We're Not in a Relationship

It's Just BasketBall, NOT! It's Love, Stupid!

Sehun's POV:

"Hunnie!" Luhan is rushing threw the crowd and collapses onto my chest. He looks up at me and smiles with those round eyes of his. "You won! You won again! I'm so proud of you!" He yells, snuggling back onto my chest with a huge smile.

I smile as I take a sip of my water bottle. We just won our 6th basketball game in a row. That sets a new record for our school.

Luhan then hurries off when my coach calls us to meet him up at the entrance. "Great game, guys!" He yells out of excitement. "Kai, you were as fast as a cougar, kid. Chanyeol, show some more muscle and beat down those shorties alright? But good work! Taemin, you were amazing and I hope your leg heals soon. Ah, Sehun." Couch smiles at me. "You are the ace as usual. Scoring all those shots as if they were nothing. We're all proud of you."

I smile and bow to him. "Thank you, coach. I'll be even better next game."

He nods and sets everything up. Practice on Thursday at 8. Next game on Saturday at 2 and then Sunday at 4. We'll have to be super serious cos' if we win them, we'll be heading off to the championships.

"Are you excited?" Luhan asks, his arms wrapped around mine and leaning his head on my shoulder. "About the games? You'll be getting the trophy right?"

"I hope so." I say. "Our next two games, we'll be facing the hardest opponents." Luhan nods and puffs his cheeks. Obviously he doesn't know what I'm talking about since this boy isn't interested in anything but music. Which makes me wonder why he even comes to my games. "Are you cold?"

He looks at me with a weird expression like as if I'm from another planet. "Hunnie it's like 80 degrees right now." He smiles.

I roll my eyes and chuckle a bit. "Just trying to be romantic, ya know?"

Luhan gives an  'Ah~' and continues to lean on my shoulder. "You were very cool today." He says, taking another step down the stairs. "Did you hear me cheer for you? I was practically yelling at the top of my lungs."

"Yeah, I heard. Did you see me smile? I smiled cos' I heard your cute voice."

Luhan giggles and gently punches my shoulder. "Aish, you cheesy." He says before wrapping himself around my arm again.

"Hey hey hey! How are you two love birds?" Chanyeol comes rushing in on us. Due to his height, Luhan had to look all the way up to face him. Haha cute. "So your little boyfriend is giving you good luck, huh Sehun?" He says with that cheeky grin that cannot make me mad at him.

I hear Luhan giggle. "For the last time." He glares. "We're not in a relationship, Chanyeol."

Chanyeol continues to smile as he eyes the both of us. "Ah. Well, soon you will. Mark my words, Oh Sehun and Xi Luhan. So anyway," He takes a sip of his drink. "Nice game, Sehun." He pats my back.

I agree and we are already at the out entrance. "Want me to take you home?" I ask Luhan after Chanyeol left. He nods cutely with a wide smile and attaches himself onto my arm again.

"So are we going home that soon?" Luhan asks, breaking the silence between us. "It's too early to go home and I'll be bored."

"Well, what do you want to do?"

He stares up at him with those round of his and smiles. "Let's go buy some ice cream. I'll pay."

"Ice cream? But you had like 5 sodas during the game!"

"Yeah but...." He started to pout cutely and playing with his fingers. "I want to eat some ice cream together~" Luhan says with a small squeal. "Come on~I know you can't resist my puppy eyes."

He once again stares up at me and his lips formed into a pout while watching me with his round eyes. "Please~" He begs again.

I gave a sigh and he leaps on me with a 'yay!' cos' he knows I can't win to his eyes and eventually loses to him. 

"Do you want some?" He asks after receving his ice cream. "I can share with you."

I shake my head and continue walking. He catches up to me. "Come on. Say ah~" He stares at me with those puppy eyes. Argh, the cuteness.

I eventually gave in and let him feed me. Luhan giggles as he wipes off the strawberry on my cheek. "So let's go home now."

"Not yet." I say. "I sorta need help with my homework~" A small embarassing laugh came out of my mouth as I scratch the back of my head. "Please?"

Luhan smiles and holds my hand tightly. "Arraso. But I'm not doing your homework for you. Remember what happened last time?"

I smile. "Oh yeah." Last time, I beeged Luhan to do my homework and he did. But eventually the teacher could tell apart our handwriting and gave us both detention. It did not end well. Seriously, it did not. Like, Luhan was literraly holding a pocketknife and sharpening it.

Suddenly, Luhan gets a text message. He giggles as he read and fumbles with his phone. "Who was that?" I ask after he put his phone away. I'm not jealous or anything.

Luhan looks up at me, his eyes sparkling. "Oh, that's just Baekhyun. We're going to the mall on Saturday."

"Again? That's like the third time in a row!"

"So? We like shopping~" Luhan says with a giggle. "I'll buy you stuff, don't worry."

Byun Baekhyun is one of Luhan's friends, along with Chen and Xiumin. Baekhyun is the...hyper one. He loves to run around and be all energetic about stuff, in other words, he's like bacon, don't ask, just go with it.

Chen is more like the quiet type, though he sings very well and he's polite around people. Xiumin...let's say we mistaken him for a lost baby the first time. He has like dumpling cheeks and a face so round he seriously looks like a little baby.

"So what are you going to buy?"

Luhan shurgs and takes another on his ice cream. "I don't really know. We're just gonna hang around and eat sweets and stuff. In other words, we're being teenagers."

That made both of us laugh. "Do you want to come with us?" Luhan asks, wrapping himself around my arm again.

I ponder and my dry lips. "Sure. Do you want me to bring Chanyeol too? I think he'll be a great help if we get bored and stuff."

"Ok!" Luhan smiles at my suggestion. "Plus, it'll be nice for him to meet Baekhyun. They sorta have a lot in common. Well, and that he'll stop teasing us. And we'll go to your basketball game right after the mall, there, everything's settled." He giggles.

I couldn't help but smile with him. 


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This is the first time I'm answering comments and stuff so bear with me if I make a mistake :-P

@Sehunny- Oh thank you! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! :)

@Haefany4eva- Yepp. It was just a memory from Sehun. I hope you liked it :D

@Maximumj- Thank you! Lol I just randomly found the backround pic but I'm glad you like it ^^

For all those who subscribed, thank you! I hope you'll be able to comment next time!!! x333

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Hi! Next chapter will be updated soon! I somehow made it a super long chapter so it's goin to take I think around a few hours but I'm almost finished with it.


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Faustine11 #1
Chapter 16: I wanna see kaiso's date
Chapter 16: I can believe you abandon such a good story
Chapter 16: Awh this story is soo fluffy! Wish too have an update soon! Hunhan and baekyeol are just so dhdudheufluff in this.
cassie17 #4
Chapter 16: Oh how much I miss this story~~~
The cuteness of HunHan is just so adklhsfdjag..!!
Well, I'll be waiting for your update!! Hwaiting!!
trixyson #5
awww :(( such a cutie
Hope u update soon!!
I super love this chapter! :))
this is cute.
I hate those gangs who touched Luhan -_-
Sehun is the only one I let.