Cupid's Arrow

It's Just BasketBall, NOT! It's Love, Stupid!

*Double update


Sehun's POV:

Things haven't really been the same after my incident with Luhan. I can't shoot even one shot into the basket and I keep losing during our practice games.

"Um, hey Luhan." I say as I walk towards his locker. Luhan doesn't look at me and slams his locker before turning away from me. He's been like this for a week now.

For a week, I've at basketball. For a week, I lost my best friend.

"Seriously, what's wrong with you?" Kris, one of my friends, ask me. "You at basketball. You can't even beat Suho."


"Sorry but it's true."

I take a deep breath and stare at my phone. Flipping the slide over and over again, I kept staring at the picture with me and Luhan holding those keychains.

"Is this about Luhan?" Chanyeol finally asks. I shoot my head up and he just smirks. "It is, isn't it? Tell us what's wrong. Maybe we can help."

I hesitate but soon give in. I tell him about all those wet dreams I've been having and why I feel so hot around Luhan whenever he smiles and stuff.

They stand slient for a while. "........AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!" They're laughing their asses off right now.

"Hey, guys! I'm serious here!" I shout but they continue to laugh. Chanyeol's nearly about to faint. Kris's grabbing onto his stomach like it was his life. Kai's sorta rolling on the floor and Suho gets his water up his nose.

"S-sorry Sehun." Suho says. "But is that really bothering you from your basketball?"

"Well...whenever I see or hear his voice...I always remember my dream...and I can't concentrate at all." They slowly stop laughing."

"Well what are you doing to do now? He's clearly pissed at you. I mean, who just randomly calls him a ?" Kai says.

I glare at him. "I don't need a recap." My mouth snaps at him. "But whenever I want to say sorry or get close to him, he just walks away. He hates me now."

"Then do something about it."

"Like what?"

"I don't know. Just do something."

Suho sighs. "P.E. class is next. That's the only class you and Luhan have together. Go and apologize and DON'T mess up. Oh and Chanyeol."


"You're in the same class too. Don't let Sehun mess up."

"Aish, fine."


Luhan's POV:

"So what are you going to do now?" Baekhyun asks. We just came out of our lab class and heading to the locker room to change for P.E.

"Well. We're sorta heading off to P.E. What do you think we're going to do?"

"Not that." He says, slipping into his shirt. "I meant about Sehun." I freeze when he says that name. Sehun? What about him? He doesn't care about me.

"Nothing. Just gonna ignore him."


We play dodgeball today. Which is the best for me. Cos' my angelic looks always protect. Waeyo? Cos' I'm the prince of this school. Usually when a ball is aiming at me, someone blocks it for me. Hahaha.

"Hey, Luhan watch out!" I turn around to the familiar voice and I see Chanyeol jump to the side then a dodgeball bangs onto my face.


Chanyeol's POV:

"Luhan!" A small boy runs towards Luhan and picks him up. Luhan buries his hands to his face because the dodgeball hit him hard. "Oh my gosh, are you alright?.....Yah! Oh Sehun! What's wrong with you!"


"You can't aim at his face!"

"I'm sorry! It was an accident! Here, I'll take him to the nurse." Sehun was about to walk to Luhan when that boy shook his head.

"Forget it." He says. Wow, he's fierce. I likey. "I'll take him."

The boy slowly picks Luhan up but as he does, the boy's shirt hikes up and I could see his stomach. It's like so milky and cute.

"Aish." Sehun was ruffling through his hair as he knew he messed up. "Great. I hit his face. Now he's going to hate me even more.....Chanyeol? Yo, fire to Chanyeol? Anybody there?"

I snap my head out of my daze. "Huh? What'd you say?"

"What were you looking at?"

"Uh nothing. Say, who's that boy that took Luhan to the nurse?" I ask. "Not that I'm desperate or anything. Just curious."

"That boy? Oh. He's Byun Baekhyun, one of Luhan's friends. You know that day when Luhan was talking about taking his friend to the mall? Yeah that was him."

Byun Baekhyun. I think I just got hit by cupid's arrow.



Sorry. I'm not going to be answering comments this time. I'm very tired right now because three of my best friends are arguing and got me involved. So I don't who's side to take.

But the bright side is that my gradutation is in a week so i'll hold everything in for a week then everything will be over. No more drama, no more fights.

I'll be sure to reply your comments next time :)))

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Hi! Next chapter will be updated soon! I somehow made it a super long chapter so it's goin to take I think around a few hours but I'm almost finished with it.


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Faustine11 #1
Chapter 16: I wanna see kaiso's date
Chapter 16: I can believe you abandon such a good story
Chapter 16: Awh this story is soo fluffy! Wish too have an update soon! Hunhan and baekyeol are just so dhdudheufluff in this.
cassie17 #4
Chapter 16: Oh how much I miss this story~~~
The cuteness of HunHan is just so adklhsfdjag..!!
Well, I'll be waiting for your update!! Hwaiting!!
trixyson #5
awww :(( such a cutie
Hope u update soon!!
I super love this chapter! :))
this is cute.
I hate those gangs who touched Luhan -_-
Sehun is the only one I let.