luhan! Sehun!" We heard Kyungsoo yell. He ran to us, holding his blue slash. "Yay! We're on the same team too! Oh, have you seen Kai?"

"Right here." Kai suddenly appeared, holding a white slash.

My eyes widened. Is he actually joining. "Bowh? Kai, you're on the white team?"

He chuckled. "Aniyo. This is for Lime. She's entering the preschool's race." Next to him, Lime nodded happily as she jumped around her brother.

"Hey, there's Chanyeol. Aye! Chanyeol!"

"Huh? Oh. Hey, you're both on the blue team?" He asked and showed his slash. "I'm on red. Oh and Baekhyun's on purple. T^T"

"Aish, it's not like we're going to die or anything. You're capable to spend one day without me by your side." Baekhyun said, walking up to us. "Hey guys. Oh, you're both on blue?"

"Yepp. Too bad you two are different teams~" Luhan said, smirking at Baekhyun.

I tilted my head and faced him. "What's that suppose to mean?"

"Oh nothing."

"Come on baby, what is it? Is it something to do with Baekhyun?"

"No!" Baekhyun shouted, making the four of us silent. "I-I mean, of course not. Isn't. That. Right, Luhan?" He said between his gritted teeth.


Baekhyun coughed. "Ahem. Luhan? Can I talk to you for a second? Over there?"

"Uh sure. I'll be back." He said to me, kissing my cheek. Some reason, 2pm's song popped up in my head. I'll be back~

Luhan's POV:

"What the hell were you thinking?!" Baekhyun shotued at me before I cover his mouth. I turned to Chanyeol and Sehun and sighed as they didn't hear us.

"You pabo. Keep it down or else they'll hear us."

Baekhyun gave a deep sigh and started to whisper. "Why did you just do that?"

"I was just teasing you."

"Well it wasn't funny!"

"Now you know how it feels right?"

And that was an all kill. Baekhyun gulped and then nodded. "I guess. Sorry but everything then...."

"Mehrong~it's alright. Come on, the games are about to start soon~"


Chanyeol's POV:

First game was a game of dodgeball. Luckily, red and purple team teamed up to get enough players with the blue and white team. There was only one dodgeball, and if you get hit, you become an outfielder on the other teams side and are able to target the other team.

"And start!" The alarm was the signal and everyone was scurrying away. The first throw was shot and hit directly at a blonde girl from my science class, I think her name was Sunshine or Sunny or something. Anyway, she got hit and automatically become a outfielder.

It was pretty difficult to move around and dodge the attacks since there were so many players and little space. But gradually, people are getting out and I just realized there's like only 14 of us left when the other team had like 20.

Luckily, Baekhyun's not out yet, I've been protecting him. Kekeke.

"Aish, watch where you're touching!" I heard Luhan shout on the other team to Sehun.

"Ah waeyo~I'm just protecting you."

"But you went a bit too down!"

"No~I was only at your waist."

"Stop making excuses!" Boom. Luhan was hit on the arm by the ball from a boy named Donghae. "Awww~I'm out." He said with a pout and giggled at Sehun. "Bye now! You better win!"

Sehun gave a determined looked and glared at Donghae. 'I'll kill you.' I can imagine him say that right now. He grabbed the rolling dodgeball and aimed it at Donghae, hitting his face. "Out!" Sehun shouted.

There's my chance, I thought as I ran to grab the ball. I looed up and flung it at Suho, making him out.

Before I knew it, there's only five of us left, two on the other team and three of us. Luckily, Baekhyun was still on my team, not out yet, and we have Sulli too.

While Sehun and Minho was on the other team. Sehun flung the ball at Sulli, she dodged it but a blue outfielder caught it. He aimed at Baekhyun but he dodged it in time. Phew.

Now that there's only a little of us, it's more difficult to play since the outfielders can get the ball and throw it at us at anytime.


I turned around and it was like slow motion when the ball hit Baekhyun's chest. He pouted at me and mouthed the words, 'I'm out.'

I nodded and turned to the person who flung it. Ah, it was Kris. Waeyo!!! Now I just have to win, for my Bacon.

"Hey, Chanyeol. It's just the two of us now." Sehun said and I noticed that Minho and Sulli are out too.

I smirked. "Alright then."

Baekhyun's POV:

"I'll take a strawberry bubble tea. How about you, Baekhyun?"

"I want watermelon."

The two of us snuck out the game when we got out. It was pretty boring kekeke. So we decided to get some drinks. We watched on the sides as Chanyeol and Sehun battled it out against each other. It's pretty stupid since the outfielders have the better advantage than the both of them together.

"What are you two doing?"

The two of us looked up and noticed Chanyeol and Luhan in front of us. "The game ended already?" Luhan asked. We were both carried away talking about this new candy shop that opened. It's like heaven. THere's a choclate fountain, bubble tea, cotton candy. Ah~so much candy~

"Uh, yeah. Guess who won." Sehun said with a smile. He held up his gold metal. Luhan squealled and plopped himself onto his boyfriend.

"Yay! You won! I love you!"

As the two were showering each other with kisses, Chanyeol had his head down, pouting. I giggled and kissed his lips, of course, I had to stand on my tippytoes.

"It's alright, Chanyeol." I said, giving him another kiss. "You did your best."

He nodded and gave a fist pump. "I'll win the next game for you!"

I giggled. "Araso."


No One's POV:

"Ready, set, start!"

The gong was banged and Luhan stood steadily with the bow and arrow in his hand. He carefully aimed it at the target, wanting it to land on the yellow.

Swoosh. Sehun held his bretah as he watched the 10th arrow shot across the field and landed on the red. He gave a deep breath. "Awww. I lost." Luhan said, pouting onto Sehun's chest.

The taller man chuckled and patted Luhan's back. "It's ok, princess. Well, at least Baekhyun won."

"I guess. Congratz, Baekkie!" Luhan shouted as the two jumped up and down.

Finally, it was the basketball game. Luhan and Baekhyun sat on the side as they sipped their bubble tea. Sehun and Chanyeol were apparently on the same team as they were stretching and glaring at their opponents.

Too bad Kris is on the other team.

"Kai, are you sure you're not joining?" A staff asked Kai as he watched from the sides.

"Huh? Oh, no thanks."

"Not even the race?"

"No, sorry."

"Alright then."


Baekhyun's POV:

"Say ah~" Luhan said as he feed Sehun fried rice that he made. "Is it good?" Sehun just nodded happily as his mouth was stuffed.

"So what game's next?" Chanyeol asked.

I looked at the list. "Basically racing. The first one is the 100m race. I think Tao is racing for the purple team. You?"

"Ummm...I think it's Taeyeon, right Sehun?"

"We might as well lose. She has short legs you know."

"Shush. Taeyeon noona is sweet. Remember she used to always buy us ice cream?"


I turned to Chanyeol. "Who's racing for your team?"

"I don't know. But I'm racing in the rollar skating."

"Really? Me too." I smirked. "But you'll go easy on me, right Chanyeol?" I said in the cutest voice I could. He stared at me and gulped.

"Uh, s-sure."

"Awww~you two are sooo cute!!!" Luhan squealled as he took out his phone.

"Hey! No pictures!"

To be continued....

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Hi! Next chapter will be updated soon! I somehow made it a super long chapter so it's goin to take I think around a few hours but I'm almost finished with it.


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Faustine11 #1
Chapter 16: I wanna see kaiso's date
Chapter 16: I can believe you abandon such a good story
Chapter 16: Awh this story is soo fluffy! Wish too have an update soon! Hunhan and baekyeol are just so dhdudheufluff in this.
cassie17 #4
Chapter 16: Oh how much I miss this story~~~
The cuteness of HunHan is just so adklhsfdjag..!!
Well, I'll be waiting for your update!! Hwaiting!!
trixyson #5
awww :(( such a cutie
Hope u update soon!!
I super love this chapter! :))
this is cute.
I hate those gangs who touched Luhan -_-
Sehun is the only one I let.